YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Impact of the Great War on Western Literature

Essays 181 - 210

Chinua Achebe's No Longer At Ease, Moliere's Tartuffe, William Shakespeare's King Lear and Irony

daughters. This structurally ironic situation creates the entire basis for the plot of King Lear, as it quickly becomes apparent...

The First Day of the Battle of Gettysburg

During the Civil War, the Battle of Gettysburg was very important. Yet, each day, different events would occur and the focus of th...

American Civil War and Baseball

In five pages what would become the great American pastime as it was played during the Civil War is examined. Seven sources are c...

Post Second World War Great Britain and Social Democratic Consensus

elements came into play as well. One of these involved the labor and trade unions. Through the approach of the consensus there app...

The Civil War and the Battle of Gettysburg

The battle at hand is what is the focus of attention of this five page report that makes use of five references. The Battle of Get...

Foreign Policy Decisions Leading to US Involvement in WWII

This paper addresses foreign policy decisions made by Roosevelt and relevant to Great Britain that lead up to a certain involvemen...

Appeasing Adolf Hitler and the Motives of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain

In seven pages this paper examines the reasons behind Great Britain PM's appeasement policy regarding Adolf Hitler as a way of avo...

World War I and the East African Conflict Between the British and the Germans

own countries as they had always been. If you are a member of a royal family at this time in Europe, the least you want to do is ...

Great Britain's Housing Programs

Northern Ireland, there were far fewer houses built during a comparable period: the rate at which both local authorities and priva...

Causes of the Chicago Race Riot of 1919

respect as the white soldiers during or after World War I; while black Americans fought just as hard and loyally as their lighter-...

Self Strengthening Movement of China

Western barbarians," a position supported by several other historians, including Wilson (1993). Increasing Contact with th...

Sean Greenwood's Britain and The Cold War, 1945-91

policy and the position of the British government. Britain was trying to assert itself as a world power during those decades and t...

Successful and Least Successful Post Second World War US Presidents

had fulfilled his 1980 campaign pledge to restore "the great, confident roar of American progress and growth and optimism" (Past P...

Body Image Perceptions and Western Society

is essentially a rejection of the traditional values and argues for an "authority of our own experiences" (Bordo, 1993, 283). In p...

U.S. History and Manifest Destiny from 1865 to 1939

America would accomplish this destiny "under God" (Manifest destiny). This belief would give America all the justification it nee...

Duality and War in Literature

won by any nation. Caputos work focuses on the primary character who remembers an innocence that will always live within him, bu...

Five Centuries Leading Up to the Second World War

in Europe there was a great civilization and a great deal of conflict in relationship to property, economics, politics, and religi...

The Transformation of China in the 20th Century

and 3. Chinas policy towards the Soviet Union and its leaders as opposed to those it formulated in regard to the U.S. and its lea...

Update on LBJ's 'War on Poverty'

economy (Grier and Jonsson, 2004). These days, some of the programs continue - one of them being Medicare (Grier and Jonsso...

Women's Opportunities in Great Britain During and After World War II

woman suffrage committee was formed in Manchester in 1865, and in 1867 Mill presented to Parliament this societys petition, which ...

Western Europe and the Problem of Population

birth control, have not lost a lot of people to AIDS and so forth, the shift that is predicted would render slower growth. Whi...

U.S. Constitution and the Rights of States

In six pages this paper discusses the Constitution's awarding of states' rights but how the Civil War, Franklin D. Roosevelt's New...

Postwar Economy and State Building

In six pages this paper discusses the postwar state and economy building of the U.S., France, and Great Britain following World Wa...

Iran's Islamic Revolution

In six pages this paper examines the Islamic revolution taking place in Iran in terms of its impact, its spread to Egypt, and the ...

Escapades of British War Minister John Profumo

In five pages this paper discusses the international intrigue and sex scandal that brought down Great Britain's war minister John ...

Arnold Trebach's The Great Drug War

Arnold Trebach's The Great Drug War is discussed in five pages. There are no other sources listed....

Greeks and the Impact of the Persian Wars

In three pages this paper discusses how the Persian Wars affected 5th century B.C. ancient Greece with the reigns of Philip II and...

Western Civilization and Its Ancient Influences

be the hub of all cultures and each harbored great concentrations of people. As people and cultures evolved they radiated from th...

The Emotion of Art During Times of War

light - or enlightened. The evil part of humanity - the executioners, are beyond the light - in the literal and spiritual dark. F...

Emerging Nations, Women, and Economic Inequality

In five pages this research paper focuses on Western Africa and women's economic inequality in a consideration of the concepts of ...