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Essays 301 - 330

Leadership View of Plato in The Republic

In five pages this report examines Plato's perspectives on leadership as they are reflected in The Republic. One source is cited ...

Liberty in The Republic by Plato

In four pages this paper examines how The Republic presents Plato's views regarding liberty and the perfect state. There are no o...

Alcibiades' Speech in Symposium by Plato

In five pages this paper considers Plato's reasons for writing Symposium in an examination of Alcibiades' speech creation. There ...

Love According to Aristophanes and Socrates in Symposium by Plato

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares Plato's ideas regarding love with the views of Socrates and Aristophanes as expres...

Critical Thinking, 'Allegory of the Cave' and The Republic by Plato

prisoners were suddenly unshackled and forced to turn around and face the fire. To begin with, he would be blinded by its brillian...

Kaku's Universe Theory and Plato's Allegory of the Cave

In five pages Kaku's theory of the universe is compared and contrasted with Plato's cave allegory that is featured in Book VII of ...

Rulers and Followers of the State in The Republic by Plato

In nine pages this paper examines Plato's polis design as featured in The Republic in an analysis of the significance he places up...

Tyranny in The Republic by Plato

for an impartial judge; one who would not be swayed by public opinion and "hype" to pre-judge the tyrant. With themselves a...

Definition of Tyranny in The Republic by Plato II

In order to effectively answer this, they decide on the necessity for an impartial judge who could not be made to choose a biased ...

Utopia and The Republic by Plato

they have the capacity to attain a happy, or perfect, life. Essential to the perfect polis is the individuals capacity to strive ...

Socrates and the Unjust's Plight in Gorgias by Plato

In six pages this paper considers Plato's text in its representation of the evil and unhappiness of the 'unjust' according to Socr...

'Beautiful and Just Things,' 'Just' and Plato's The Republic and Phaedo

In six pages this paper discusses the philosophical distinctions Socrates made between these two concepts as presented in Plato's ...

Mechanistic Mind Model in Phaedo by Plato

In three pages this paper discusses Plato's Phaedo in terms of the mechanistic mind model and Socrates' arguments designed against...

Analysis of Philebus by Plato

In five pages this paper analyzes Plato's Philebus in terms of the writing style and the philosopher's message. There are no othe...

Virtue in Protagoras by Plato

In fifteen pages this paper considers the connection between wisdom, holiness, justice, courage, temperance and virtue as revealed...

The 'Many' Virtues of Protagoras by Plato

In three pages this paper considers how Plato's text reveals virtue to be not a single entity but rather deeply connected to other...

Soul Theory of Plato Featured in The Republic, Phaedrus, and Crito

In nine pages this paper considers Plato's views regarding the soul's immortality as featured in three of his dialogues. There ar...

Socrates' Dichotomies and Plato's Apology

In five pages the 2 contradictory views of Socrates that are featured in Plato's Apology are discussed in an analysis of what thes...

The Clouds by Aristophanes and Apology by Plato

another thing: ? young men of the richer classes, who have not much to do, come about me of their own accord; they like to hear th...

Human Effort and Improvement According to Socrates and Seneca

In five pages this report discusses the extent human effort can result in improvement in a consideration of Letters from the Stoic...

Truth According to Plato in The Republic, Apology, and Crito

In eight pages this paper analyzes how Plato's methods as they involve truth are considered in an examination of this trio of dial...

Death as Viewed by Plato

In seven pages this paper examines Plato's Phaedo and The Republic in terms of how it portrays the philosopher's perspectives on d...

Niccolo Machiavelli and Plato on Political Leadership

In five pages a comparison and contrast of how these philosophers perceived political leadership are made by noting the difference...

Literary Self Determination in Women and Sexuality

-- but to deny their husbands sex until the men agree to sign a treaty. It is the women, therefore, who actually end the war. Rea...

Socrates' Arguments in The Republic, Apology, and Crito

In five pages this paper considers the purpose of Socrates' arguments as featured in three of Plato's dialogues. There are no oth...

Socrates' Wisdom in Apology by Plato

In ten pages this paper examines the wisdom of Socrates as it is depicted in Plato's Apology. There are no other sources listed....

'Just' Guilty Verdict for Socrates in Plato's Apology?

This paper consists of four pages and evaluates the guilty verdict Socrates received in terms of whether or not it represented the...

Comparison of United States and Germany Educational Systems

In nine pages this research paper compares the systems of education in Germany and the United States in terms of funding, educatio...

Problems of Water Pollution and Possible Solutions

is proving more workable. Under the theory, even if one problem was corrected successfully, the overall effect would be negligible...

Contemporary Courts and Books Six and Seven of Plato's The Republic

In four pages this paper discusses the contemporary court system and considers Plato's philosophy on leadership as presented in Th...