YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Legalizing Drugs The Benefits

Essays 481 - 510

Sample of a Community Health Assessment

As well, a full seventy-five percent of low-income citizens lack even the most basic of medical screenings, having typically gone ...

Latin America and American Policies on Drugs

In forty five pages this paper examines the US foreign and domestic policies regarding drugs in comparison with those in Latin Ame...

Latin America and the Impact of External Forces

In four pages this paper examines whether or not Latin America has been victimized by external forces in a consideration of politi...

Thalidomide's Return

the limbs); missing limbs, fingers, and/or toes; webbed fingers and/or toes; extra fingers and/or toes; partial or total hearing a...

Ceasing Colombian Drug Trafficking

In eight pages this paper assists in a global action plan structuring aimed at halting Colombia's drug trafficking. There are 6 s...

Golbal Harmonization and the International Conference Considering It

This twenty three page paper provides a detailed look at the conference proceedings and the complicated issues that emerged. Drug...

South American Drug Trade's Historical Roots

In eleven pages this paper considers the economic beginnings of the drug trade in South America in retracing of its historical roo...

Analgesia and Anesthesia Uses in Infants

In twelve pages this paper analyzes using the drug fentanyl on neonates as a pain reliever during surgery or painful medical proce...

Residential Treatment of Eating Disorders

In five pages residential treatments that are commonly provided for inpatient sufferers of bulimia and anorexia are examined with ...

The Struggle for World Peace: More Attainable Now Than Ever Before

This 5 page paper argues that with the end of the Cold War, world peace is now potentially more attainable than at any time in his...

AIDS Treatment and Research Improvements

In four pages this research paper considers how the research on AIDS has led to improved genetic and drug treatments with other is...

Drugs and Psychology Model Dissertation Proposal

In twenty pages this paper presents a model dissertation research proposal on psychology, drugs, and the impact of the breakdown o...

Drugs and John Stuart Mill's On Liberty

In five pages this paper discusses the text On Liberty as it pertains to the use of drugs. Three sources are cited in the bibliog...

High School Sports and Drug Testing of Athletes

In nine pages this paper presents the argument against blanket drug testing of high school athletes. Seven sources are cited in t...

Drug Legalization Pros and Cons

This paper consists of five pages and discusses the legalization of drugs in an assessment of its pros and cons. Five sources are...

'Designer Drug' Ecstasy

In ten pages the drug Ecstasy is examined in terms of its development and illegal status in the United States with the arguments o...

Adolescents, Addiction, and Drugs

In eight pages a brief essay format and assemblage of notes consider adolescents and problems of drugs and addiction with a consid...

Effectiveness of Drug Abstinence Programs

view, sustained changes occur -2- only when clients are willing and able to survive and prosper in new environments. ...

Society, Drugs and, Policy

In eleven pages the war on drugs is examined in terms of some early social legislation. There are more than fourteen sources cite...

Social Class and Use of Drugs

In eleven pages the relationship between social class and drug use is examined along with other pertinent factors such as self est...

How to Community Drug Abuse Before It Starts

services to the unique needs of the residents. By providing a broad range of services, the agency has traditionally been a focal p...

Lee Brown's Anti Drug Speech of May 1994

In a paper consisting of two pages the speech delivered by the U.S. National Drug Control Policy director is examined in a general...

Diagnosis and Treatment for Prenatal Exposure to Drugs

of the prevailing literature had been conducted on neural capacity of neonatal and infants under the age of two (Carta & Sideridis...

Drugs and Prenatal Exposure Effects

In fourteen pages this research paper examines the oftentimes conflicting research literature findings regarding the effects of pr...

Analysis of Search and Seizure Scenario

In four pages a scenario featuring a search for drugs is analyzed in an examination of facts, issues, and laws in order to determi...

Use of Heroin, Dependency, and Treatment Alternatives

In ten pages the drug heroin and its addictive characteristics are examined in a consideration of use, dependency, effects, and tr...

Drug Use and Psychosocial Motivations

In ten pages this paper discusses the psychosocial motivations people have for using and abusing drugs. Six sources are cited in ...

Drug Use Perceptions and Films

In five pages this paper examines how film portrayals of drug use has influenced public perceptions of it as 'cool.' Four sources...

Public School Violence and Interviewing Techniques

In eleven pages this research paper considers how alternative approaches and interviewing failures have reduced the incidences of ...

Inner City Schools and Survival

In seven pages this paper examines issues such as drugs and gangs that are plaguing urban schools in terms of various research s...