YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Children Affected by Divorce and Therapeutic Applications

Essays 601 - 630

Marriage Changes

responsibility for child-rearing or housekeeping duties traditionally assigned to women (Luker, 2003). To complicate things still ...

An Article on Speech Pathology Reviewed

still apprised of the benefits of AAC, were not as receptive. Clearly, role-playing is very helpful in educating youth about disab...

Parents and Child Protection

At the opening of the novel it becomes clear that Tom Wingo is having some sort of emotional or mental crises. This is brought on ...

Controlled Study of Gastrooesophageal Reflux Disease in Children and Oral Health

is clear that the issue, as Linnet et al state, merits further investigation. Lazarchik and Filler (1997) point out that dental er...

Part II of Children's Services Safety Activities

Herbicides must be toxic to plants, otherwise they would have no effect. Many of the most obnoxious of herbicide chemicals are no...

Development of a Family Life Cycle

entry into school, a young adult leaving home, and the increasingly common transitions of divorce and remarriage" (Ooms, 1999). ...

UK New Regulations for Schools

most basic of judicial review doctrines, that of ulta vires. This means beyond (ultra) power (vires). This is an idea very basic t...

Issues Concerning Child Abuse

Tom. Jennifer flatly states that she has been locked out of the house at night in punishment for objecting to being sent to her ro...

Evaluating Latino and Hispanic Children's Literature

and language barriers. Cohn, D. (2002). Dream Carver. Chronicle Books. This book features Mateo who is a wood carver. However, w...

A Review of the Article 'Parent behavior and child distress during urethral catherization'

is a very important consideration in nursing. Indeed, some four thousand of so documents were published annually about pain in th...

Part II of Children's Services Communication Activities

so uncommunicative. 6. Interrupter It might be possible to build a relationship with this parent, but if that happens then...

Overview of Melanie Klein's Child Research

childhood, that influenced the function of their own offending (Gerber, 1994). Goncu (1993) also applied a Kleinian mode...

Adolescent Psychology and Family Dysfunction

alcohol or substance abuse, and suicidal ideation, it is important to assess some of the views of maternal attachment, the impacts...

Children's Literature Censorship

have taken steps to ban material written by and about homosexuals and materials with homoerotic messages. Such steps are not that...

Sexual Abuse of Children in America

of abuse. In fact, it can be argued that a large percentage of children who are sexually abused become sexual predators in adulth...

Early Childhood Education and Major Concepts

private, in order to reach their full potential (Harbin, et al, 2004). The current incarnation of this legislation is the Individu...

Children and Science Education

of the cell in response to the light furnished by the microscope, while other structures attended to their biochemical duties that...

Children's Literature and Female Role Models

force, violence and darkness, are depicted, and how these are then set off against the purity and angelic nature of positive (thou...

Toy Advertising and Ethics

Daner is being forced to compromise his principles by a client who accounts for $1 million of his business (Velasquez, 2005). But...

Artemis Fowl The Opal Deception Book Four by Eoin Colfer Overview

assumed that both Haven City and the fairy universe are safe from Opal because she has been locked away in a psychiatric ward at J...

Social Work Case Study on Task Achievement Scaling Intervention

to at an earlier time. Though assignment of levels 1 - 4 is subjective in that it is not solidly based on measurable results, the...

Discussion of Bioethics Involving Parents and Controlling an Unborn Child's Genetic Composition

in essence a mistake. The human genome mapping can now identify specifically which genes carry which genetic disorders; scientist...

Children's Stuttering

the success of that treatment (Saltuklaroglu and Kalinowski, 2002, p. 786). Stuttering in Children The disorder appears to be r...

Function of the Narrator in A Wizard of Earthsea and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

There are actually three types of third person narration: third person objective; third person omniscient; and third person limite...

3 Article Reviews on Children's Health

a significant clustering of fast food restaurants within a 1.5 mile radius when compared to other non down town areas. The researc...

How Children Are Shaped by Relatives and Grandparents

As such it makes sense that grandparents, if they are involved in a childs life, and other relatives, again if involved, would hav...

The Psychological Impact of Separation from their Parents on Foster Children

happening (Simms, Dubowitz and Szilagyi, 2000). Even though each case if different, there are several common reactions when chil...

Case Study Questions on Development

However, the case study does not offer detail as to precisely what Charles does or does not do. Therefore, there is the implicatio...

Demographics: In and Around Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

future, 2007). This comment begs the question, what happened to the civic center, and does it have anything to do with the demogra...

Services Within 5 Miles of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

connections to finding after school day care, as well as connections to paying bills and locating special needs information. There...