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Essays 151 - 180

England and African Immigration

even two decades ago and London has changed completely. It is a challenge for both immigrants and natives to accommodate each othe...

French Canadians at the End of the 19th Century

"the aspirations of the people themselves. The controlling idea of the French Canadian is to retain...

The Gambino Family

Luciano would bring the Mafia into the modern age, putting the group into organized crime. Out of the ruins of the Masseria and Ma...

Jesus & Worship, Romans 12, Etc.

Testament, these words generally refer to "service associated with the work done in the temple."6 In the New Testament, these word...

History of Theatrical Lighting

necessity of lighting the stage meant the use of oil lamps and dozens of candles, but the smoke was irritating and the open flames...

Medieval Sculpture

Medieval sculpture is of special interest in regard to the varying influence of the Christian faith on the sculpture that was prod...

The History and Impacts of Coal

impacts of coal, however, have been positive. Indeed, the thesis can be presented that coal has impacted human culture in a diver...

An Evaluation of the Open Court Reading Program

accelerate reading skills among elementary students. This goal has been necessitated by the prevalence of students who were passi...

Canadian Indian Policy and the Problems Associated With It

areas this number rises to an even more embarrassing 51.3 percent (Canada and the World Backgrounder, 2006, 4). This compares to ...

The Evolution of U.S. Domestic and Foreign Policies

however, their rights to the newly settled lands was ephemeral as well. Soon in her history America was looking westward....

The History of Government in Italy

of the House of Savoy became King of Italy in 1861 and Rome was incorporated in 1870 (U.S. Department of State, 2006)....

Livy's History of Rome/Heroes & Villains

king also ordered killed. They were subsequently left to die of exposure and were discovered by a she-wolf. Discovered by the king...

John Moretta/William Penn & Quaker Legacy

historiography of Penn scholarship to-date. However, it would have been enlightening and perhaps made his text more appealing to h...

Civil War Naval History

navy of the Confederate States of America. Roughly one-fifth of US naval officers resigned and joined the Southern rebels. In hi...

Emotional Intelligence in the High Technology Workplace

Indeed, even prior to Golmans book the importance of the ability to interrelate with others as a factor in determining business su...

A History of Foreign Language Curricula in American Schools

of the world speaks languages other than English. Hence, there is good reason to speak the language. Yet, American public schools ...

The Emergence Of The Modern Congress And Presidency

and every bureau" (Sundquist, 1981, p. 38) every year. Prior to that Act, each department and bureau had to submit their own progr...

The Evolution of Laws Protecting Archaeological Resources and Native American Graves

the varied cultures of the Native American that has developed over time symbolizes "oppression and the pervasiveness of racist pra...

The History and Development of Computer Aided Design

the CAD programs that were designed with engineering application, such as the automotive and aeronautical industries where there w...

The Land Problem and the Collapse of the Roman Republic

assistance from the government. Another problem involving the land was the fact that aristocrats were buying up large tracts and ...

Human Evolution: Physical and Cultural Changes

when humans began eating meat (Lemonick et. al.). Contemporary belief is that the eating of meat gave a high fat diet which led t...

A History of Women's Suffrage

he should remember the ladies (Adams, 2003). Of course, the term "ladies" would be discarded down the road as being derogatory. To...

Drowning in Debt

debt than they do in savings, which means that a great many people are on the edge: one serious illness or accident and they will ...

The History of Marijuana; Legal Status and Usage

6,000 BCE as well as for textiles in 4,000 BCE in China and it is also recorded as being used as a medicine in China in 2727 (Narc...

The Mystery of Melchizedek

King of Salem (ancient Jerusalem) befriended Abraham and his men after their victory over those kings that had taken Sodom and Gom...

Stuik’s “A Concise History of Mathematics”

and the development of the numbers such as three being the adding of the words for one and two being put together. When talking ...


in the call and answer format, with matching phrases with the use of many V - I cadences and then open cadences to allow the respo...

Popular Culture: Forging a Distinctive Identity

Each of these distinctive elements of society sprang from the pressing need to forge a distinctive self identity. Each was fed by...

Free Banking Vs Federal Reserve

and public entities (Flaherty, 2003). However, the charter was not renewed in 1811 (Flaherty, 2003). With the lack of a central b...

Similarities: Gregor Samsa and Franz Kafka

same occupation (Batson, 2007). Samsas immediately family is modeled on Kafkas (Batson, 2007). Samsa is the eldest child; in the ...