YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Compare and Contrast The Two World Wars

Essays 451 - 480

Bolshevik and Stalin Economic Policies and the Impact of the Second World War

In ten pages the impact of the Second World War on the economic policies of the former Soviet Union first established by the Bolsh...

Second World War Era and Guatemala

In five pages this research paper considers the Second World War in terms of Guatemala's feelings regarding the Axis and Allied po...

Resistance Groups in Greece During the Second World War

In twenty pages this research paper considers the actions of the Communist resistance groups and how in Greece they emerged victor...

Post Second World War Communities of Europe

In five pages Europe's post Second World War global alliances are examined in a consideration of the increasing 'European Communit...

Strength of Great Britain Following the Second World War

In five pages this paper presents the argument that Great Britain has not lost strength as some historians have suggested followin...

Experiments in Second World War Concentration Camps and Nazi Doctors

In eight pages this research paper examines the 'death camps' of Nazi doctors during the Second World War in a discussion of the m...

A Historical Overview of the Cold War

A four page overview of this interesting time in world history. The writer oulines the societal factors in play and historical un...

U.S. Presidential Office

In eight pages this paper discusses the foreign affairs' role of the U.S. President in a consideration of Woodrow Wilson's policy ...

Pearl Harbor and the US Entry into the Second World War

The Pearl Harbor bombing timeline of events and its importance to the United States entering the Second World War are discussed in...

America's Process of Decision Making Regarding Entry Into the Second World War

This paper examines the process of decision making that culminated in America's entry into the Second World War in eight pages. S...

Price Wars and Mismanagement

This 3 page paper argues that the primary cause of price wars is mismanagement and that this is why there are so few price wars se...

Strategic Campaigns in World War Two

North Africa - Operation TORCH: TORCH represents the first combined Allied action of the war, when British and American troops lan...

Second World War and American Women's Roles

Iin eight pages this paper examines US women's roles during the war effort with factory workers and nurses among the topics explor...

All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

In five pages this reality text by Remarque on the horrors of war as experienced by young Paul Baumer during the First World War i...

Warfare Changes Since the Second World War

In a paper consisting of eight pages the ways in which World War II changed the world technologically and its impact upon warfare ...

Healthcare of African Americans After the Second World War

Hitler, especially during the Olympics, the United States may well have had to save face, and actively illustrate how they believe...

Post Second World War Great Britain and Social Democratic Consensus

elements came into play as well. One of these involved the labor and trade unions. Through the approach of the consensus there app...

Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front and War's Realities

In seven pages this paper examines the realistic portrayal of war in Erich Maria Remarque's First World War novel All Quiet on the...

Miracle Post Second World War Economy of Japan

In seven pages this paper examines the miracle that bolstered Japan's postwar economy and argues that another miracle might be req...

Post Second World War 'Long Boom' of Australia

In eight pages this paper examines the prolonged economic prosperity Australia enjoyed from after the Second World War through 197...

Second World War and Chinese American Women

This paper consists of six pages Chinese American women are considered in terms of their social position and treatment of during t...

Second World War and the Cultural Changes That Resulted

opportunity to return to the more traditional roles that women had held for generations, others had seen the glimmer of possibilit...

Second World War Attitudes and Style of Pablo Picasso's Art

In five pages this essay discusses how the Second World War introduced a stark realism into art that impacted upon the Cubist styl...

First World War and Its Cultural Influence

In ten pages this research paper discusses the profound influence the First World War had in terms of the music, literary, and art...

Second World War Journalist Ernie Pyle

In ten pages the trademark journalistic style that has been duplicated ever since is discussed in this consideration of Ernie Pyle...

Order and Chaos in Asia After the Second World War

In eight pages this paper considers the chaos in Asia following the Second World War in a discussion of whether this was necessary...

Asia Following the Second World War

An essay consisting of eight pages considers the disorder that resulted following the Second World War in the once orderly societi...

Japanese People and the Impact of the Second World War

Netherlands Indies and the Philippines. Once control of this area was established, the Japanese believed that the Allies would, es...

Japan's Politics and Society as Affected by the Second World War

resistance. The Japanese placed the "needs of the group over the needs of the individual" (Hashimoto, 1994, 1). Chang (1997...

Comparison of Second World War Jewish Genocide and Extermination of Native Americans

In five pages this paper defines genocide and then examines it in a comparison of practices against Native Americans and Jews with...