YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown and William Faulkners A Rose for Emily

Essays 271 - 300

Class and Gender Roles in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper' and William Faulkner's 'A Rose For Emily'

that she did not have the wherewithal to match the experience of the opposing gender. It can be argued that the very first words ...

William Faulkner's Writings and Fire Symbolism

In thirteen pages this paper discusses the fire symbolism featured in William Faulkner's Light in August, The Sound and the Fury, ...

William Faulkner's Light in August

In five pages this paper examines racial prejudice and gender issues within the context of William Faulkner's story. There is one...

Literature Alternatives to Freedom

In six pages the concept of freedom through death as a release from life's hardships is examined through such works as William Fau...

Characters in All the King's Men vs. The Sound and the Fury

success is also her own. Jacks mother dotes on him, and in turn, she becomes the center of his universe. However, Jacks mother a...

Women in The Sound and the Fury Faulkner's Femme Fatale Caddy Compson

5 pages and 1 source used. This paper provides an overview of the basic characteristics and central themes related to the charact...

William Faulkner's Portrayal of Family

In five pages family dysfunction and its disintegration as represented in William Faulkner's Absalom! Absalom! and The Sound and t...

Moral Value and Women in the Works of William Faulkner

In five pages this paper examines the moral value and depiction of women in William Faulkner's Sanctuary, The Unvanquished, As I L...

Opposing Critical Perspectives on As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner

In six pages this paper examines the opposing critical perspectives of Adams and Eldridge on William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying. F...

Ordering and Montage in The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner

In five pages this pape examines how William Faulkner's splicing montage techniques are applied to presenting a family's many comp...

William Faulkner's Character Joe Christmas and his Labels

lives, and all this really comes out as people and their relationships to the place that formed them (Smith ppg). Duality shown i...

Sam Shepard and William Faulkner on Family Dysfunction

In twenty pages twentieth century family dysfunction is considered in a comparative analysis of its portrayal in the characterizat...

Process of Poetry

has to "face the men of the time" and "think about war," in order to "construct a new stage" (Of Modern Poetry...Stevens). What St...

Colonel John Sartoris

In five pages this paper examines how William Faulkner's character Col. John Sartoris is presented somewhat differently in an anal...

Two Poems Featuring Women by William Carlos Williams

American women's social roles are considered in William Carlos Williams' poems 'Portrait of a Lady' and 'The Young Housewife' in a...

Twentieth Century Literature and What an 'American' Represents

This paper contrasts and compares different images of being an American in eight pages as represented in Toni Morrison's The Blues...

Characterization of Addie Bundren in William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying

In five pages this paper examines the impact of Addie's death at the beginning of William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying to present the...

Three Literary Protagonists Improving Their Lives

An analysis consisting of five pages compares the ways in which three protagonists attempt to improve their lives. The works exam...

Comparative Analysis of Kate Chopin's 'The Story of an Hour' and William Faulkner's 'A Rose for Emily'

otherworldly and immovable. She is not a fully functioning human being. Louise Mallard is also damaged, but her weakness is physi...

'A Rose For Emily' Short Story Analysis

Her neighbors believed she never married because "none of the young men were quite good enough" (Faulkner 437). It was only when ...

Protagonist Monologues

there are certain things a person must do, certain things a man must feel and never turn away from. So many men were lost in their...

D.H. Lawrence/Shadow in the Rose Garden

mention this to any of the townspeople, as she does not want the past "brought up against" her (Lawrence 128). Frank agrees and hi...

Barn Burning by Faulkner

testify, to lie for his father he can "smell and sense just a little of fear because mostly of despair and grief, the old fierce p...

Relationships in As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner

If the reader proves victorious at ascertaining the entire concept as a whole, while comprehending the connection of the detailed ...

Book Review of Management Accounting

But what, exactly, is management accounting information? The authors point out that, according to the Institute of Management Acco...

The Text and Film Versions of 'A Rose for Emily'

the characters talk and interact creates a very different setting for the story. It also limits how we envision the story that unf...

Narrator Reliability in 'Barn Burning' by William Faulkner

a feeling that his ferocious conviction in the rightness of his own actions would be of advantage to all whose interest lies with ...

As I Lay Dying: Addie Bundren

necessarily as depressing as one could envision in relationship to the process of dying and the construction of a coffin outside h...

Barn Burning and Freud

coming of age and seeking an enlightened path, in the Freudian lens the boy is clearly trying to somehow come to terms with himsel...

Barn Burning by Faulkner

child, which is further emphasized by his stiff nature. All of these symbolic descriptions lay the foundation for understanding th...