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Essays 241 - 270

Women's Rights in America

This paper examines women's rights in America during the antebellum and progressive eras in a contrasting and comparison of Declar...

The Drug War in America

In a paper consisting of ten pages the political and economic implications of America's war on drugs are discussed with the conclu...

American Middle Class Defined

In eight pages this paper examines America's middle class concept throughout history and the shrinkage of this socioeconomic class...

Marxist Paradigm and International Relations

In four pages this paper is written as a presidential candidate's speech which applies Marxist theory to America's international r...

American International Relations and the Concepts of Capitalism and Liberalism

In two pages this paper examines how America's international relations and domestic policies can best be understood through capita...

Religious Change in America by Andrew M. Greeley

In five pages Greeley's text which discusses the changes in American religious observances is considered and reveals that contrary...

Leisure and Work in 1900 to 1920 Urban US

This paper discusses early 20th century leisure and work as conceptualized in urban America in a consideration of Kathy Peiss' 'Le...

America's Holocaust, 'The Trail of Tears'

series of treaties, the settlers obtain various parcels of land from the Cherokees, however, it was not through voluntary means th...

U.S., Social Corruption, and Morality on the Decline

In six pages this paper examines America's declining morality and also considers social corruption and the breakdown of the family...

Pre and Post Civil War Sectionalism

In five pages this paper discusses America's pre and post Civil War sectionalism issues. Four sources are cited in the bibliograp...

History of American Currency

experiences a period in which it competes with a second currency as a medium of exchange ... During an episode of dual currencies,...

'Glouster Harbor' by 19th Century Artist Childe Hassam

In five pages this research paper considers the concept of Impressionism as expressed in 'Glouster Harber' by Childe Hassam, Ameri...

South America, Visions of Mysticism, Loss, and Fear According to Costa Gavras, Feitlowitz, and Allende

In six pages this report focuses on the visions responsible for the creation of South America's nations as portrayed in Costa Gavr...

Senior Citizen Care and Economics

In six pages this paper examines America's senior citizens in terms of the costs of health care and insurance and the impact upon ...

Vietnam and the Stance of Martin Luther King Jr.

In fifteen pages this research paper examines the reasons behind Martin Luther King's opposition to the war in Vietnam in a chrono...

North America Geography

In ten pages this paper discusses North America geography in a comparison with South America and includes such topics as culture, ...

Rousseau and Equality Between the Sexes

This research pasper discusses the work of Jean-Jacque Rousseau and how his political philosophy was one of the guiding elements ...

TV and America's Children

a fairly even level of knowledge. Some entered the early grades with a rudimentary foundation of writing or phonics learned in th...

Economic History of Latin America

In eight pages this paper discusses Latin America's economic history and different countries' similarities. Seven sources are cit...

Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen

Adolescence is considered one of the most crucial periods of socialization because of the very pressure it places upon youth. Thr...

U.S. Dieting Problems

of her life, and was taken by her mother to her first weight-loss center at age 10, when she already weighed 125 pounds (West and ...

Bureaucratic Authoritarianism and Latin America

relationship between the rulers and the ruled has remained fundamentally consistent much the same as it has always been throughout...

Monetary Policies and the US Federal Reserve System's Role

these goals and to perform its duties, the Federal Reserve Bank has a number of specific strategies it uses, such as discount rate...

Life and Achievements of Sir Walter Raleigh

In seven pages Sir Walter Raleigh's life and achievements are examined with his exploration and Americas' colonization efforts t...

US Moral Crisis According to William Bennett, Bob Avakian, and Jim Wallis

the "processes" or causes of moral decay in the United States. Jim Wallis "The Soul of Politics" presents his view that the signs...

American Painter Norman Rockwell

In eight pages this paper examines 'America's painter' artist Norman Rockwell. Five sources are cited in the bibliography....

US Budget, its Deficit, and the National Debt

In five pages this tutorial discusses differing economic and political perspectives regarding America's budget, its deficit, and t...

Suicide and the Youth of America

In seven pages this paper examines America's youth between the ages of fifteen and nineteen and the incidences of suicide among th...

High Schools and the Importance of Vocational Education Programs

In 4 pages this paper discusses why America's high schools need the inclusion of programs in vocational education. There are 2 so...

'Excellent' Company's 8 Attributes

In five pages this paper analyzes Thomas J. Peters' and Robert H. Whiteman's In Search of Excellence Lessons from America's Best ...