YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The Practice and Philosophy of Adult Education

Essays 121 - 150

UK Education Policy Prior to and Following the Second World War

late 1830s, more than two-thirds of the working class population was literate (West, 2002). In an attempt to address the educatio...

Nursing Philosophy for Professional Practice

nurses should understand these patients thoroughly, "who they are, where they live and with whom, their current health status and ...

Comparing Platonism and Atomism

concerning change in the world. Although the methods of reasoning they used were not those of the modern scientific method, it is ...

Fides et Ratio - Philosophy

philosophy itself has changed" (#47) over the centuries (47). This field no longer seeks universal truth and wisdom, it is little ...

Juvenile And Adult Court: Comparison

5) have a court transcript proceedings and 6) appeal (Dane County Clerk of Courts, 2006). The one most distinguishing difference b...

Bruce Lee’s Philosophy

who indicates that Lee possessed "Philosophical notions of action and inaction, self and not-self, voidness and wholeness, spontan...

First Meditation of Rene Descartes

Most people like an ordered existence. It makes them feel comfortable with the real uncertainty of life. Descartes made "doubt" a ...

Socrates, Aristotle, and Their Philosophies

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares the philosophies of Socrates and Aristotle with virtue concepts being the primary ...

John Dewey's Educational Philosophy

of education is determined by the many forces struggling against each other during any given era, forces such as political, religi...

Ralph Emerson's Statement 'One Must Be an Inventor to Read Well'

In four pages this essay analyzes Emerson's quote and the philosophies that inspired this outlook....

Theories of Plato versus Confucius' Analects in Lun Yü of K'ung Fu-Tzu

In eight pages this paper discusses social reformation in a contrast and comparison of the philosophies of Plato and Confucius....

Children with Special Needs and Education

In three pages this paper discusses special needs children and includes the personal philosophy of the writer regarding educationa...

The Outsider by Albert Camus and Perspective Narrative

a "benign indifference of the universe." This discussion will examine how the narrator, Meursault, aka Camus, gets that message a...

Film Death and the Maiden

my tendency , would be to ask her what she gains for herself, by hanging on to this hurtfulness, Was she at some level repeating ...

Communications Skills of Oprah Winfrey

she werent sincere, she simply wouldnt do it. This is an advantage of having the control she does - she can choose what she wants ...

NYC Teacher Importance

would enhance any educational environment. For example, I have learned the importance of both teaching and learning, and believe ...

Philosophy Defined by Philosphers

explain why this is so. Descartes also questioned the ability of a dreamer to know whether or not he is dreaming. Many people do a...

3 Questions on Philosophical Thought and its Effects

like the male philosophers of the day. She was the exception. While by and large, the people saw women as having a subservient pla...

Classroom Management Philosophy

or love of their subject matter and a desire to motivate students. Problematic Behaviors Problematic behaviors are actions by s...

Professional Practice and Nursing Philosophy

and religious background and beliefs, as well as how the health/illness continuum works within the framework of their life. "Env...

Advanced Nursing Practice Philosophy

therapeutic manner (Tourville and Ingalls, 2003). This relationship may refer to a single individual, or the "person" may be a sma...

Nursing Philosophy and Practice, Their Relationship

This research paper discusses nursing theory and nursing practice, as well as the theories of Watson and Orem. Seven pages in leng...

Philosophy as the Practice of Death by Plato as Evaluated by Descartes

This research report looks at how Descartes would feel about Plato's ideas. Would he agree with Plato in his ideas about death? Th...

Philosophy Shapes Research, Research Shapes Practice

serving as common denominators for any potentially unified answer: Mans beliefs are either perceptional or inferential in nature (...

Benefits of Acquiring Another Language

Recent research has found that parts of the brain grow when adults learn another language, which would make this endeavor very hel...

Analysis of Self-Directed Adult Learning

In a paper of eighteen pages, the writer looks at adult learning. The principles of adult learning are explored through the idea o...

North Carolin's Justice

of age or older at the time the juvenile allegedly committed an offense that would be a felony if committed by an adult. If the al...

Mentally-Disabled Young Adults, STIs Education

and personal factors such as the level of disability, must be supported in order to help people with intellectual disability to re...

Life Span vs Life Expectancy

secure and safe. Bowlby believed that all animals, including humans, are born with the desire to be close to their parents in orde...

Comparing Mission and Philosophy Statements in regards to Nursing

from those of education- focused institutions, when the institution in question is a nursing school, there are similarities, as we...