YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The Emergence of Feminist Theology

Essays 211 - 240

Karl Barth's Thoughts About The Holy Spirit

The entirety of Barths theology is centered on Christ and thus, is Christological in nature and substance. It is also important in...

Theological Issues

called the Son of God" (Aherne). In John 1:49, Nathaniel, at their first meeting, referred to Jesus as the Son of God (Aherne). Wh...

The Reformation And Eucharistic Theology

this Sacrament is central to the Christian faith, it was an issue that had to be decided. The ruling philosophy at that time was ...

Fides et Ratio - Philosophy

philosophy itself has changed" (#47) over the centuries (47). This field no longer seeks universal truth and wisdom, it is little ...

Early Christian Theology and Jesus

However, the historical record indicates that it was not long before the image of Jesus began to be detached from the historical J...

Theology and the Impact of the Enlightenment

As things now stand, much is lacking which prevents men from being, or easily becoming, capable of correctly using their own reaso...

Life and Works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

and early career help illustrate how he was a relatively simple man who would likely have remained obscure without WWII and Nazi G...

Sick and Dying Catholic Ministering

in the world (McClory 2002). The Cardinal had lost his battle with cancer and he was ready to let go (McClory 2002). Letting go a...

Biography and Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas

The Dominicans were like the Franciscans in that they were a mendicant order wherein the friars "vowed to live faithfully in pover...

Development of Theology of Christology

First Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church was held at Nicea (also referred to as Nicaea) in 325 in order to address the topi...

Theology and Gospel Preaching in the African American Church

by everyone.5 The all-important link that connects all rituals and practices, individuals to society/community, and believers to ...

John and Matthew's Theology

and Death are also stressed as fulfilling the prophecies of scripture, specifically in Isaias (Jacquier, 2005). Matthew 5:1-7:29,...

Religious Pluralism and Christian Theology

2008, p. 394). This led to the consensus that "just one form of religion" had to be imposed on the native inhabitants of diverse l...

Medieval Theology in Dulcitius

"Gods empowerment of women" (Richmond 133). In her preface to her plays, Hrotsvit specifically states her intention to present a...

Moral Theology/Remarriage After Divorce

Matthew 19:3-12). In this passage, Jesus teaches that a separation alone does not break the marriage union, but rather a certifica...

Introduction to Christian Theology/Gonzalez and Perez

points out that the authors approach their topic principally from the standpoint of church historians, and that their "vision of U...

Meaning and Theology/Genesis 21:1-7

Sarah could produce a child, yet through the grace of Gods will this occurred. Verse 2 makes it clear that the only reason that S...

Article Critique of 'Beyond Theology' by Judith Nagata

scripture as one of the characteristics of Christian fundamentalism, at one point, Nagata appears to argue that there are no Isla...

Theology and the Works of Flannery O'Connor

providing specific Biblical texts, which the student can readily do, we can see that her entire foundation was one that struggled ...

James H. Cone's Teachings in A Black Theology of Liberation

would suggest that the God of the wealthy is quite different from the God of those embraced by the throws of poverty. In impartin...

Pluralism Problem and Joseph Ratzinger's The Nature and Mission of Theology

(Ratzinger 16). In other words, philosophy eschews revelation. Theology, on the other hand, is "rational reflection upon Gods reve...

Ice Sculpture, Science, Theology, and Sensations

rationalize our mental processes. Beliefs such as those involving our ice sculpture are typically viewed from the foundationalist...

Toward a World Theology by Wilfred Cantrell Smith

another level, it is a matter of theological truth. His goal in this study is provide evidence and links between these two realiti...

Saint Thomas Aquinas' Theology

the universe reveals that the natural world provides a graduated scale of existence, from lower beings to those that are higher or...

An Examination of Arianism Theology

but with the passage of time and the emergence of Christ, this necessitated that their ideology allow for both Jew and Greek to me...

Christian Worship Music and Theology

of worship. Canticles are a part of todays liturgy in the Roman Catholic Church" and "The first written chants were associated wit...

Roman Catholic Church and Moral Theology

In nine pages this research paper considers the Catholic Church's current theological stance regarding morality. Four sources are...

Resurrection of Jesus Christ and Systematic Theology

In eight pages this paper analyzes Jesus Christ's resurrection in a consideration of contemporary theologians and their thoughts o...

Twentieth Century Christian Theology and 'Holiness'

possess it?presumably "attribution of qualities like thankfulness, courage, and chastity" are ruled out (Geach 333). According to ...

Review on Karl Rahner's 'Demythologization in the Theology' Article

In three pages this paper considers Rahner's view of God and His existence by 'demythologizing' Him in order to incorporate His pr...