YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Why Nations Go to War by Stoessinger

Essays 151 - 180

The Struggle for World Peace: More Attainable Now Than Ever Before

This 5 page paper argues that with the end of the Cold War, world peace is now potentially more attainable than at any time in his...

Overview of the U.S. Civil War

This paper consists of nine pages and examines the lack of civility associated with the U.S. Civil War or the conflict between Nor...

Analyzing a History of Yugoslavia from 1918 until 1991

of which was regarding the Istrian peninsula with Italy. This dispute continued despite the Treaty of Rapallo in 1920, the Memoran...

1796 'Farewell Address' of President George Washington

of this model paper is to point out that there is no way to avoid foreign entanglements and the War of 1812 is the most likely exa...

The So-Called Ongoing Gulf War and U.S. Involvement

a part of Iraq, yet Kuwait had systematically encroached on Iraqi territory, while also deliberately stealing Iraqi oil from the R...

International Environmental Treaties and the Effects on Countries At War

primary importance of effective sanctions, which serve to control appropriate activity between and among all participating nations...

Terrorism Problems and the Challenges Confronting Kuwait

This mutual alliance against terrorism intensified when maritime protection became necessary during 1987, an augmentation that ser...

History of WMDs in Iraq

2002). The threat of nuclear capabilities was so great that the president and other analysts believed the threat to be significan...

U.S. Presidents and Executive War Powers

in this regard. Although as we shall see there are some temporary exceptions, the legislative branch typically approves o...

US Reasons for Entering Word War I

were formed as a direct result of Nationalism. Tensions in Germany in particular before the outbreak of war were phenomenal (Arth...

World War I, Its Causes

war, pulling in allies from the Near East, Asia and North America, was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the ...

Legal Refugee Status

people who were refugees and/or who were seeking asylum to leave an environment of persecution. On the other hand, refugees are ma...

Origins of the First World War

for conflict at the very least; some even blame Germany for "planning and waging a deliberate war of aggression."4 Sheffield expl...

Rice and Kings and All That Jazz

The writer discusses the efforts made by the U.S. during the Cold War to win other nations to its view. The methods discussed incl...

World Instability in the Years Following the Cold War

The way the United States relates with other nations has changed dramatically over our history. These changes have been particula...

Mister Pip by Lloyd Jones and the Conflict in Bougainville PNG

white they thought they were looking at ghosts or maybe some people who had just fallen into bad luck. Dogs sat on their tails an...

Compare and Contrast: The Two World Wars

suppress anti-Habsburg activities, organizations, and propaganda and that Habsburg officials be permitted to join in the Serbian i...

Causes and Results of the First and Second World Wars

In the socio and political environment that resulted after World War I ended, there was probably even less chance of global...

The U.S. Civil War: Causes and Implications

deal of power because their populations were growing so much. At the same time, Southern States were losing power and they began t...

The Emotion of Art During Times of War

light - or enlightened. The evil part of humanity - the executioners, are beyond the light - in the literal and spiritual dark. F...

The Entry of the United States into World War II

support for joining the war. Although it seemed as if the U.S. might become involved, the Americans were quite happy with Europe f...

"Sorrow Of War," "Perfume Dreams" And "In Country" - Review

one can readily argue how the expectations of such a first-hand experience lend themselves to the overlapping of uncontrolled chao...

Duality and War in Literature

won by any nation. Caputos work focuses on the primary character who remembers an innocence that will always live within him, bu...

An Ungrateful Nation - Blacks after the Second World War

"The French had a certain kind of openness and warmth that they exhibited towards minorities that was just unexplainable. You woul...


thus staving off what could have been a disastrous situation. A default on debt is certainly nothing to sneeze at and can h...

Herodotus: Reliable And Comprehensive Account Of The Persian Wars?

then took this reality and spinned it to contest the uncontestable and knew there could be no definitive answer, which he believed...

Teaching Character Education

Jean Piaget and also on the philosophy of American educator John Dewey (Barger). This model of moral development pictures children...

Crystal Meth: Effects On Teens And Adults

use as of the early 1980s and continues to be one of the most commonly abused street drugs (Methamphetamine). Results from the 20...

Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Historical Context

1852.5 Stowes portrayal of the cruelty of slavery generated "horror in the North and outrage in the South," as Southerners perceiv...

The Intention Of The Holy Ghost ……

the creation of the universe. Genesis says that at first the earth was covered by water. Scientists claimed, even at that time, th...