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Essays 331 - 360

Human Nature as Perceived by Plato

In five pages this paper examines Plato's views on human nature as they are presented in The Republic with the 'Good City,' societ...

Comparison of a Trio of Short Stories by Flannery O'Connor

In seven pages this research paper features a comparison of the short stories 'Good Country People,' 'A Good Man is Hard to Find,'...

Trade Goods and Their Impacts

This paper points out that cultures can change in unexpected ways just because of our adoption of some seemingly harmless material...

Wal-Mart's use of Warehouses

Wal-Mart sells physical goods, but also provides services to complement the sales. The first part of the paper looks at the way W...

Using the Concept of Transaction Economics When Considering Outsourcing

the cost of enforcing the contract and the potential risks associated with the contract failing (Mintzberg et al., 2008). Therefo...

Assessment of Russia as an Expansion Target for Louis Vuitton

support luxury purchases. It is also notable that as well as the increase in consumerism, the market for luxury goods ahs been see...

Consumer Goods and Social Values

basic and fundamental article of clothing; it is likely that all but a few individuals in Western society own at least one shirt. ...

A Comparison of Logistics Operations for an Online Company and a Bricks and Mortar Company

The writer of different areas of logistics comparing an established online business with an established retail business. Using an ...

The Impact of Wal-Mart

bad. Those who hate Wal-Mart say that the opening of a Wal-Mart in a new city forces small businesses to close. They argue that em...

Good Night, and Good Luck, Film Review

This film review primarily profiles the film's protagonist, Edward R. Murrow, using an existential perspective. The writer argues ...

Good and Bad, Good and Evil According to Friedrich Nietzsche

the sense of with aristocratic soul" (Nietzsche, 2002). This development occurred simultaneously with its polar opposite, by whic...

Epicurean Concepts of 'Ataraxia' and Aristotelian Concepts of 'Human Good,' 'The Best Good,' and 'Function Argument'

positive reinforcement, for the happiest people are also those who are feeling well and living prosperous lives. These are not me...

EU and UK Law Applied to Case Study Involving Faulty Goods' Sale and Pregnancy Discrimination

In a paper consisting of twelve pages and three parts EU and UK law applications are examined in terms of territorial arrangements...

Fast Food Consumer Goods' Marketing

follows an erratic path of sales each year. The company seeks to discover the reasons for that inconsistency, increase sales and ...

Are Good Leaders and Good Managers Synonymous?

point, which has been responsible for different values, assumptions and expectations. Many industry analysts have attempted to d...

Philosophical Views on Individual Good v. Community Good

the needs of the people as paramount. To derive this point, and other theories related to government, Hobbes paid a great deal of ...

ELL: Methods And Techniques

they need to succeed. III. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES Teaching ELL students is no different than educating the mainstream population...

BabyCare Case Study

looking at forecasts which are made for the company that does appear to be a bright future, but the difficulty in forecasting has ...

Jesus and Socrates

For example, Bostick (1935) makes copious use of footnotes, drawing on the works of Plato and Xenophon, who were two of Socrates d...

Overview of the Film Good Night, Good Luck

scares involving communism. The government wanted people to be fearful of communism and Clooneys focus is clearly on the supposed ...

'A Good Man is Hard to Find' and 'Good Country People' by Flannery O'Connor

In five pages these stories are compared and contrasted in terms of their portrayals of good and evil and the failings of society....

'Good Country People' and 'A Good Man is Hard to Find' by Flannery O'Connor

a criminal like that aloose in it. I couldnt answer to my conscience if I did" (OConnor). II. HULGA & THE MISFIT: RELIGIOUS FAIT...

Mesoamerican Civilizations and Writing's Role

of the history attached to the pictures. It is often argued that these murals were merely implemented to add to the oral tradition...

Car Seat Safety

The greatest decrease was in the infant group, under the age of one year, falling from about 900 deaths per year in 1996 to just o...

Stereotypes and Class

the continued existence of racism also has an effect on the African Americans, and this effect is to make them highly aware of rac...

Gayle Gullett's "Women Progressives And Immigrant Women"

every forward progression middle class women had made. So it was to be that the California Daughters of the American Revolution s...

Counseling Ethical Dilemmas

that are more appropriate for the specific ethical issue reported. Ethical Dilemma #1 College instructor is teaching counseling ...

British Airways

property at the deemed cost after allowing for the 31st March 1995 revaluations. This could result in an assessment of the company...

Struggle Between Good and Evi

idea creates a "binary logic," in which evil is conceptualized as an "entity, a quality that is inherent in some people and not in...

Self-Management Program Plan: Exercise

this type of behavior recording plan is to have everything in one place for easy access of progress - and setbacks - so it is imme...