YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Europe During the 19th Century and National Consciousness

Essays 151 - 180

Literary Crime Fiction

In five pages this paper discusses how the crime fiction literary genre developed throughout the late 19th and early 20th centurie...

1812 to 1860 Manifest Destiny in the United States

an old concept, and the meaning changes from what was the original intent. The author also looks at the concept with a focus on ce...

The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy

In five pages this adventure tale from the 19th century is reviewed in terms of the plot serving as a basis for much contemporary ...

Sphereland and Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott

In five pages Abbott's 19th century work is analyzed in terms of its presentation of women as inferior that was meant to serve at ...

Life and Philosophy of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

In five pages this research paper explores the early 19th century philosopher's life and approach to philosophy with emphasis bein...

19th Century American Society

In five pages the last portion of the 19th century is examined in terms of U.S. social attitudes particularly in the South. Six s...

19th Century Political and Economic Transformations of Germany

In five pages this paper examines 19th century Germany in terms of its radical political and economic transformatons and the impor...

Women's Alcohol Consumption in the 19th Century

This 5 page paper examines the extent of alcohol use among women in the 19th century. The writer pays special attention to the tem...

19th Century Social Constraints Imposed on Women and Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence and House of Mirth by Edith Wharton

In 5 pages this paper examines 19th century female social oppression within the context of these two literary works. There are 5 ...

Modern Technology and the Neo Luddite Movement

In 5 pages the 19th century Luddites are discussed in terms of history and then the neo Luddite movement is considered in an exami...

Analyzing 'To a Waterfowl' and 'Thanaptopsis' by William Cullen Bryant

In five pages the ways in which these poems represent the development of American literature and how they reflect the 19th century...

19th and 20th Century Manifest Destiny

In two pages this paper examines the concept of manifest destiny throughout the 19th and 20th centuries and also considers religio...

Overview of Edgar Allan Poe

In a paper consisting of 6 pages this important writer of the 19th century is examined in an overview of his life and works with i...

Restrictive Society in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

In five pages this paper discusses the restrictions 19th century society placed upon individuals within the context of these liter...

19th Century and Science's Triumph

probably the concept most applicable here. This concept is essentially the philosophy of history according to Marx. Historical mat...

The Good Soldier Svejk by Jaroslav Hasek, The Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier by Jakob Walter, and Nationalism

In seven pages this paper traces the emergence of nationalism from the early 19th century until the first World War as portrayed i...

Eternal Spring Sculpture by Rodin

In seven pages this paper discusses the love and passion themes represented by this late 19th century sculpture. Twelve sources a...

Apocalypse Now, Heart of Darkness, and the Importance of Setting

Williards mission is more severe then Marlows. While Marlow endeavors to bring Kurtz back to civilization, Williards mission is to...

Paul E. Johnson and Sean Wilentz's The Kingdom of Matthias

Grandison Finney. Many women, including Matthews wife, were greatly influenced by this sect because Finney portrayed women...

Late 19th Century Education

In five pages late 19th century education is discussed in a consideration of the 'New Education' contributions of Dr. William T. H...

Art of the Barbizon School

the French Revolution, began a revolutionary spirit which spread through much of Europe. In 1848, the year in which Marx and Enge...

Gender, 19th Century Medicine and "The Yellow Wallpaper"

How patriarchy influenced the treatment of women in the 19th century is the focus of this analytical paper based on Charlotte Perk...

Objectifying Male Dominance Over the Female in "My Last Duchess" and "Porphyria's Lover" by Robert Browning

How the male need to transform women into objects and possessions in order to control them existed in 19th century society is exam...

Race Relations in Trinidad and Tobago

racial divisions in Trinidad and Tobago in relation to the political and social climate of the 19th century, it is necessary to go...

19th Century American Reforms

virtues, and some held that the best way to achieve this was to withdraw from traditional society and establish small communities ...

19th Century American History

slavery, a trend which leads towards the development of Sectionalism in the Southern states. 1830s: Southern states begin to seek ...

Early Perceptions of Mental Illness

that if mental illness was caused by a weakened or weakening of the mind, then the stable environment and care that was provided i...

Syllabus Design: 19th Century Literature

4/13 - Laclos, "Dangerous Liaisons", Part IV Segment Five: The Literature of Tension Moving into the 20th century, these works hi...

Essay on Auguste Comte

equality reversed and he no longer supported the cause of "economic and moral independence" for women in his later years, but rath...

The Expanding Nation

migration of people to urban centers and increasing support for westward expansion. As many began to support the spread of aboli...