YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The Death and Resurrection of Jesus

Essays 31 - 60

The Jesus Myth by Andrew Greeley

edification of readers who seek, like him, to try to deepen their understanding of Christianity. In accomplishing this task, Gre...

Outline for a Longer Paper on Jesus Christ II

called Christ). "When He comes, He will tell us all things." Jesus said to her, "I who speak to you am He" (John 4:25-26). III. J...

Jesus as King in Matthew

the "restored kingdom of David" (Hahn 28). Matthews Gospel perfectly typifies what Augustine meant when he commented that the "N...

Gospel Of Matthew

well as with the earthly King David, through Joseph, who acknowledges Jesus as his son (Brown, 1997). Joseph is in the line of Dav...

Matthew on Jesus

For example, when Jesus metaphorically gives Peter the "keys to the kingdom," Jesus refers to a verse in Isaiah that speaks of the...

Teachings of the Historical Jesus

are knowledgeable about one fact of Christianity that the Christian worshipper is not, there is limited historical facts to establ...

Development of Theology of Christology

First Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church was held at Nicea (also referred to as Nicaea) in 325 in order to address the topi...

Historical Jesus

Luke 2.1 there is also the reference to the birth taking place in the time of the census of Quirinius, this was in 6 CE2, however ...

The Death Of Jesus Christ

for Jesus to have gone into shock at that time. He was first beaten by the guards: "The men who were guarding Jesus began mocking...

The Passion of the Christ and the Shared Suffering Between Jesus and the Film Audience

are the various traumatic events Christ endures from the Garden of Gethsemane until the Crucifixion. They are broken down into fo...

Founders of Christianity and Islam

Son. Joseph was a carpenter in a small village. Nazareth was a farming village but it was also a hub for the market which made i...

The Life of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels

King of the Jews. Mark places more emphasis on what Jesus did than what He said. He saw Jesus as a powerful servant of God. Luke s...

Christianity and Islam

which set the family in a state of poverty (Hooker, 1996). Mohammeds family was from the Hashim clan, which was one of the poorer ...

Death in Hospice Verses Death in Death Row Incarceration

which the individual is supposed to pass, the doctors are usually good at predicting whether a dying person has a few days or a fe...

Emily Dickinson, Popular Music, and Death Fascination

17). While this image is certainly chilling, the overall tone of the poem is one of "civility," which is actually expressed in lin...

Personal Christology

acceptable sacrifice capable of redeeming the sins of humanity. My personal beliefs (meaning the beliefs of the student, not thi...

Jesus and Socrates

For example, Bostick (1935) makes copious use of footnotes, drawing on the works of Plato and Xenophon, who were two of Socrates d...

Matthew 25:14-30/Parable of the Silver Talents

went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his masters money. 19"After a long time the master of those servants returned and settl...

Signs in John’s Gospel

home and found that this was true. This sign not only showed that Jesus possessed power over life and death, but also the role of ...

The Pre-Existent Divine Word Or Son Took On Human Nature

Father, as being from above, and other such phrases (Kasper, 1978, p. 173). Jesus was in all ways like us with one great exceptio...

Historical Jesus And Christ Of Faith

one had to make a leap of faith because history was unimportant in the quest for Jesus (Geisler, 1999). Cain (1999) reports the ...

Mohammad and Jesus

of God were those of the Old Testament, then came Jesus, whom they consider to be another divine prophet, and then Mohammad, the l...

Jesus/Human Relationships Above the Law

contemporary mindset, the word "law" refers to civil law, which is enforced by the police and government officials. As Jesus indic...

Revelation and Gospels Portrayal of Jesus

Greco-Roman thought and tradition. Nevertheless, traditionally, Christian scholars have been extremely reluctant to give credit fo...

Jesus Christ and Friedrich Nietzsche

from a degree of torment, the sources of our greatest joys lying awkwardly close to those of our greatest pain" (De Botton 215). ...

Jesus And Moses - Comparison

men" (Jeffrey, 1990). Each taught a new truth as commanded by God, each performed miracles, both spent their childhoods in Egypt, ...

Temple Mount/Time of Jesus

to be the so-called "Corinthian Gate," and that this was the place where "the crippled man had been placed so that he could beg f...

Jesus’ Attitude Toward Women & Luke

women or does it primarily reflect a later change in attitude, which originates with the early Christian communitys perspective." ...

Jesus And Moses In The Bible And The Koran

born to Mary, a virgin, lived among men, preached for three years, was crucified and rose from the dead. He did this to save human...

Problems Associated with Determining the Birthplace of Jesus Christ

because only men paid taxes. The presence of his fianc?e or wife would be redundant" (Robinson, 1999; xmas_dir.htm#where). And, it...