YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Joyces The Dead and Jacksons The Lottery

Essays 331 - 360

Life and Art of Jackson Pollock

reviews, and black-and-white reproductions of fine art, to the Pollock family in Orland, providing Jackson with his first exposure...

Societal Impact of 'The Trail of Tears'

who occupied the planet. However, this noble policy was short-lived when the settlers moved their way into Cherokee region, event...

1960s' Avant Garde Movement

was enacted during the mid-1980s (PG). Things began to become freer during the 1960s, particularly in America, as expressed by the...

Abstract Expressionism and Elaine de Kooning

go to composition or content. Just as some artists today are embraced while others struggle, this has always been the case. Not al...

American West and Frontier Perceptions

of reference, then one will never know, in any given case, what really happened" (Tompkins, Indians, 60; Cochran 69). In this case...

Robert Remini's Andrew Jackson

seems as though no action, no movement, could take place without a caucus being involved. This is perhaps where Jackson made th...

Spirit of the Dead Watching Painting by Paul Gauguin

the Dead Watching" Despite the fact that he painted numerous tropical scenes and used the colors of the jungles and oceans of the...

Martha Graham and James Joyce

about the time of the life of Beethoven, artists needed the patron to support them in order to have the freedom to pursue their ar...

Jean Watson's and Joyce Travelbee's Nursing Theories

These theories emphasize the fact that the concept of holism is integrally linked with the goals and objectives of nursing. Holis...

Themes of Futility and Furstration in the Works of Joyce

North Richmond Street, being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour when the Christian Brothers School set the boys free. An...

Joyce Carol Oates' Short Story 'Shopping'

than relating the events of a shopping trip. "Shopping is really the story of a mothers (Mrs. Dietrichs) relationship with her t...

'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?' by Joyce Carol Oates

appearance, her style, and her young sexuality. She plays with it in a very dangerous manner that she is completely unaware of for...

Joyce Appleby's Inheriting the Revolution

climate of economic freedom that invention was allowed free reign. Joyce Appleby covers this wide arena of growth in other...

The Almanac of the Dead by Leslie Marmon Silko and Searching for Self

it is as much a story about the Earth as it is a story about the human characters that strive to seek resolution to the very real ...

Literature, Female Characters, and the Theme of Phenomenal Women

compiled for The Paper Store, Enterprises Inc. by Anita Cheek Moon - 4 Mar 2003 VISIT -- for ...

Racism According to Joyce Appleby and David Roediger

that their numbers (like those of "our own natives") are dwindling. As this suggests, Ball is not unsympathetic toward the natives...

Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead and Futility

are constantly fighting a futile battle. As one author states, the two main characters are the epitome of confusion and futility a...

Gogol's Dead Souls

to be changed. Unfortunately, though technology seems to advance, human relationships and nature does not seem to advance. ...

Literary Modernism in the Works of Virginia Woolf and James Joyce

the most important elements of modernist literature is that which involves perspective. With modernist literature this involves "t...

'The Country Girls' and 'The Dead'

village. Even though most of the protests...

'When We Dead Awaken Writing As Re-Vision' by Adrienne Rich

the female gender could be perceived within the myriad components of existence, the early feminist movement served to establish a ...

'Two Forms Of Androgynism' by Joyce Trebilcot

existence within the literary world would be a gross understatement. Indeed, the road to self-expression through the written word...

Imagery and Plot Structure of 'Araby' by James Joyce

of the boys life are not filled in , the reader is left to surmise the basic facts from what he says. For example, the boy mention...

Point of View in 'Araby' by James Joyce

according to her relationship to a male, Joyce subtly points to the gender hierarchy that was prevalent throughout the nineteenth ...

American Society in Literature

This 16 page paper examines four books that are centered on American society. The books discussed are Joyce Maynard's To Die For; ...

Moral History in Dubliners by James Joyce

In five pages this paper discusses how the relationships between society and its members and the moral obligations that resulted f...

Artists and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce

In six pages this report examines the evolution of the artist as revealed in the characterization of Stephen Daedalus in A Portrai...

Destiny and Futility in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard

In five pages this paper analyzes how in Rosencrantz and Guilderstern Tom Stoppard develops destiny and futility themes. There ar...

Protagonist and Religion in Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce

In five pages this essay examines the relationship the protagonist has with religion in an analysis of this novel by James Joyce. ...

The Element of Tragedy as Presented in Oates' Short Story Characters

Joyce Carol Oates intertwines the element of tragedy in The Crying Baby, The Passion of Rydcie Mather and Where areYou Going? Whe...