YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :US Democracy Pragmatism and Virtue

Essays 361 - 390

Aristotle and John Stuart Mill on Virtue

is not that everyone just does what they think is right or what society tells them is right, but they sense that something good co...

Concepts of Contemporary Citizenship and Political Virtue as Viewed by Aristotle

the morality Aristotle speaks of is relative. While it is not relative from one individual to another perhaps, and there is certai...

Honesty and Ethics in Philosophy

commandment "thou shalt not kill", for example, are forced to re-examine their views in the light of military service in wartime, ...

Contrasting and Comparison of the Virtue Philosophical Perspectives of Aristotle and Confucius

correct them by illustrating how values are an integral component of personhood. Indeed, it can readily be argued how the concept...

Virtue Ethics Case Analysis

half weeks pay. Sheila leaves a message on Wandas machine saying that she will pick up the dolls that evening, and a check for her...

Nursing Practice and Classical Virtues

various formal, stated ethics codes of nursing associations; nurse education programs; health care organizations; and certainly he...

The National Center for the Preservation of Democracy

the blog sites of Volpac, a conservative political action committee chaired by Senate majority leader Bill Frist. One of the curr...

Virtues of Mind by Linda Zagzebski

combining the areas of reform epistemology, philosophy and psychology, with the intent to prove that intelligent virtue is the tru...

Virtue and the Good Life According to the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle

so morality, for Aristotle is defined by mans choices towards ethical virtue (1098a16). In Book II of "Nicomachean Ethics," Ari...

Virtues and the Normative Ethical Theory of Plato

In five pages this report discusses ethical egoism as it relates to the normative ethical theory of Plato. Three sources are cite...

Utilitarianism and Aristotelian Virtue

then, where does one go? Which way is correct? Going back to ancient times, Aristotle had a lot to say about virtue. In the Nicoma...

Virtues, Morals, and Ethics of Bill Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

In ten pages various philosophical methods are applied to the Monica Lewinsky scandal in terms of what might offer the best instru...

Society, the Individual, and Christina and Fred Sommers' Vice And Virtue in Everyday Life

In seven pages various readings featured in this collective volume consider topics of self respect, self interest, dignity, and ch...

Virtues of Interactive TV

In six pages this paper discusses interactive television's benefits such as distance learning, telemedicine, and videoconferencing...

Virtue Defined in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and in The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

In five pages this paper discusses what these authors think constitutes a virtuous person as presented in their texts. Three sour...

Book of the Three Virtues by Christine de Pizan

of women in medieval society, De Pizan wrote two of her most significant works, The Book of the City of Ladies and The Book of the...

Ethics, Justice, Love, Virtue and the Death Penalty

(Marquand, 1997, p. 1). Dennis Pigman, a minister of the Assembly of God and a former chaplain on the Arkansas death row, believes...

America's Democratic History

the Declaration of Independence. While two-thirds of mankind suffers undernourishment, our own upper classes revel amidst superfl...

The Concept of Virtue

distinguishes between the activities of the practical and intellectual virtues, with the activities of political virtue having a s...

Patrimonialism in Syria

is to compare it with Webers concept of patrimonialism where he described a system of leadership that is based upon military perso...

Habermas on Nations, States and a European Constitution

the "state on the modern conception is a legally defined term which refers ... to a state power that possesses both internal and e...

Russia; Why Market Reforms Have Worked But Democracy Has Not?

the way that Russia has adapted in changed there is an underlying pattern which can indicate the reasons for the market reform suc...

Democracy in the United States

Is it possible to have a true democracy in these conditions? The outlook is not promising. In a speech at the University of Calif...

Cultural Diffusion from the Ancient World

it was as a democracy that Athens "won and lost an empire...built the Parthenon" and produced "Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and...

Democracy in Europe

and perhaps within nations will act as springboards to the transfer of power to the centre in Europe" (Siedentop, 2001; p. 25), su...

Why Freedom of Speech is Vital to Democracy

apparel policy" ("Court cites landmark student free speech case in finding district unlawfully suspended students for protesting s...

A Comparison Between the British and French Governments

that of Britain. In France, there is the idea that the power is with the people, but in Britain there is a sense that one institut...

Philosophical Critique of Iris Marion Young’s Concept of the Distinction Between Self-Development and Self-Determination

later. In each, she focuses on what she regards as the two most significant values that must be preserved if social justice is to...

The Digital Divide - 6 Blogs

information and communication tools, such as the Internet, and those who cannot" that was given by The Digital Network; which is a...

US-China Trade 2008

Chinas "Exports to the U.S. rose 9.9 percent in the first seven months of 2008 from a year earlier after gaining 8.9 percent in th...