Essays 511 - 540

Civil War and Role of Irish Americans

In ten pages this paper examines the Irish Americans' role during the Civil War. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography....

U.S. Civil War and Juveniles

In six pages this paper examines the impact of the U.S. Civil War upon the American family structure and the effects upon juvenile...

Activities of Confederate Partisan Rangers

In twenty seven pages the Civil War is discussed within the context of the Confederate Rangers' tactics of guerrilla warfare. Twe...

Brief Essays on U.S. History

This 14 page paper comprises brief essays on various topics in U.S. history from 1877 to the present. Topics covered include Roose...

North and South Implications of 1820's Missouri Compromise

In five pages this paper discusses how the Civil War may have been the result of the simmering North and South tensions that resul...

Political Divisiveness and the U.S. Civil War

sector, and increase in the population of immigrants in urban regions, and a focus on immigrant workers as a low-wage based staple...

Civil War Civilian Life

In ten pages some insights into what it was like for civilians including children and housewives to live during the Civil War of t...

Civil Rights and Abraham Lincoln

In five pages this paper imagines what might have been had President Abraham Lincoln lived and directed the U.S. Reconstruction ef...

Pre Civil War America

This paper examines pre Civil War America in an overview of increasing regional tensions, politics, slavery, and the gold rush in ...

1890s Crisis in America

In three pages various crises including Coxey's Army and the Pullman train strike are examined as they affected the post Civil War...

March of General William T. Sherman and the Northern Victory in the U.S. Civil War

who still hold true to the ideal of the South and keep the battle raging in their own life. Putting aside the reality of today and...

U.S. Civil War and Reasons for the North's Victory

In five pages this paper examines the U.S. Civil war and considers the reasons why the North emerged victorious over the South. T...

David Donald Why the North Won the Civil War

Jefferson Davis inferiority to Lincoln, for he never developed an overall strategy or devised a unified command system for the ent...

Civil War Strategy of General Ulysses S. Grant

In ten pages this paper examines the Union general's Civil War strategies. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography....

U.S. Civil War and Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard

In ten pages the life and military career of P.G.T. Beauregard are discussed with his Civil War activities maintaining the primary...

February 13 through 16 1862 Fall of Ft. Donelson During the Civil War

In seven pages this paper examines the fall of Ft. Donelson, Tennessee in this consideration of the Civil War and how this along w...

U.S. Civil War and the Role of Georgia's Kennesaw Mountain

In four pages this paper examines the Civil War significance of Kennesaw mountain particularly as it involves the failure to claim...

Civil War Role of Stone Mountain, Georgia

In four pages this paper examines the Civil War within the context of the role Stone Mountain, Georgia may have played. Four sour...

State Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky

In six pages the nullification of these state resolutions is examined in a discussion that continues the time between their passag...

Analysis of the Effects of the U.S. Civil War and Reconstruction on Racial Equality and Federal v. States Rights

particularly concerning territorial expansionism; effective deterrent of despotism; and greater efficiency because concentrated e...

Change Through Protest

In eight pages this paper examines social change through protest in a consideration of the civil rights and women's liberation mov...

Internet Regulation and Civil Liberties

In nine pages this paper discusses legal regulation of the Internet in a consideration of the F.C.C., Communications Decency Act p...

Newspaper Reporting and Civil Rights

In ten pages U.S. civil rights is examined in terms of several New York Times articles between 1963 and 1965 and considers North a...

Comparative Analysis of W.E.B. Du Bois and Martin Luther King Jr.

In eight pages this research paper evaluates the similarities and differences between these two influential civil rights activists...

The Years 1960 to 1967 in the Life of Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.

In twelve pages an historical overview of Powell's career with emphasis upon his leadership of the House Committee on Education an...

Chinese and American Social Systems

the others. In one illustration of the differences, and slight similarities, between China and the United States we examine t...

Southern Africa and Civil War

This research report looks at a variety of Civil Wars in the region. The history of these problems are incorporated into this repo...

1994 Bloody Civil War in Rwanda

Twa, who make up about 1% of the population, are the only group actually indigenous to the area (McDonald PG). The Tutsis and the ...

Civil Engineering Applications of Computer Technology

In fifteen pages computer technology is examined within the context of its impact upon civil engineering in terms of operations an...

Mathew Brady's Civil War Photography

In nine pages this creative essay is told from the point of view of a hypothetical assistant to Mathew Brady, famed Civil War phot...