YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Domestic Violence and Gender Stereotyping

Essays 571 - 600

Practical Implementation of an IT Project in a Medical Organization

The writer considers the way in which a migration to electronic medical record system may take place within a healthcare organizat...

The Oklahoma Bombing

Lori and Michael Fortier Speaker Notes: Michael Fortier was born in Maine in 1968, but met his wife in Arizona before entering t...

California Ferret Legalization

In seven pages this paper argues in favor of the state of California legalizing domestic ferrets. The bibliography uses three sou...

Analysis of the Great Depression of 1929

In four pages this paper argues that the Great Depression of 1929 was inevitable in a consideration of domestic and global economi...

Italy's Economy and History

In ten pages this research paper examines Italy in an overview of history, politics, and economics with trade, Gross Domestic Prod...

Post Second World War 'Long Boom' of Australia

In eight pages this paper examines the prolonged economic prosperity Australia enjoyed from after the Second World War through 197...

Economic Crisis of Russia

In twenty eight pages this paper discusses Russia's problematic economy in a consideration of its devalued currency and the impact...

Macroeconomic Effects of Deregulation of Electric Utilities

In fifteen pages the domestic electric utility deregulation is examined from a macroeconomic perspective in terms of profitability...

An Overview of the American Express Company

In a paper consisting of twenty pages charge card and credit card markets are explored along with trends including Visa and Master...

Marketing Plan for Parrot Place Sales

In twelve pages this paper examines The Parrot Place, which sells large domestic breeds of parrots in an overview of its marketing...

The Role of the United States in World Affairs After the Second World War

In a paper that consists of five pages the changes that followed the Second World War in terms of economic, military, and diplomat...

Great Society Domestic Policy of President Lyndon Johnson

In twelve pages this paper examines LBJ's good intentions regarding his Great Society domestic policy but fell short of its implem...

Sewage Inputs and Water Pollution

on-site septic systems (Wilhelm, Schiff, and Cherry; 1994). The remainder of the treated waters are collected in centralized trea...

Everglades and Pollution

In five pages this paper discusses the pollution impact to the sensitive region known as the Everglades in a consideration that in...

Domestic Wastewater Problem and Concept of Sustainability

Cherry; 1994). The remainder of the treated waters are collected in centralized treatment systems which remove organic matter and...

Poor Policy of the United States

In seven pages this paper examines the poor policies of the United States from domestic and global perspectives. Eight sources ar...

Book Review of Intellectual Property by Adam Moore

In four pages this book is reviewed within the context of computer crime and considers its international and domestic consequences...

Comparative Analysis of the U.S. Economy

In eight pages this paper compares the 1987 and 1998 U.S. economies in terms of such indicators as inflation, the rate of unemploy...

Foreign Policy Implications of the Farewell Address of George Washington

sense as America approaches the 21st century. It is important to remember that Washingtons political ideas were always combined wi...

GDP Percentage and Government Spending

In eight pages this paper considers the federal government's 1998 budget deficit disappearance and speculates the value of linking...

An Examination of Aviadenovirus

In five pages adenoviruses are presented in an overview with aviadenovirus or the infection of such domestic fowl species as turke...

Overview of Domestic Terrorism

In seventeen pages domestic terrorism is considered in this overview of various acts, magnitude and impacts of such acts. Nine so...

Abuse and State Laws of California and New York

In four pages this paper discusses how domestic, elder and child abuse are being targeted by California and New York through recen...

Balance Between Foreign and Domestic Policies

In five pages changes in trade policy and tax reform as a recommended balance of foreign and domestic policies is considered from ...

The Causes and Results of World War I

began when Austria-Hungary believed that the newly enlarged, Russian-backed, Serbia was a paramount threat to its security. This w...

America's Role in World Affairs After the First World War

In one page the isolationist stance that influenced American policy economically, diplomatically, and militarily is examined alon...

Iraq and International Relations

When viewed from a Cold War vantage point and the fact that thousands of U.S. veterans who returned from the First Gulf War are sp...

Latin America and American Policies on Drugs

In forty five pages this paper examines the US foreign and domestic policies regarding drugs in comparison with those in Latin Ame...

A Search for Meaning in A Delicate Balance by Edward Albee

In a paper consisting of five pages an analysis of religious references featured in this domestic drama as an effort to infuse mod...

Roles of Women in Mary Barton and Madame Bovary

In five pages this paper examines the domestic boundaries that dictated the roles of women during the 19th century in a considerat...