YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Attention and Familiarity Journal Article Reviewed

Essays 91 - 120

'Personality Traits of a Group of Young Adults From Different Family Structures' Journal Article Reviewed

In four pages a review and study evaluation of this journal article are presented. There is also included information on this cit...

Loneliness Psychology Journal Article Reviewed

This paper consists of three pages and reviews an article on the impact of loneliness that was featured in The Journal of Psycholo...

Moral Development Theories and Childhood 2

In twelve pages the moral development theories of Carol Gilligan, Piaget, and Kohlberg are supported in a contemporary literature ...

Journal Articles on OCD

In ten pages this paper presents reviews of journal articles discussing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Eleven sources are cited i...

Poverty, Work, and Single Mothers

purpose is to examine how, and when, these women ended their receipt of welfare, a key factor would be to know how long they have ...

Public Health Nursing and Screening Processes

In two pages this review of a journal article details research on such screening procedures and discusses why early screening and ...

5 Elementary School Journal Articles Reviewed

own is enough of a challenge; however, the mounting pressure of other circumstances -- including the absence of multilingual progr...

Article Summary and Review of 'Epilepsy Disappearing Lesions in the United Kingdom'

In five pages an article that appeared in the British Medical Journal on April 20, 1991 is summarized and reviewed. There are no ...

Nursing and Technology

In two pages a journal article is reviewed in which a Computerlink research study is summarized in terms of its surgical services'...

Surgical and Medical Patients and the Value of Sleep

In two pages this paper summarizes and reviews a journal article in which the importance of sleep for medical patients is argued b...

Article Reviews of Music Education, ADHD, and ADD

Two journal articles are reviewed in this five page essay which describes the positve effects of music and massage therapy on ADD...

Adolescent Behavior Journal Article Reviewed

In four pages this paper reviews an Adolescence journal article which applies a social perspective to behavioral pattern evaluatio...

Parental Perceptions Journal Article Reviewed

In four pages a review of a journal article that evaluates the social development of children and the impacts of interaction with ...

Article Review of 'Predatory Initiators and Changing Landscapes for Warfare' by Karen Rasler and William Thompson

In five pages this paper evaluates the war initiation model by Gartner Siverson in this review of an article that appeared in The ...

Article Review on Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse

In five pages a journal article by Clark and Bukstein is reviewed regarding teens, substance abuse, comorbidity, as well as negati...

Article on Comparing High School Diplomas and GEDs Critiqued

In 5 pages a journal article on this topic is critically reviewed. There is 1 source cited in the bibliography....

The Use of Statistics in Behavioral Sciences

This 20 page paper discusses how behavioral scientists use statistics. The writer reviews three journal articles that discuss stud...

4 Journal Articles on Science Teaching and Conceptual Changes Reviewed

urban areas with a diverse population. The other two were located in an affluent suburban area but in the same school district. Th...

Educational Trends

has the potential to bring expanded insight, knowledge and understanding when used appropriately (Fulton, 2001, p. 16). The 107t...

Review of Journal Articles on Education and the Involvement of Parents

In sixteen pages this report reviews journal articles featuring research regarding children's education and the importance of pare...

Literature Review of Depression and Sexual Abuse

(Brown et al, 1999). It was found that adolescents and young adults who had experienced childhood maltreatment were three times mo...

'Bearing Illness and Injury' Review

...purpose of this study was to describe the process of bearing illness and injuries among individuals with catastrophic illnesses...

Special Needs Students and Homework Journal Article Reviewed

order to select certain available subjects, convenience sampling was necessary. The study sought to determine whether modif...

'A place in the family: an historical interpretation of research on parental reactions to having a child with a disability' by Philip M. Ferguson Reviewed

place in time. The point Ferguson goes on to make is that it is important to also consider the ways in which social attitudes and ...

Empirical Research Report on Violence in Schools

within the past two decades. Latch-key kids, single- and no-parent families, emotionally absent parents, working parents -- all t...

Review of an Article on Nursing Home Residents and Hospitalization

field of nursing and in particular for nursing home facilities. Valid data could put pressure on nursing homes to hire an adequate...

Literature Review on Corporate Communications

will not use their creativity or allow themselves some room for growth. The article goes on to explain that those who were succ...

Summary and Review of Six Articles on Motivation

feel a sense of accomplishment were driven by achievement needs and those who wanted to be on the inside were driven by affiliatio...

Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

or values. It is by understanding leadership and its influences that the way leadership may be encouraged and developed in the con...

Teaching English Language Learners

true believer (Rodgers, 2001). The roles of the teacher and learner change with each method. Methods always expect the actors to ...