YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Comparison of Virginia Woolf by Albee and The Tempest

Essays 181 - 210

Age and Differing Attitudes

This paper presents different attitudes regarding age as reflected in Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield, The Sandbox by Edward Alb...

Aging According to Katherine Mansfield, Edward Albee, and Arthur Miller

"actresses" that make up the whole of the Sunday scene. She is in this mood when a young couple sit down close to her. She imagi...

Reality and Illusion Thematically Intertwined in 'Barbie Doll,' Edward Albee's 'The Sandbox,' and Alice Walker's 'Everyday Use'

said" (Walker). This very funny little snippet shows clearly what her mother thinks of Dee for making up what she thinks is an Af...

A Search for Meaning in A Delicate Balance by Edward Albee

In a paper consisting of five pages an analysis of religious references featured in this domestic drama as an effort to infuse mod...

Georgia Education Demographic Analysis

In this paper consisting of six pages Georgia demographic data based on 1990 census information is applied to the educational syst...

A Comparison of Two Characters in Shakespearean Literature

This paper compares and contrasts the character Miranda, from The Tempest, with Ophelia of The Tragedy of Hamlet. This five page...

Prospero's Treatment of Caliban and Ariel in William Shakespeare's The Tempest

In 5 pages the similarities and the differences between the ways in which Prospero treats servants Ariel and Caliban in The Tempes...

Theatrical Magic and The Tempest by William Shakespeare

The magic that is necessary to produce a stage version of The Tempest by William Shakespeare is discussed in six pages. Seven sou...

Staging of The Tempest by William Shakespeare and Racism

In six pages this paper discusses how racism issues must be contended with in the staging of William Shakespeare's The Tempest. S...

Perspectives on Authority in Renaissance Drama

The writer examines several of Shakespeare's plays (King Lear and The Tempest), as well as Fuente Ovejuna by the Spanish playwrigh...

Literary Self Determination in Women and Sexuality

-- but to deny their husbands sex until the men agree to sign a treaty. It is the women, therefore, who actually end the war. Rea...

Story of The Tempest by William Shakespeare

In four pages the plot of the story The Tempest and perceptions of it are analyzed. There are no other sources listed....

Twelfth Night vs. The Tempest

Twelfth Night and The Tempest by William Shakespeare share a number of comedic scenes and an undercurrent of comedy as well. This ...

Elizabethan Social Issues in The Tempest by William Shakespeare

This paper consists of ten pages and examines how the important Elizabethan social issues of Christianity versus superstition, cla...

The Tempest by William Shakespeare and the Natural World's Superiority

In five pages this paper examines how the characterizations of Antonio and Gonzalo represent the superiority of the natural world ...

Themes of Loss and Restoration in The Plays Of Shakespeare

This paper examines the ways Shakespeare portrays the concepts of loss and restoration in his plays, Midsummer Night's Dream, Macb...

Self Serving Fathers in the Plays of William Shakespeare

to ask whether Miranda is listening to him when it seems obvious that she is. This seems like a control mechanism rather than a ge...

Women's Roles in 6 Great Works of Literature

In ten pages this paper examines how women's societal roles are represented in Plato's The Apology, Dante's 'The Inferno,' William...

Plot Structure of The Tempest by William Shakespeare Analyzed

Forgiveness, love, and betrayal are the focus of this plot analysis of The Tempest by William Shakespeare in five pages. Five sou...

Students and Teachers in The Tempest and Frankenstein

This paper consists of three pages and considers student and teacher relationships and the role conformity plays in an analysis of...

Lost Children As a Literary Theme

This paper discusses John Edgar Wideman's, Philadelphia Fire, and Shakespeare's, The Tempest as they relate to the common literary...

Shakespeare's Dark and Festive Comedies

In six pages this paper contrasts and compares the dark and festive comedies of William Shakespeare and includes considerations of...

Literature and the Use of Language

In five pages The Tempest by William Shakespeare and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe are discussed in a consideration of how th...

Works of Shakespeare and Their Similarities

In five pages this paper examines the thematic similarities between Othello and The Tempest with race among the topics discussed...

Shakespeare's Villains

In five pages this paper contrast hero weaknesses with the villains in William Shakespeare's The Tempest, Othello, Richard II, and...

Supernatural Use by Shakespeare in Tragedies and Comedies Compared

In seven pages this report compares and contrasts Shakespeare's employment of the supernatural in tragedies and comedies with refe...

3 Plays by William Shakespeare and the Conflict Between Parents and Children

In 5 pages this paper examines the Shakespearean plays The Tempest, Romeo and Juliet, and King Lear in a comparative analysis of h...

Essential Elements of Great Literature and Writers

In five pages great works of literature written by esteemed authors are examined in order to reveal the crucial elements that cont...

The Tempest by William Shakespeare and Creativity's Dangers

In 5 pages this paper discuses creativity's dangers within the context of the character Prospero and self rule in The Tempest by W...

United Kingdom's Employment Relations Act of 1999

In nine pages the employer and employee pros and cons of this Act are evaluated with comparison's made to a similar U.S. piece of ...