YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :A Psychological Profile of Madonna

Essays 781 - 810

The Causes of the Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal

The writer looks at some of the potential influences that resulted in the abuse at Abu Ghraib Prison occurring and continuing. The...

Laws and Ethics of Testing

(2) informed consent is implied because testing is conducted as a routine educational, institutional or organizational activity" (...

Social Bonding Social Control Labeling

an outcast. They are not allowed to bond back into the society so they become more entrenched in crime (OConnor, 2006). Hirschi...

Development in the Adolescent Stage

deliberate decisions and choices, especially about vocation, sexual orientation, and life in general, role confusion becomes a thr...

Benefits of Acquiring Another Language

Recent research has found that parts of the brain grow when adults learn another language, which would make this endeavor very hel...

Policymaking Security

This essay demonstrates that psychologists are learning how to interview potential terrorists more effectively. It also explains t...

Advertisements and Gender Roles

In a paper of four pages, the writer looks at gender roles as they appear in advertisements. Two classic ads for Coke and Pepsi ar...

Questions Pertaining to Psychology

This research paper explores three issues pertaining to psychological practice. These issues are burnout and its significance to t...

Substance Abuse Effects

This essay provides information related to the ADA and substance abuse. It then discusses medical, social, psychological, and voca...

Animal and Human Bonding - An Analysis

In a paper of eleven pages, the writer looks at human and animal bonds. The impact of these bonds on psychological bond is examine...

Diagnostic Process for DSM IV TR

In a paper of four pages, the writer looks at the process of diagnosing psychological disorders. The five axis diagnosis process i...

The Truman Show and 1984

This essay contrasts the use of psychological manipulation in "The Truman Show," directed by Peter Weir, and George Orwell's 1984....

Van Gogh and the Theories of Jung Adler and Freud

This paper is a psychoanalysis of Vincent Van Gogh. Using the theories of prominent psychoanalyst, the author attempts to provide...

How to Explain Human Sexuality to an Alien

Psychological, cultural and biological perspectives are utilized to explain human sexuality. Homosexuality is touched on. There ar...

A Smoke Cessation Plan

Today, a good treatment plan for smoke cessation would consist of emotional support, CBT techniques and the use of the patch or ni...

"The Story of an Hour," Effect of Patriarchy

This essay pertains to "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin. The writer presents the argument that the principal point that Chopi...

"Crash" and Psychology

In a paper of fifteen pages, the writer looks at the film "Crash". Jean Cabot is analyzed as a source for psychological content in...

Tolstoy's Ivan Ilyich and Redemption

This essay pertains to the psychological journey that Tolstoy's protagonist undergoes and how he ultimately comes to the epiphany ...

Justinian - The Psychology of His Reign

In a paper of eighteen pages, the writer looks at Justinian. Psychological factors motivating his relationships with his inner cir...

Discussion Questions for Counselors

In a paper of eleven pages, the writer looks at the process of counseling. Many aspects of professional psychological counseling a...

Children of Divorced Families: The Dimensions of Impact

in the process. That said, the sheer prevalence of such studies does seem to suggest that some kind of causal relationship exists ...


using this paper properly! Despite an overwhelming misconception, the quest to establish and then maintain physical fitness is a...

Facial Recognition: A Process View

and often mystified thinkers for decades. While it is clear to us that facial recognition is largely an innate process (after all,...

The Importance of Title in Van Der Zee's "A Secret Sorrow"

marriage can never be because of the information she kept from Kai. Kai arrives, however, and impresses upon her that she must tel...

Bonaparte and France

exploits are so large that he is no longer simply an historical figure, but a legend. Given his status, and the wealth of informat...

Androcentrism in the World of "The Yellow Wallpaper"

in 1892, tells the story of a woman who is diagnosed with a psychological disorder and is subjected to the prevailing treatments o...

What Should a Counselor Think about When Determining the Way That Clients Notes Should Be Recorded?

helping clients "to understand and clarify their views of their life-space, and to learn to reach their self-determined goals thro...

The Use of Psychology in the Development and Use of Brands

positive impression of the product and help to stimulate demand. In order to assess this the first stage is to consider how and wh...

An Overview of Sociobiological Criminology

tension between the need to maintain social order and the actions of some individuals which threaten that social order. This tensi...

A Look at Sensory Perception

a certain way. Yet, there are problems that come up in perception. For example, people perceive objects differently, and sometimes...