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Essays 151 - 180

Transgendered, Transsexual, and Homosexual Individuals and Religion

sex with a male, after the manner of sex with a woman, they have both committed an abomination, they shall surely be killed" (Quot...

Similarities and Differences That Exist Among Global Religions

that their God will ultimately rule the world, that the Jews have established the doctrines of faith and hope as the "two most pro...

Judaism and Buddhism

doctrines of faith and hope as the two primary elements of Judaism (Schechter, 2002). Buddhism decrees outright respect for...

Overview of Contemporary Judaism

The Jews wait for God to send the Messiah who will save them. This is the primary point of divergence between Christians and Jews...

Shintoism and the Lost Tribes of Israel

and their Roman conquers. This, again, led to another great scattering of the Jewish people (Jones, 1996). Although there has been...

Gershom Scholem and Franz Kafka's Interpretations of Judaism

and we can start to see the representation of Judaism in Kafkas work, Scholem stated that "Although unaware of it himself, [Kafkas...

Zionism and Orthodox Judaism Schism

to this day" (Shamish, nd). One central belief is that the Written and Oral Torah represents the word of God without any kind of h...

Homosexuality and World Religions

represents a threat to those ideals is subject to punition" (Swidler). While the protection of womens morality is common throughou...

Religion Exploration

America, they worked very hard to convert the Native American Indians, who obviously did not believe in Jesus Christ. The new set...

Women's Suffrage Movement In Canada

women voting was by no means in the best interest of the country at large and the family unit in particular. Clearly, at the foun...

A Comparison of Five Religions

Koran, Jews follow the Torah or Tanakh (Rich, 2006), Buddhists follow the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama was is also known as the...

Christian and Jewish Ethics

strictly forbidden. Supported by the assertion that "the life of a person is not his - rather, it belongs to the One Who granted ...

Cisneros/”Loose Woman”

called a "beast," when she all along she thought she was a woman. This humorous beginning not only shows two diametrically opposed...

Basis of Judaism, Christianity & Islam

but rather on living according to Gods word in this life. Judaism introduced into the world a high moral standard of love and just...

Concepts of God

throughout most of Western history, Christianity has practiced active and persistent racism against Jews, as European pogroms agai...

Continuity between Judaism and Christianity

any connections to the Jewish faith or even that "Jesus himself was Jewish" (Sandmel 251). However, this situation was very diff...

Jewish Burial And Mourning Customs

This also explains why autopsies of Jewish people are not allowed (, 2005). Besides the fact that this type of procedure...

Jewish Culture & Asher Lev

of four, Ashers mother encouraged him to make "pretty pictures," but Ashers father, even a this young age, saw the conflict betwee...

Baptism And Ablution

ritual in pagan religions for the purpose of purifying oneself (Barnes 2000). Although the term baptism is not found in the Old ...

Evolution of Christianity from Judaic Roots

scholarly and historical thought on this subject offers guidance on these issues. Christianity "was born of Judaism: it was the ...

The Religions of Abraham

at the other religions, we see that all three believe in the "Word of God" as a direct and personal message to Man from the Divine...

Jewish Law, Dehydration Death, and Poverty

into a selfish, egotistical and myopic entity; no longer are people more concerned with others than they are with themselves. The...

Religions of Asia

over the centuries, and in those changes we can see the way in which the teachings of the religion have turned outward to impact t...

Religious Fundamentalism and its Dangers

first arose, "on the basis that fundamental principles upon which the larger religious group is supposedly founded have become cor...

Significance of Religion and Geography in the Middle East

the local political process (Ceasar, 2005). The Dawa party which is religious based was the top winner in that election (Ceasar, ...

Religious Importance of Jerusalem

And finally, can the nature of Jerusalem as a "sacred space" for all three faiths "throw any light on the conduct of politicians a...

Conflict and 3 Abrahamic Religions

basis of the religion (Esposito, 1978). This began his quest for a true religion. Muhammad believed that both Judaism and Christi...

Sexuality in Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism

paths of their hair and the red dot or bindi that is displayed on the forehead" indicate they are sexually active in many ways (La...

Comparison of Muslim, Hindu, and Jewish Prayer

in the woods or when theory are alone or even when they are in a crisis situation. Prayer under the umbrella of many religions is ...

Ideology, Politics, and Religious Leadership of Ancient Israel

In 4 pages this paper discusses the leadership, politics, and ideologies that existed in Israel during the time period between the...