YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Anti Abortion Argument Paper

Essays 391 - 420

Overview of Important Global Issues

In six pages significant global issues including DNA selection of baby sex, deforestation, euthanasia, family, divorce, genetic en...

Canada, the U.S. and the Politics of Abortion

In a paper consisting of ten pages the abortion issue in terms of regulations either prohibiting or granting them along with the h...

Catholic Church's Official Position on Abortion and Contraceptives

This paper examines the Catholic Church's position regarding women, sexuality, and issues such as abortion and contraception in ni...

RU486 and its American Societal Impact

In nine pages this paper examines the abortion pill's socioeconomic effects upon America. Six sources are cited in the bibliograp...

Federal and Georgia State Constitutions Compared

In eight pages the Federal Constitution and Georgia State Constitution are compared on three issues of abortion, capital punishmen...

Legalizing Abortion

believe in a womans right to choose. INTERVIEWER: So, do you believe that abortion should be legal? NURSE: Yes, I do. INTERVIEWER:...

State and National Abortion Policies

"undue burden" on the woman who desires an abortion (CNN, 2000). The state of Nebraska was attempting to outlaw partial birth abor...

Treatment of the Unborn Child, Surrogacy Laws, and Abortion

Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom v DHSS (1981) with reference to the Abortion Act 1967 (Lexis, 2003). This makes abo...

Debate Over Partial Birth Abortions

pregnancies via partial birth abortions. "The most prevalent rationale used to justify abortion in general is that of preserving ...

Abortion from a Liberalism Perspective

In five pages this paper ethically examines abortion from libertarian, liberal, and conservative vantage points with an expressed ...

The Cider House Rules by John Irving Literary Review

this argument with great compassion. While Homer develops a sincere admiration for Dr. Larch, he disagrees with abortion because ...

The Philosophies of David Hume and Rene Descartes Applied to the Abortion Issue

This, he asserted, was mans freedom of the will, in which people are able to determine their own choices, rather than be automatic...

J.S. Mill's 'On Liberty' and Abortion

issue. The extreme range of emotions that are involved in the debate concerning abortion can be difficult for the woman in a situ...

Pros and Cons of Abortion

In twelve pages this paper examines the abortion issue from both sides with issues such as the famous Roe v. Wade case discussed. ...

U.S. Abortion Policy Decisions

1997). In the case of an unborn fetus this consideration becomes exceedingly complex. The right of a woman to control her own bo...

Abortion According to Utilitarianism and Kantian Ethics

(Larue, 1998). This value determination was given a moral rationalization and basis through interpretations of scripture and relig...

Comparing Japan and the U.S. on the Issue of Abortion

This paper consists of five pages and includes a brief background history on abortion before weighing its pros and cons and then c...

Justice and Abortion According to Bernard Boxill and Ronald Dworkin

In ten pages the opinions contained within Boxill's Blacks and Social Justice and Dworkin's Life's Dominions are examined as they ...

Abortion and Counseling

In five pages this paper discusses the ethical conflict regarding abortion that might arise between a client and a counselor and h...

Abortion from a Kantian Point of View

In this argumentative paper of five pages the Kantian normality perspective is employed to argue that abortion is not always wrong...

Use of the RU 486 Abortion Drug

In seven pages mifepristone or the RU 486 abortion drug is examined in an overview of its uses, advantages and disadvantages, and ...

Abortion Issue

In five pages this paper examines the abortion issue from the perspective of the Roman Catholic Church principles. Seven sources ...

Psychological Impact of Post Abortion Syndrome

In eight pages this paper discusses post abortion syndrome in a consideration of its psychological effects. Five sources are cite...

Abortion, Teen Pregnancy, and Risks

influence how soon that same adolescent may have a second baby. Correspondingly, if our adolescent mom continues her education, s...

Abortion and the Complexities of its Issues

In six pages this paper examines abortion in a consideration of its many complex issues. Five sources are cited in the bibliograp...

Abortion in South Korea and Religious Influences

was accepted as a method for achieving this goal (Beals, 2002, p. 24). During this era, the majority of women seeking abortions we...

Argumentative Essay on the Personal Decision of Abortion

involves a critical evaluation of values and desires, and to act in accordance with them after careful reflection. Valuing a pers...

The Cider House Rules/John Irving

are complex works, as this narrative relates strongly held beliefs on the controversial issue of abortion. While the student resea...

Last Abortion Clinic/ A Frontline Documentary

This research paper describes a documentary, "The Last Abortion Clinic," which aired on PBS's Frontline in 2005. Eight pages in le...

Abortion Is Wrong

second myth is that "thousands of women died annually" from botched abortions. No so: "In fact, the U.S. Centers for Disease Contr...