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Essays 301 - 330

Using Technology to Manage Ethics

point is valid. He asks his listeners to consider a situation in which the government "eliminates" someone; if a person were to ac...

Using Research in Teaching

they specify the parameters that should be used to judge the legitimacy of a research studys information. First of all, educators ...

Methodology Used in An Inconvenient Truth

to emanate from the Tufte piece, one of which is the fact that PowerPoint presentations have aesthetic problems and so, they are u...

Using Technology In The Elementary School

scores on the states Comprehensive Assessment Report were strongly related to increases in technological use (Page, 2002, p. 389)....

Using Charts and Graphs

graph then the same data may be presented in a table and summarised but the same level of detail would not be as apparent and ther...

Using HRM Strategically

parallel with the matching model of human resource management if it is considered that strategic human resource development may ta...

Industrial Relations in Sweden Examined using Dunlop’s Model

that the actors will all interact and the outcome will be agreement, eventually, as well as the output of the companies. In Dunl...

Using Aristotle to Analyze "Hamlet"

in thought - that is, the faculty of saying what is possible and pertinent in given circumstances" (Aristotle). The fourth element...

Uses of Technologies in the 2008 Presidential Campaigns of Barack Obama and John McCain

encourage the sharing of videos on YouTube and Brightcove (Yadav). Early in his campaign, Barack Obama acknowledged the importanc...

Using a Chart in an Article

January 2007 and November 2008 and looks at the year on year percentage change in the level of the retail sales. When...

The Ethics of Using Cognitive Enhancing Drugs by Healthy People

Kerouac scrawled out the infamous story within a three week period and he credited that accomplishment to amphetamines (Foer, 2005...

Using Crime Pattern Analysis to Prevent Workplace Offenses

do something similar. We are coming at the question backwards, finding a list of offenses and then choosing one that fits the rest...

Using Encryption as a Key for Corporate Security

during or after encryption has been implemented. If the implementation or the encryption is not properly planned and realized, the...

Culture Of Colombia Using Hofstede

own culture as well as the culture in the other country. Hofstede provides empirical evidence for his five Cultural Domains. There...

Uses of the Internet

before, ways that can be seen as positive as well as negative. People can also use the computer to communicate with others...

Mark Edmundson's "On The Uses Of A Liberal Education" - Argument Against His Point Of View

virtually impossible to have critical thinking present without the benefit of decision-making or to experience the decision-making...


This 3-page paper focuses on a team charter and its effectiveness in helping members complete a goal and manage conflict. Bibliogr...

The Positive and Negative Effects of Using Cloning to Treat Genetic Disease

Switching around an embryos mitochondria might appear innocent enough but we must realize that mitochondrial genes act well outsid...

Schools of Philosophy as Used in Nursing

(Allmark, 2003, p. 4). Poststructuralism: This perspective takes a deconstructive view of structuralism and "sees inquiry as ine...

Natalie: A Case Study Using the EBP Model in Social Work Practice

Natalie comes in for treatment at the request of her mother who fears that her daughter is using drugs. The social worker must est...

Personal Reflection Using Kolb's Learning Model

The leader and locked eyes, he grinned and said, okay, thats fine! Most of the other people seemed a bit stunned. As the introduc...

Career Counseling Case Using Holland's Typologies

about the same time, the economy took a nose-dive, she has decided that instead of going to work for someone, she will start her o...

Activity Based Costing; An Example Using McDonalds

This is a straightforward cost. The next cost will be the use of costs as a result of the process of receiving...

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Expatriates Rather Than Host Country Nationals to Staff Foreign Subsidiaries

and Goshall, 1989). Antal (2000) argues that in order to develop the skills and ability to respond to these challenges there are ...

Using Personal Financial Statements in Financial Decision Making

the job is viable. The higher the cost of moving the less likely it will be viable, However, there may also be other consideratio...


a machine, as it were, even if the machine is connected to a health-care professional on the other end. Along those lines,...

Using Technology To Support Learning

The research would involve students in science, math, visual arts and language arts. Small groups would also be working together t...

Obama's Criticism of Sarah Palin (Analysis Using the Theory of Symbolic Interactionism)

in fact clings to such things proudly. After the announcement, Barack Obama attacked Palin. From a symbolic interactionist perspec...

Using Video Conferencing in Business

Choices McKenzie (2005) reports on such software offerings as it respects video conferencing. Several products mentioned or revi...

Balancing the Risks of Using Malathion to Reduce the Occurrence of West Nile Virus

When making decisions regarding risk reduction, potential risks will need to be assessed from all potential actions. The writer us...