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Essays 91 - 120

Four Poems by A.R. Ammons

In this essay containing five pages the symbolism and imagery similarities in Ammons' poems The Damned, Anxiety's Prosody, Kind, a...

Existence and Rene Descartes

In six pages this research paper examines Descartes' 'I think therefore I am' argument regarding existence. Six sources are cited...

Self, Legitimacy, and Democracy in Habermas and Connolly

I. HABERMAS The social, political, economical and religious activities experienced in everyday life represent the very esse...

Computers and Independent Thinking

In five pages this paper discusses computer intelligence and what would be meant if A.M. Turing's test was passed by a computer an...

NYC Skyscrapers' Controversy

population grew and the need for office space expanded. The growth of the city almost demanded that the tiny strip of island grow ...

Answering the Question of 'Who Am I?'

putting up a front or in other words "that part of the individuals performance which regularly functions in a general fashion to d...

The Importance of Ancestry in 3 Canadian Poets' Works

The Jewish Canadian heritage which figures prominently in the poetic works of A.M. Klein, Miriam Waddington and Irving Layton is t...

Documentary History of the Contemporary World Jew

In five pages this paper discusses the contemporary era and the quest for Jewish Identity in an assessment of the text portrayals ...

Crash of Pan Am Flight 103 and its Implication on Aviation Regulations and Safety

In six pages this paper discusses aviation safety before and after the Lockerbie, Scotland crash of Pan Am Flight 103. Four sourc...

Richard Matheson's and H.G. Wells' Use of Science Fiction to Portray Alienation

In a paper consisting of 5 pages alienation as a theme are explored in Matheon's I Am Legend and in Wells' The Time Machine and Th...

Refuting Rene Descartes' Argument 'I Think Therefore I Am'

off in the matter of modern political philosophies, it is still important to question what is meant by "think" or what defines the...


understanding of truth and communicating the truth of the Gospel to those who do not yet know it" (Pope John Paul II, Introduction...

Christology/Who do you say I am?

Jesus was more divine than he was human (Meacham 40). The issue that underscored the early ecumenical councils, once incidental ri...

Runway Clashes

flight 1736 collision on the runway at Tenerifes Los Rodeo Airport in the Canary Islands. The Flight KL4805/Pan Am 1736 d...

AM FM Radio Manufacturing

The first stage is to identify the different parts that are needed as these will be mostly outsourced and rough into the company. ...

Skepticism and Descartes' Cogito

questions that are not answered by the phrase "I think. Therefore I am." What if one does not think? Does that prove that he or sh...

Cogito Argument of Rene Descartes

"by posing the question in terms of relation between thinking subject, deity, and external world, Descartes made a purely epistemo...

Child's Point of View in Susan Hill's I Am the King of the Castle

so that when he dies, it is all the more a shock to the reader. The point of view, though it is told by an omniscient narrator is ...

Five Case Studies of Various Organizations

and measures may have been taken sooner without the need to apply to the government to restrict trade with the use of trade tariff...

1960s America and Pop Art

of the bright lights of consumption" (Vincent 96). The art and artists that characterize the 1960s represented not simply a diver...

Symbolism in Dickinson's 'I Am Ashamed-I Hide'

be a Bride --/ So late a Dowerless Girl -" (Dickinson 2-3). This indicates that she has nothing to offer, that she is a poor woman...

Case Study of I Am, Inc.

level in a discipline focused on business ethics, sustainability and innovative creativity. * Develop another business that other ...

Women in Ancient Greece by Sue Blundell

expected to appear in the public sphere, being confined to the household, Blundell notes that they do appear in the artwork and li...

College Campuses and 'Greening'

action directed to control the spread of contaminants from industrial plants has waxed and waned. In 1992, the International Eart...

120 Years of American History

interrupted by the First, and especially the Second World War, when women in large numbers went to work for the first time. Many ...

Technology as a Societal Addiction

weapons of mass destruction that are the center of world controversy today reflect that fact. These weapons do exist and they exi...

Nonconformist, Society, and Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

reactions and evolution are rooted in the desire for individuality, which represents to Huck Finn and to Mark Twain, saying and do...

Three Differing Views of the Origin of Religion

Tylor asserts that in order to assess a culture, one must approach it from an objective standpoint: if one does not do so, ones ow...

Canadian Policy and Racism

the effect was similar in that the vast majority of immigrants arriving in Canada prior to the 1960s were from the British Isle o...

Amish Culture

wheels and horse shoes" and complying with "public health inoculation programs, as well as compliance with other public health reg...