YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The Politics of Aristotle

Essays 241 - 270

Friendship According to Aristotle

me to the airport as an appropriate use of your resources (your time and your car), given our relationship and the circumstances i...

'Good Life' According to Socrates

interaction with the world, ourselves, and others. Our perceptual capacities are not fixed; they are not static or one-dimensiona...

Aristotle and Aquinas on Beauty

He created man and should do whatever it takes to support his development and sustenance. To that end, he saw it necessary to main...

Ethical Leadership: Article Comparison

the primary location where policy is derived. There are myriad ethical considerations in the daily world of business, and each on...

Aristotle & Hume On Ethics

this sentiment and states that it is good when each individual realizes their talents and abilities to their fullest. Speaking in ...

Cicero & Rhetoric

role in eloquent speech. Another similarity is that Cicero, like Aristotle, believes that an effective orator is a person of high ...

The Problem of Free Will and How It is Treated in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House

will is responsible for the subsequent chain of events. Therein is the problem of free will. If it in fact exists, how...

The Problem of Isolation as Evaluated by Existentialist Philosophers

is aligned with the fact that people are alone all of the time because no one can experience what they are experiencing exactly. I...

What is Law?

virtue by the wayside. Virtuous men and women are well behaved. Aristotle makes a good point. For this theorist, virtue is learned...

The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir

womens lives were a measurement in comparison to these male priorities and values. The life of a woman, in other words, was that ...

Ethics and Biogenetics

to heart disease and diabetes (Webster, 1999). Thanks to biogenetics, in fact, researchers can grow human cells in the laboratory ...

Comparative Analysis of Aristotle and Plato's Philosophies

that there is just one objective right way of doing things and on the other hand, there are many truths, is an enormous difference...

Looking at Empiricism and Rationalism

also believed in one realm. Spinoza writes: "By God, I mean a Being absolutely infinite -- that is, a substance consisting in inf...

Scientific Knowledge Foundations

and bring the concept back to reality, most people know someone who gets wonderful grades in school, but does not have a lick of c...

Aristotelian Ethics and Groundhog Day

with pleasure, which is why they "love the life of enjoyment" (Aristotle). Considering this stance, the next development in the m...

Politics and Imaginary Dialogues

In ten pages this tutorial paper imagines a lively dialogue between political philosophers including St. Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle...

Analysis of Tom Tykwer's 1999 Film Run Lola Run

as an imitation of reality, "it holds a mirror up to nature" (Durant, 1961, p. 59). Aristotle notes that human beings find pleasur...

Position Argument Structuring

Ulman, 2005, PG). In order to construct a successful argument for a particular position, therefore, one has to first amass th...

Aristotle and Plato on the Soul

human being for a short span of time. The cave allegory is quite well known and has been used by many to interpret Platos philosop...

Aristotle the Comedian?

is counterfeit and he gets into trouble for using the cash. He gives it away freely and frequently and makes himself appear quite ...

Preemptive War and Moral Considerations

This itself is also likely to have been influenced by the long Peloponnesian war in which Plato himself was involved. Different me...

Aristotle and Sebastian de Grazia on Leisure

In fact, he suggests that work is done for the "sake of leisure" (267). More completely, Aristotle believed that it is important ...

Aristotelian Tragedy of Oedipus Rex

of tragic flow Aristotle also stipulates that the plot of a tragedy should follow a logical tragic flow. Aristotle writes that "a...

Greek Culture and the Evolution of Science

of science there are two branches which are epistemology and metaphysics (Honderich, 1995). Science makes up an important part of ...

Teaching Virtue

who live with us and present themselves in abundance, as far as is possible. Wherefore we must keep them before us1." Here, it see...

3 Questions on Philosophical Thought and its Effects

like the male philosophers of the day. She was the exception. While by and large, the people saw women as having a subservient pla...

Justice and Self Interest Philosophies

when it is expressed as a love of virtue, and justice when it is considered as one of many virtues. For Hobbes, self-interest "ta...

Christianity and Whether or not Belief in God Has Become Less Important Than Belief in Jesus Christ

Christ. The polytheistic society of ancient Greece was already moving toward belief in a single god by the time of Plato and his ...

Aristotle and John Stuart Mill on Virtue

is not that everyone just does what they think is right or what society tells them is right, but they sense that something good co...

Ideals of Plato and Contemporary Education

employee believes a child is abused, they must call the authorities. If a child has a fight in school, the latest trend is to file...