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Essays 391 - 420

Article Critique/Where Terminally Ill Prefer to Die

that puts the topic of this study, as well as past research, within an appropriate philosophical framework. Tang then cites the ...

Article Critique/Cancer Patient Distress

Literature Review As the above summation indicates, the researchers provide a logical and persuasive argument for their selection...

PET Scanning For Staging And Diagnosis Of Lung Cancer

the gastrointestinal system. Patients with no metastasis are more readily afforded the standard five-year survival rate compared ...

In Home Cancer Treatment

In a paper consisting of six pages the growing trend towards treating cancer patients at home rather than at a medical facility is...

Dentists, Oral Hygienists, and Oral Cancer

In five pages this report examines the risk factor represented by tobacco in the incidence of oral cancer. Five sources are cited...

Information on Prostate Cancer

In eight pages a March 2001 article published in The New York Times about prostate cancer and the unusual approach it takes in ter...

Sun Exposure and Skin Cancer

In six pages this paper discusses the connection between skin cancer and sun exposure. Six sources are cited in the bibliograph...

Overview of Monoclonal Antibody

key to the cure for cancer (2002). As the twentieth century progressed, there seemed to be more and more cancer, and the cure for ...

Cancer and Proto Oncogenes

specific tumor viruses. According to Lander (2001), more than half of all human tumors are associated with defects in the p53 g...

Nutritional Needs of Critically Ill Cancer Patients and Cachexia

positive outcomes. However, researchers and clinicians are constantly seeking new means of therapeutic intervention for treatment ...

Incidences of Prostate Cancer

are about 50 percent more likely than white men to get this kind of cancer. Black men also have the highest mortality rate from pr...

Cancer and Minorities

The study also shows evidence that Asian Americans run an increased risk of stomach and liver cancer, and that Hispanic American a...

Margaret Edson's Wit and Ovarian Cancer

die, as well as informing us that humor is a large part of her inherent nature in terms of dealing with the fatal realities. In...

Literature Review of Terminal Cancer Patients and Hospital Care Quality

is important to note aspects of hospitalization which are perceived by patients dying of cancer as negative experiences that incre...

Complications and Side Effects from Chemotherapy

and chemotherapeutic agents are classified depending on which phase in the cell cycle they are active. Some chemotherapeutic agent...

Literature Review on a Cancer Patient's Emotional Needs

It seems that within the context of the work, there is little compassion shown for the protagonist with the exception of one oncol...

Physical Effects of Smoking

is interesting to note that the increase of smoking in America has steadily correlated with the increasing incidence of lung cance...

Medical Views on Ovarian Cancer

any woman can get ovarian cancer. It just so happens that some women are more at risk. Signs and Symptoms The problem with ova...

Screening for Colon and Rectal Cancer

100,000 population (Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, 1997). Survival rate is dependent upon the stage of the disease w...

Student Supplied Case Study on Moral Pastoral Practice

worries that God is angry with her, that maybe He hates her. She feels she has destroyed her relationship with God. She even asks ...

Smoking and Lung Cancer in Women

a Machiavelli. This assertion could be argued in challenging the central premise of this article. In fact, in order for effecti...

Article Analysis: Skin Cancer

and middle schools" (Geller et al, 2003). The overall objective of the SunWise program is to provide "sun protection education to ...

Prostate Cancer/PSA screening

an increase in the early detection of cancer, as well as detection of a "migration to lower-stage and -volume tumors," it remains ...

Nanotechnology and Its' Use in the Human Body; It is Desirable or Ethical?

potentially large number of benefits there are also a wide range of ethical and acceptability issues that need to be considered a...

Uninsured Assistance

are intended to be marketing efforts for a variety of health services providers in the area. For a nominal fee, visitors can have...

A Cancer Constellation Overview

and the average person will be able to view them simply by peering into the sky and seeking a noticeable cluster of stars (2004). ...

Comparing Alcohol Abuse in Heterosexuals and Lesbians

alcohol and drugs (McDaniel, 2001, 86). Abuse is a part of the lesbian experience as it is for all areas of society, but...

Urban Legend or Zeitgeist Myths

still believe that they will get cancer by overuse of their cell phones. By and large, this is not a bad urban legend in that it m...

Nursing Journal Critique Upon Cancer Patient Treatment Through Therapeutic Massage

using similar tests and with mixed variables such as aromatherapy and hypnosis. All of the studies mentioned concluded that massag...

Cancer Support Groups and Remedial Model Usage

in groups created by the reciprocal model and attention is given to both ideas and feelings (1990). The needs of the group members...