YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :21st Century Leisure

Essays 181 - 210

Anthropology and Leisure

In five pages this paper takes an anthropological view of leisure within the context of Phillip R. DeVita and James D'Armstrong's ...

Ocean Cruising and Disney World Cost Increase Comparisons

In six pages this report considers the increase in admission prices of these two leisure service enterprises over the past twenty ...

Peace, Power, Leadership, Vladimir Lenin and Mohandas K. Gandhi

In five pages this paper discusses the obvious differences but also notes surprising similarities between these 20th century leade...

Leisure and Sports in Victorian Age Great Britain

in which to hike and walk, a need that was filled by establishing hundreds of town parks which were paid for and maintained by the...

John Stephens' Incidents of Travel in Yucatan

This 19th century text is analyzed in ten pages. Three sources are cited in the bibliography....

Historical Significance of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad II

In five pages the twentieth century relevance of Heart of Darkness is considered in this historical perspective of Joseph Conrad's...

Leisure Analysis and Research Types

In six pages this paper examines quantitative and qualitative scientific research methods in terms of definition, pros and cons of...

Whites, Blacks, and Leisure Practice Variances

This paper examines the cultures of blacks and whites in a contrasting and comparison of leisure practice variances between the tw...

Lifetime of Leisure

category refers to personal unexpected events, such as divorce or disability (Mannell and Kleiber, 1997). A major landmark study...

Trustworthiness as it relates to Mergers and Acquisitions in the Leisure Economy

by movies (Fischer, 1994). Film-going would grow as would radio that first appeared in the 1920s (Fischer, 1994). It seems that b...

Small Leisure Boat Environmental Audit

environmentally damaging transportation. The chain is very long, and this extended in many directions, so in reality a true total ...

EPS and Gearing Statistical Test Link

allow the two figures to be taken and then assess. As there are different patterns in different industries we will choose two indi...

3 Article Reviews on Children's Health

a significant clustering of fast food restaurants within a 1.5 mile radius when compared to other non down town areas. The researc...

Sun-o-Matic's Marketing Plan

In eight pages this paper discusses a new leisure item's marketing plan in a product description and market approach. Four source...

Nineteenth Century U.S. Labor

Workers included men, women and children. The fact that children worked in incredibly dangerous situations and conditions furthe...

Leisure Theory and the Absence of Jungian Psychology

Jungs Basics To understand the application of Jungs theories and the absence of his theories relative to leisure theory, it is ne...

Takeover Bid Financial Considerations

In ten pages the perspective of a financial advisor for the International Leisure public company is taken in a consideration of Ga...

Leisure Activities in Programs for the Elderly

In six pages elderly programs are examined in a consideration of how important leisure services activities are. Five sources are ...

U.S. Slave Children's Leisure and Play

In five pages this paper discusses the play and leisure activities of slave children in the United States as represented in the ci...

An Examination of The Theory of the Leisure Class

all, a class of people set higher, financially and socially, than others who must somehow struggle and work for a living. Veblen f...

Early US Penitentiaries and 3 Concepts

In three pages this paper examines 3 concepts on 18th century penitentiaries with Pennsylvania and the Quaker influence the primar...

Society and Why and How to Increase Leisure

does not work for a paycheck is viewed as a freeloader. Yet, there are those who work and want to simply do recreation on the week...

Commedia del'Arte and Cycle Plays

Noah, for example, might exhort the men on the audience to establish control over their wives whilst Noahs wife would...

Australia's Recreation and Leisure

Bicentennial Authority, designed projects based on the theme of "Leisure in the Age of Technology" (Editor, 1990, p. 3). The diffe...

20th Century Educational Inequality

excel in society. Our schools are not meeting these goals. Part of the reason is an almost myopic concentration on equality in f...

Leisure Industry and Commodification

The leisure industry is responsible for commodification when, for example, the demands of tourism come to be seen as dominating th...

'Absalom and Achitophel' by John Dryden and Honesty

17th century way of saying "God told him to do it." But one of Davids progeny stood out, this being the brave...

Aristotle and Sebastian de Grazia on Leisure

In fact, he suggests that work is done for the "sake of leisure" (267). More completely, Aristotle believed that it is important ...

Georg Simmel and Leisure

People seek out leisure activities, especially leisure activities that remove individuals from the frenetic metropolis because of ...

Research in Tourism and Leisure

words, "Heritage tourism reintroduces people to their cultural roots" (McKercher, Yo and du Cros, 2004, p. 539). Furthermore, cult...