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Essays 1 - 30

A Comparison of Communist Manifesto and Candide

proletariat. Marx notes firstly that the interests of communists do not differ from the interests of the proletariat as a class; t...

Examination of The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

(not many women were in places of ruling in those days), the people who controlled the production of product and the money made. T...

Individual in The Communist Manifesto by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx

In five pages this essay summarizes The Communist Manifesto and then considers how the individual proletarian is represented with ...

Behavior That is Rational vs. Irrational

Jason was only seeking his own gratification. He wanted to have it all. His intent was to gain both power and social standing by...

The Communist Manifesto's Positive and Negative Points

will really see a great deal of change in respect to social class. Although again, this is perhaps not the most important part of ...

Comparison of Communist Manifesto and Looking Backwards

perfect society than one stratified by wealth. In looking at two classic works--Looking Back by Edward Bellamy and The Communist...

A Comparison Between Faust and the Communist Manifesto

his world? Is he in control of others? Another thematic element is that of modernity. Ziolkowski writes: "Oswald Spengler feature...

Adding a Chapter to Candide by Voltaire

Virginia planter, required that I labor from before sunup to after sundown in his cotton fields. It was back-breaking work under a...

Underlying Meaning in Candide by Voltaire

In six pages this essay analyzes the allegorical word meaning featured in Candide by Voltaire and how this impacts upon Candide's ...

Artistic Manifesto

In six pages this paper examines F.T. Marinetti's Foundation and Manifesto of Futurism, Andre Breton's The Manifesto of Surrealism...

Two Opposing Views of Communism

In seven pages Karl Marx's views on Communism as expressed in The Communist Manifesto are contrasted with the political interpreta...

Communism, Federalism, and Freedom

In seven pages this paper examines the different perspectives of freedom expressed by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx in The Commun...

Bourgeoisie and Other Concepts in Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto

In five pages this paper defines concepts including property ownership, capital's role and how it is used, the proletariat, and th...

Comparative Analysis of the Theories of Charles Darwin and Karl Marx

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares the theoretical perspectives of Darwin and Marx in an examination of the similarit...

Human Nature and Karl Marx's 'The Communist Manifesto'

In five pages this paper examines historical materialism and alienation within the context of 'The Communist Manifesto' and argues...

Sugar Cane Alley and Class Conflict

In five pages the ways in which Sugar Cane Alley addresses the concerns Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels expressed in the Communist ...

Labor According to Georg Hegel and Karl Marx

In eleven pages this paper compares the labor views expressed by Georg Hegel in Phenomenology of Spirit with those contained in Th...

Nazi Communism and The Communist Manifesto by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx

In seven pages this paper establishes a definition for communism and also discusses The Communist Manifesto with a consideration o...

Capitalism and the Opposing Perspectives of Milton Friedman and Karl Marx

In six pages this research paper contrasts and compares the capitalist perspectives of Friedman and Marx as they reveal themselves...

Individuality Concept and Capitalism

In a paper consisting of six pages the individuality concept and its conflict with capitalism are considered through such works as...

Frederick Douglass and Karl Marx Fictitious Dialogue

In five pages this paper presents a fictitious dialogue between Frederick Douglass and Karl Marx utilizing Marx's Communist Manife...

Philosophy of Marxism

In five pages this paper examines historical materialism, alienation, and other philosophical concepts as they are featured in The...

Dialectic Determinism in The Communist Manifesto by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx

In eight pages The Communist Manifesto and its as well as other works' representation of the dialectic determinism theory are disc...

Self Realization Perspectives of Karl Marx and Francis H. Bradley

In nine pages the perspectives of self realization as reflected in German philosopher Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto and Brit...

Religion and the Views of Karl Marx

In nine pages this research paper examines theories of Karl Marx and his anti religious stance in a consideration of Manifesto of ...

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' 'The Communist Manifesto'

In five pages this paper examines 'The Communist Manifesto' in an overview that includes bourgeoisie and proletariat differences a...

The Communist Manifesto A Modern Edition

plausible prediction " (Marx PG), was that the working class central role in the political movement would ultimately prove devasta...

What Went Wrong in the United States According to the Writings of Plato, Karl Marx, Lao Tzu, Niccolo Machiavelli and Frederick Douglass

The writings of 'The Republic,' 'The Communist Manifesto,' 'Tao te Ching,' 'The Prince,' and 'Narrative of the Life of Frederick D...

Modern Day International Economy and Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

In two pages this paper considers the modern day global economy governmental system in an application of Karl Marx's ideal governm...

Their Morals and Ours by Leon Trotsky

In six pages this paper discusses chapter one of Their Morals and Ours by Leon Trotsky with the work also compared with The Reflec...