YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :A comparison of Gardner and Kafka

Essays 151 - 178

Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and the Samsa Family's Evolution

In five pages this paper examines how Gregor's transformation into a bug impacts the Samsa family in this analysis of Metamorphosi...

Do Humans Control Their Own Lives?

This 7 page paper asks to what degree humans control their own lives. It uses three literary works, Metamorphosis by Kafka; The Lo...

Life and Art of Franz Kafka

feels that it was his fathers rough treatment of his employees that first propelled young Kafka toward the cause of workers rights...

Style of 'The Metamorphosis' by Franz Kafka

but not from his condition. Rather, his melancholy is because of the "raindrops beating on the window gutter" (Kafka, 2002). Rathe...

Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and Themes

Willy Loman in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman. Of course, unlike Loman, it is Gregor who is given the raw deal even though he ...

Parallels Between Kafka and the Character K in The Trial

This five page paper presents the character K as an alter ego of the author Franz Kafka. Six sources are listed....

Mann, Gide, Kafka, Woolf, and Modernism

It was realistic, but the writing was complicated and required the reader to become intimately involved with the subject matter. ...

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and Alienation

opening line, and one can imagine that as the story goes on, this once human being who finds himself a bug is not able to have a n...

'In The Penal Colony' by Franz Kafka

In six pages dramas by Wenders and Brecht are compared with this 1924 story by Franz Kafka in a consideration of meaning and symbo...

Uses of Symbolism in 'Collage of Echoes' by Isabella Gardner and 'The Canonization' by John Donne

is typically associated with the imagery of male strength and the dove, that of female purity. According to the metaphysical belie...

The Qualities of a Citizen by Gardner

country of origin in respect to whether or not they might be breaking the law. Likely, women who might go to bars or have "loose" ...

Pestalozzi Dewey Gardner Vygotsky Noddings

This essay discusses the theories of the individuals identified. There are twelve sources listed in the bibliography of this six p...

Social Struggles and Women in Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis, Charles Dickens' Hard Times, and Sarah Orne Jewett's A White Heron

Jewetts Sylvia is not far removed from the oppressive social structure Louisa is forced to endure. For Sylvia, the white heron ex...

Franz Kafka's The Trial, Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man, and William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying and Dream or Surreal Time

In twelve pages dream or surreal time as they are represented in these literary works are examined. Five other sources are cited ...

Injustice in 'Metamorphosis' by Franz Kafka

In five pages this research paper examines the theme of injustice as it is represented in Gregor Samsa's deteriorating condition a...

Life's Meaning in 'Metamorphosis' by Franz Kafka and 'Ivan Ilyich' by Leo Tolstoy

In 4 pages this paper examines how life's meaning is conveyed through physical and spiritual changes in a contrasting of these two...

Analyzing Cervantes, Kafka, and Morrison

Several authors are featured in this paper consisting of ten pages as writing styles are the emphasis in an analysis of the works ...

Grete Samsa in 'Metamorphosis' by Franz Kafka

beginning of the narrative, Grete is quite concerned about her brother when he is locked in his room, unwilling to let his family ...

Analysis of Symbolism in 'The Metamorphosis' by Franz Kafka and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

his own parent/child relationship. Not coincidentally, Frankenstein labors "for nine months... to complete his experiment" (Riche...

Analyzing Readings The Poetics of Blanchot, Joyce, Kafka, Kleist, Lispector and Tsvetayeva by Helene Cixous

Its clear this feminist perspective seeks no harm, but merely wishes to illuminate her celebration of women. Specificall...

Analysis of 'Metamorphosis' by Franz Kafka

forced to take responsibility for their own lives, they grow tremendously and are obviously happier. The setting for the narrativ...

'The Trial' by Franz Kafka

to deserve such cruel treatment from the authorities" (Ebert 914072.html). In a very short synopsis of the story we find "Josef...

'Metamorphosis' by Franz Kafka and Symbolism

way that he feels about himself is not overly shocking to Gregor. His determination to make his train, the fact that he would even...

Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse and The Trial by Franz Kafka

obviously see elements of the man who wrote the story, for Kafka is often considered to be an individual who deeply examined his w...

'The Judgement' by Franz Kafka

protagonist finds his fathers rejection of him to be too much to bear and continue living. Kafka begins "The Judgment" by pictu...

Gregor Samsa in 'The Metamorphosis' by Franz Kafka

and compassion to overcome obstacles when Grete attempts to put forth the effort. It is at this point where the author suggests t...

Philosophical View of 'Metamorphosis' by Franz Kafka

In seven pages this paper provides an existential philosophical examination of the story and discusses how it reflects the time pe...

Family Reactions to a Member’s Troubles in Baldwin and Kafka

stress, particularly when the stress also involves a violation of social "norms." Some have suggested that Gregors "metamorphosis"...