YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :An Essay Arguing for Gay Marriage

Essays 601 - 630

Lessons Learned Post Desert Storm

and highly dangerous authoritarian who would like nothing better than to wipe the United States off the face of the map. To have ...

Domestic Violence- Treatment of Male Abusers

have reason to hold such fears. Womens advocates have made headway over the years, however, in disseminating the information that...

Object Oriented Database Systems (OODB)

by no means efficient. Ahn and Kim (2002) write that the upper layers of an OO database management system "should be adapted to t...

Stooping to Their Level: the FBI in “Mississippi Burning”

goes black as two more shots are heard. The reaction of the audience at this point is sheer disbelief as well as anger. The disb...

Black Films and Hip Hop Music Videos: Race Representation

is a mixed bag. In films that parody the past like Undercover Brother and in music videos, the most watched genre of film today by...

“Everyday Use” - The Importance of the Story’s Title

charming and funny and sad, all at the same time. This paper explains the significance of the title by examining it using the diff...

Doing Away with Harmful Traditional Roles

the point that the female sees no other options. This message is one that is still sent by most of society. Non-traditional famil...

MRAP Vehicles in the U.S. Army

are some drawbacks but there are many more benefits. C. They are safer than Hummers. D. Risks can be mitigated with proper tra...

The Causes of the Second World War

The writer argues that the basic cause of World War II was World War I. The paper also argues that the Great Depression did not ca...

No More Frankenfood

industry has managed to persuade consumers that they are actually given a wide variety, rather than acknowledging that what theyre...

Teaching Writing

This paper argues that writing is not an inborn talent but a skill that can be learned and mastered. It also argues that each spec...

U.S. Government, the Economy, Poverty and Welfare

This research paper offers an overview of the federal government's activities in the realm of economics. The writer argues that th...

The Cheese and the Worms by Carlo Ginzburg

The writer analyzes the book The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller by Carlo Ginzburg and argues that ...

A Nursing Perspective on Patient Mental Illness

This 15 page paper discusses seven patients who suffer from various forms of mental illness, and argues that there may be an under...

Was the Cold War in Europe Inevitable?

as necessary and correct (Crockatt, 1995). However, the "second wave" of historians, writing perhaps 20 years later, and informed ...

Torture in Bush’s America

describes a situation in which the police in London know there is a bomb set to go off; they know it will kill thousands; they hav...

Environmental Stewardship and Consumerism

their needs and desires without wrecking the environment? (Simms, 2008). The answer lies in the fact that there seems to be no c...

Against Animal Cruelty

(Vollum, Buffington-Vollum and Longmire 209). It has been argued that animals, in their own right, are worthy of consideration and...

Virtually Reality Genre; Star Trek's Next-Generation Episode Ship In A Bottle As A Forerunner Of Virtual Reality In The Matrix And The Thirteenth Floor

as a commercially viable and attractive genre by its continued existence and evolution. In all three of the production to ...

The American Health Care System: A Disgrace

they should have "choices that are diverse and responsive to individual needs"; and they should exercise personal responsibility i...


al Qahtani was held in intense isolation for months on end, to the point where he began to hallucinate; strip searched and made to...

The Case Against Animal Cruelty

(Vollum, Buffington-Vollum and Longmire 209). It has been argued that animals, in their own right, are worthy of consideration and...

Argument: Illegal Immigration Has a Negative Effect on the U.S. Economy

and its easy to blame immigrants for lack of work-though they take the jobs most Americans dont want. Still, there is a profound s...

Comparing the Gospels

as actively participating in his fate, rather than demonstrating passive acceptance. In the synoptic gospels, action is, for the m...

Judgments and Rational Thinking

ecologically rational if it is adapted to the structure of the environment (Bounded Rationality, 2003). Bazerman (1998) describe...

Changing Driver’s License Age Limits to Save Lives

description shows the factors that are common in crashes involving teens: a 16-year old boy was driving; he was in an SUV; there w...

Two Versions of Frankenstein

and had been released some months earlier (Biodrowski). The novel, which has the subtitle of "The Modern Prometheus," is "a sort o...

The Art of Indirection

in seconds. He continues this catalog of things she is not by comparing the color of her lips to coral (coral is redder); compari...

Steroid Use in Major League Baseball

steroids enhance performance; or rather, there is sufficient doubt about it to suggest that it might not be true in all cases. In ...

American History X the Film

his way is not going to solve anything and will only lead to more death. The film deserves a few words as...