YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Why the US Fought in the Vietnam War

Essays 391 - 420

Religion in Vietnam and America

This research paper contrasts and compares the principal religions of the U.S. and those of Vietnam, whilc also discussing the inf...

Overview of the Korean War

In fourteen pages this paper discusses the US's involvement in the Korean War in a consideration of military strategy and goals. ...

United States, Vietnam, and China

In five pages power transference, political parties and the military's role are considered within the context of the U.S., China, ...

US and Giving Vietnam the Economic Status of Most Favored Nation

This paper consists of eight pages and argues in favor of the US bestowing most favored nation economic status to Vietnam. Six so...

1945 through 1968 South Vietnam Policy of the United States

in return, Britain would provide advice from its vast knowledge and experience as a world power to foreign policy-makers of the Un...

The American Military and Asian Prostitution

In five pages Let the Good Times Role by Sturdevant and Stoltzfus is used to consider how U.S. soldiers victimized Asian prostitut...

The Persian Gulf War and U.S. Involvement

This 7 page paper outlines the factors behind the Persian Gulf War and the U.S. military strategy during the conflict. The writer ...

Ronald Reagan's Role in SDI and the U.S. Military Buildup

In twenty two pages this paper discusses President Ronald Reagan's role in the U.S.'s military buildup and the development of 'Sta...

Foreign Policy Decisions Leading to US Involvement in WWII

This paper addresses foreign policy decisions made by Roosevelt and relevant to Great Britain that lead up to a certain involvemen...

Iraq War and Coverage by the Media

sporadic unless something major happens (like the killing of American civilians or the capture of Saddam Hussein). But critics hav...

Bad Intelligence Equals Losing Battles

gone by in the war in Afghanistan, and the United States Intelligence Community (IC) and its allies have developed only a marginal...

After the Cold War, What’s a Soldier to Do

military engaged in a deadly stand-off against the Soviet Union, with both sides poised to destroy the other. The insane doctrine ...

Vietnam a U.S. Blunder

Vietnam is a troubled one, with war one of its main themes. But U.S. involvement there really begins with the French in Indochina ...

The Attractions and Risks Associated with United Kingdom As a Target for Foreign Direct Investment

The writer considers the position of a US firm considering undertaking FDI into the UK. The first part of the paper looks at why t...

Varying Justifications for World War II

The reasons nation enter into warfare are on the one hand diverse. On the other hand, however, they most often relate to one degr...

The Transfer of TQM Practices from Japanese to US Companies

been conducive to increasing adoption and adoption in the US. By looking at the developments in Japan the similar pressures that f...

Hard Times and the Constitution of 1787

that neither the federal government nor the states had any monies to pay for all of these duties. We didnt even have an actual Co...

Economic Growth And Inflation

of 2.0 percent but quarterly rates of, respectively from Q1 to Q4: 1.1 percent 4.8 percent, 4.8 percent and -.02 percent (

Argumentative Essay Opposing the Iraq War

trillion.6 The severe economic effects of this war in terms of costs that include war zone operations, troop deployment, equipmen...

Woodrow Wilson and Word War I

as a direct result of Nationalism. Tensions in Germany in particular before the outbreak of war were phenomenal (Arthur, 2004). ...

The U.S. Decision to Invade Iraq in 2003, Justified with References to John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Nagel and the Principles of Utilitarianism

rule-utilitarianism. Act-utilitarianism "supposes that each particular action should be evaluated solely by references to its own ...

Projecting What U.S. International Relations Will Be Like in The 21st Century

cope within a new geopolitical global environment. We have seen a pulling back of support in numerous arenas. One of the events ...

How Accounting Rules Change

including major accounting firms. While we generally consider the effects of this Act on public companies, Hamel (2003) reminds pe...

Culture and the US Fight Against Terrorism

is still centered on "Christian religion, Protestant values and moralism, a work ethic, the English language, British traditions o...

Truman Proclamation/Continental Shelf

over activities off its shores," which pertain to the utilization of these resources (Truman). Having laid out the rationale for...

The U.S. Failure in Vietnam

it" (Zelnick, 2005). There was also some dissent at this time, but it didnt come from protestors, but from professional military p...

The First Persian Gulf War

to it as the First Gulf War (Zwier and Weltig, 2004). It is also known as the First Persian Gulf War. In Kuwait it is referred t...

The War in Iraq is Not Justified

is the most popular one, acting in the face of adversity should mean that the action is strongly supported by the actor. In the ca...

American Policy in Japan, 1948-1952

pictured Japanese soldiers as monkeys in military garb and machine guns, swinging through the trees (Dower 183). Likewise, the Jap...

Why Does the United States Have Fewer Students Taking Advanced Examinations Compared England and Wales, France and Germany; Research Findings

situation that also has an impact. If this lack of motivations is the true then the opposite would also be true, if university or ...