YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Small Urban Baptist Churches and Pastoral Leadership

Essays 151 - 180

Small Commuter Airlines and Small Airports

In twenty five pages this research paper discusses issues including success obstacles, finances, service and safety as they pertai...

Giovanni Paulo Pannini's St. Peter's Church Interior

In three pages a physical analysis of St. Peter's Church's interior is presented in a consideration of style, iconography, and phy...

Southern Baptist Convention's Belief Systems

Convention (SBC) has grown to 15.8 million members who worship in more than 40,000 churches in the United States. Southern Baptist...

Communism vs. Catholic Church

spiritual mission. Furthermore, by asserting that it spoke for the working class, many of whom were Catholic, the CP directly thre...

Great Britain and Early Christianity

In eleven pages this paper examines the Christian origins of Great Britain in a consideration of the Romans, Pope Gregory, St. Aug...

Christian Homes and Abuse

In this paper consisting of ten pages the abuse that occurs within Christian homes which are considered on par with general norms ...

Practical Marketing Plan Development for a Small Business

market position will also be an issue regarding the competitive advantage that may be utilised in any marketing campaign. The adva...

Pope John Paul II's Views on the Church Position as Defined in the Documents of Vatican II

The pope then adds: The unity of all divided humanity is the will of God. For this mission he sent his Son, so that by dying and ...

Catholic Church's Official Position on Abortion and Contraceptives

This paper examines the Catholic Church's position regarding women, sexuality, and issues such as abortion and contraception in ni...

Catholic Church, Tradition and Scripture

The leading priest of a particular region was elected by his fellow priests to serve as bishop. These bishops became increasingly...

Christianity History and Significance of 'Church Order'

holding certain truths? The members of the Church are united, not by their belief in certain men, but by their belief in certain ...

Radical Aspects of the Scientific Revolution

the sun around which our planet revolved, not the sun around the earth as was held by the Church (Meeks, 1997). This assertion al...

Abortion from the Christian Perspective

(AGI) consistently collects higher figures because they survey abortion providers directly (Abortion in the United States: Statist...

Origin and Tenets of the Catholic Religion

Peter now confessed? Remove it, and nothing can supply its place; the whole of Christianity crumbles into ruin" (Wylie, 1888, p. P...

Tenth and Twentieth Century Variations in Language

spelling of swor (to swoor) and the change from "hire" to "hir." In addition, though of the usable participle "to" clarifies the ...

Agricultural Businesses and Using Computers

Just, 2001). The impact can however be minor in respect to large farms that already have access to a great deal of information in...

Society of Canada, the Church, and Homosexuality

was not the case just a few years ago in Canada. The Conservative Era was an era exemplified by a societal policies which...

Canonization Process

Canonization (Canonization Information, 2002). This step is key because this is what often distinguishes a mere "accident" from a...

3 Marks of the Church According to John Calvin

holy catholic and apostolic Church" (Mills, 2000, p. 2). Mills (2000) suggests that the earliest identification of the marks of th...

Catholic Tradition Aspects

that the entire Christian movement was galvanized and energized by an unseen agency, the Holy Spirit (Ottati 1044). Believers in J...

Doctrine of the Reformed Church

(Engelsma, 2000). The Reformation Church was and is the one that depends exclusively on Scripture (Engelsma, 2000). In fact, that ...

Houses That Change the World by Wolfgang Simson

This book review is on Houses That Change the World by Wolfgang Simson. This author argues for a return to the house-churches desc...

Small Business vs. Large Business

This essay compares and contrasts human resource management between large and small businesses. The paper discusses laws, strategi...

Universalization of Jesus

This essay focuses on two main topic areas but comments on other issues such as the connexion structure of the Methodist church, w...

Different Perspectives on Church

This essay reports different perspectives regarding the nature of the church. The major divisions are the nature of the church as ...

Church in the Middle Ages

This paper discusses our issues about the separation of Church and state. It also discusses the power of the church in the middle ...

An Examination of Scripture, Same-Sex Marriage

This essay presented an argument that defends the AME's Church's opposition to same-sex marriage. The writer draws on scripture. ...

Survey of Two Religions

we are born in the Holy Spirit (Callaway Assembly of, 2009). * Pentecostals believe that people must repent their sins, be baptize...

Social Media in Small Businesses

Nowadays, nearly every single business, large and small, can be found on the internet. It is no wonder that the internet is now ou...

Thinking Makes It So

by the church, works for them. She relents and tells him to remain just as he is, but that he still cannot join her church. The st...