YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Theories of Parity

Essays 61 - 90

Financial Theory and Corporate Policy

choice will be made between the alternatives (Elton et al, 2002). There may be situations where there is certainty of outcome. Thi...

Theories of Organizational Change

The process of successful change was observed by Lewin as occurring in three stages; unfreezing, change and refreezing (Lewin, 195...

Models of Leadership

that the organization performs, financially and in other ways, such as satisfying stallholder needs, this makes it a very relevant...

Considering a Leadership Experience

leadership style of the student may be seeking to emulate this, with consideration of others and seeking to listen. However, more...

Specific Leadership Theories

the mid- to late-1960s. Burns identified the difference between transactional and transformational leadership theories. In 1968, B...

Theories of Motivation and Leadership

and Mazur 823). Obviously, Stogdills "Great Man" theory was the foundation of what has become known as the charismatic leadership...

Different Types of Attention Models

In five pages Deutsch and Deutsch's theory of response selection, the attenuation theory of Treisman, and the selection filter the...

Kindleberger on the World Economy

the overall health of a nations citizens can be used as an indicator of economic primacy is certainly debatable; however, the Worl...

The Basic Concepts Related to Chaos Theory

8 pages and 6 sources. This paper provides an overview of the basic concepts related to the chaos theory. This paper outlines the...

Social Psychological Theory Current Event

This paper applies a social psychological theory to a current event. The paper demonstrates how the theory can be applied to a ver...

The Application of Theories on Education in Nursing

In a paper of ten pages, the author reflects on nursing theories and educational theories, including constructivism and the theori...

Applying Ariely's Theories

Ariely offered the Fudge Factor Theory and the theory of ego depletion to explain why good people cheat. This paper provides a bri...

Leadership Motivation Conflict, Emotional Intelligence

What leadership styles can be related to what motivational theories? Effective leaders know there is a direct connection between t...

Tornstam's Gerotranscendence Theory

formulated by Lars Tornstam, a Swedish professor of sociology, has provided a new conceptualization of aging, as this theory perce...

Theories in the Field of Criminology

between Alien Conspiracy Theory and ethnic succession theories is that the former relies on physical and biological factors, where...

Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling: Case Study Analysis

of school for a year and needs direction. He has never held a job. Mark is currently living with his parents, receives SSI benefit...

Early Moral Development Theories

One of the earliest moral development theory came from Kohlberg who offered a stage theory in three levels. This theory has been t...

Approaches to Psychology

as cycle speed follows no set pattern and can overlap one another within the maturation process. "In early developmental theories...

The Film 'A Thousand Acres' Four Psychological Theoretical Reviews

Cordelia character actually evolves as more of a villain than victim. Dramatic Interpretation From a dramatic perspective, it is ...

Aggression Considered in Three Views

can result in aggressive responses" (FAT, 2004). A triggering event can frequently be something insignificant, such as a joke, ges...

Performance of Employees and Motivation

attempting to induce others to accept certain goals and/or standards (, 2004). There are important caveats managers...

Derived Theory of Smoking Relapse Analyzed

then transpose and restate it, in order to explain the phenomenon (1987). Then, the identification of content from the parent theo...

Nursing Theories Core Concepts

2005, p. 4). She incorporated the environment into the theory along with numerous other factors and variables, all of which would ...

Change Models And Leadership

are very similar and one will find the same or very similar components and steps across models. 2. Theory E and Theory O Leaders...

Motivating Employees At Three Companies - A Tutorial

has to do with your TPS Writers opinion. You should use your own opinion. For example, you might not believe in Maslows or Vrooms...

Management Theory; The Links Between Theory and Practice

used to be highly correlated, but today power often comes from the way leadership is exercised, with power being that which is giv...

Systems Thinking

a network within ecological communities that provided organisms with the means to life. In 1928, a Hungarian biologist, Ludwig vo...

Expectancy Violation Theory

actor, that individuals evaluation of the behavior of the person conducting the interview are also likely to be positive according...

2 Crime Theories Compared

typically combined with estate forfeiture, so the condemned mans wife and children were destitute. This is the sociopolitical cl...

Hubbert's Peak

(The Coming Global Oil Crisis 2003). Some Middle Eastern countries said their oil peaked in 1970, which allowed OPEC to create an ...