YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Customer Satisfaction and Banks

Essays 601 - 630

Banking Regulation and Auditor Independence

In a paper consisting of ten pages this paper examines efforts to assure auditor independence through SEC rule S7-13-00 and the ba...

Employee and Customer Diversity

In ten pages the lack of workplace diversity and its implications regarding customer relations are examined. Twelve sources are c...

United Kingdom Online Banking

In five pages this paper discusses banking on the Internet as it relates to the United Kingdom in a consideration of social and co...

December 2000 Conference on Corporate Governance

In fourteen pages this Federal Reserve Bank sponsored conference with SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt as keynote speaker is examined wi...

China Tobacco Company Creation

with even a modicum of business savvy knows that any number of factors can go awry. Therefore, getting a business up and running ...

AlliedSignal's Internal Customer Service

In ten pages this paper examines how internal customer service was increased through shared business services applications at Alli...

New Company Financial Aspects

In five pages this paper considers how capital may be raised by a new business and includes venture capital use, bank borrowing, a...

Global Brokerage Activity and the Influence of Technology

In fifteen pages this paper discusses how technology has influenced investment banking activities in the United States, Great Brit...

Banking Industry and Computer Technology

banking, and so on. Workplaces are good places to examine how the dreams and dilemmas of computerization really work out for larg...

Globalization and Canadian Governance

Iin twelve pages the governance of Canada is discussed in a consideration of the effects of globalization and recent issues involv...

Customer Needs and Total Quality Management

Customers, and TQM Opportunity A manager who is presented with the challenge of opening a new retail branch of a company in an ex...

Investment Bank Goldman Sachs

In fifteen pages this paper provides a history of the bank, offers a SWOT and financial analysis of its current position, and also...

Hospitality and Customer Care

cases when staying at a hotel or motel, it will be the front desk that the customer will call when a problem or need arises. How ...

Lloyd's TSB Private Banking Marketing

In six pages this paper discusses the marketing alternatives and resource application of an industry that caters to wealthy client...

Ohio's Banc One's Technological Approach

In five pages Harvard Case Study 9 582 091 on the technology approaches of Banc One of Ohio and how this led to its banking indust...

Bank One's Hiring Problems

In five pages this paper examines the 2001 hiring problems at Bank One in an emphasis upon economic situations that have impaired ...

U.S. Banking and Money

In eighteen pages this report examines U.S. monetary and banking systems with a consideration of money supply and the role played ...

Grocery Industry and Efficient Customer Response

In five pages this paper considers the management of grocery inventory through the ECR method and examines a grocery retailer's po...

Australia's Financial Regulation

In five pages this paper examines how Australia's banking institutions are regulated. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography...

Australia Banking and Competition

In a report consisting of five pages Oyster Bay, NSW's Geoffrey Warrener's letter to the editor is featured in a consideration of ...

Evaluating Decision Support Systems

In eleven pages a hypothetical banking industry scenario involving a decision support system evaluation includes a problem stateme...

Fears of Hostile Takeover at Dresdner Bank

(2000). It is not too late even though talks have disbanded. But it has been said that a hostile takeover cannot be ruled out and ...

Comparison of a Bank and Interest Loan Corporation in Managing Liability and Interest Rates

In five pages this report discusses General Motors in a comparison of interest loan corporations and banks as they involve interes...

Washington Mutual and Banking Sector Changes

In five pages the U.S. banking sector is examined in terms of recent changes with the focus of how this has impacted Washington Mu...

Susan Bordo, Paulo Freire, and Making Social and Educational Connections

In five pages this paper compares and contrasts the 'Hunger as Ideology' essay by Susan Bordo with 'The Banking Concept of Educati...

EEOC Reporting System Design

In five pages an EEOC reporting system design for Wilco Construction is designed in order for the firm to develop an easily access...

Characterization in The Sweet Hereafter by Russell Banks

In five pages this novel by Russell Banks is summarized and analyzed with the emphasis being on the definitive characterization. ...

Banks and Insurance Services

In ten pages this paper examines insurance selling by banks with the primary focus being Canadian practices. Eight sources are li...

History of the Bretton Woods Monetary System

In five pages this research paper discusses the rise and eventual fall of the Bretton Woods system and examines its Keynesian econ...

Overview of Emerging Technologies

MP3s have enhanced life in the 1990s and the 2000s but have not really given people more time nor provided substitutes for dreary ...