YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Literature of the First World War Dying Mutilation and Death

Essays 331 - 360

Post Second World War Cold War Rivalry Between the Soviet Union and the United States

the outcome of the conference. At the Teheran Conference Stalin was indifferent to the division of Germany into separate sections...

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing

reveal, American sentiment during the three day period in August 1945 leading up to the dropping of two atomic bombs on Hiroshima ...

An Elliott Johnson Interview

are an officer - and this included the top noncoms- you went to sleep with your headset at your head" (Terkel 254). Most people ...

Warfare Turning Point, The Tet Offensive

the action was the straw that broke the Camels back. In fact, not only was it a turning point for the Vietnam conflict, but if one...

A Speech in Support of the Iraq War

the day before that the threat exists, but had done nothing, if we knew where the source of the threat was, who the terrorist were...

Cold War Origins and its Cultural Implications

Japanese occupation wanted the end of colonial rule which in some cases wasnt met and started various "wars of national liberation...

War and Media Coverage

A large part of the success of this program is due to the leadership of one man: Byron Price(Sweeny 2001)....

Contemporary Warfare and Changes in Ideology

The development in terms of warfare has changed the nature of warfare since World War II. One can see this in the types of wars th...

Second World War, the Holocaust, and Slave Labor

of land, and on top of it all, they were asked to sign a war guilt clause which stated that the Germans accepted all the guilt and...

Joseph E. Persico's Roosevelt's Secret War

NA). We find, through reading Persicos book, that Roosevelt was perhaps an incredible manipulator. He was also a man of great i...

Politics of the Cold War

textile factories produced Army uniforms rather than childrens clothes. Then, barely a year after the Allies liberated the ...

War and its Impact

are people today who chant slogans related to peace and give up notions of war, inclusive of defense. This is of course something ...

The Causative Factors Relating to the Second World War

German aggression. German aggression started World War II, and this is evidenced in Germanys invasion of Poland, which mar...

Inevitability of the Cold War

p. 31). According to Williams, Stalin was threatened by the prospect of the US imposing a liberal economic order on Eastern Euro...

Post Second World War Relations Between the United States and Thailand

already effected a rapid conversion of the absolute government into the democratic government they desired. They had done so both...

The Best War Ever by Adams

does discuss the difficulties with reporting history as generally speaking, history is not exciting. It is not sensational as are ...

Roles of South Korea, North Korea, the Soviet Union, and the United States in Korea's Imperialism

the relationship between North and South Korea. The deteriorating relationships between North and South Korea was particu...

Cold War Ideological Separation of the United States and the Soviet Union

erupt. The years which fell during the Cold War was perhaps one of the most interesting periods of world history. The inte...

Consideration of Moral Conflict

family is suddenly circumscribed and rests solely with the surviving brother. This changes the balance of the moral equation. Wh...

Radar's Role in World War II

the war" (Heywood, 1998; history.html). This lab was only one division of National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), for "in Jun...

America's Civil War, Literature, and Art

North and the more rural, ante-bellum Old South. Most historians agree that, in addition to the concept of slavery, vast d...

Crisis Situations, Public Opinion, and Government Policy

In six pages this report considers crisis situations such as the Second World War, the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, and the Gul...

Post Second World War Era and its Influences

In four pages this research paper examines what influence the time period following the Second World War in this consideration of ...

From the Invention of the Automobile to the Kent State Massacre

1. How did the mass production of the automobile affect...

Price Wars and Mismanagement

This 3 page paper argues that the primary cause of price wars is mismanagement and that this is why there are so few price wars se...

Strategy and Leadership in World Wars I and II

end to the long bloody affair and to consequently save countless US and Japanese lives that would have been lost if the war had of...

Women's Role In WWI And The Agricultural Adjustment Act

hospitals. Under her wings, she took care of the soldiers while at the same time training other women to "nurse" them back to hea...

Poland: During and After World War II

get their forces together and attack from the west" (The Second World War). Common wisdom says that Germany stomped Poland flat w...

Hoge, Understanding the War on Terror

is, the mobilization of all available resources against a dangerous, antisocial activity, one that can never be entirely eliminate...

Global Warming, Climate Change and War

what experts believe about the relationship between war and changes in the climate caused by global warming. The results of this l...