YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Dreams and Their Psychological Importance

Essays 841 - 870

Slave Culture and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

In five pages Douglass's Narrative is assessed with examinations of slave culture and slavery's psychological effects included in ...

Reunification of Korea

of Korea and World Affairs makes a very persuasive case, for instance. His article which is entitled "Korea and the Myth of Cloni...

Hamlet's Betrayal

In 9 pages this paper examines Hamlet's mistrust of people in his life in a psychological consideration of his feelings of betraya...

Testing Apparatus and the Accuracy of Psychological Assessments

In five pages this research paper evaluates psychological assessment testing in order to determine whether or not these methods ar...

Partialism and Fetishism

In seven pages foot partialism and leather fetishism are defined, discussed, and then psychological differences between each are e...

Types of Psychological Assessments

In five pages this paper considers various types of psychological assessments and their applicability and include Perceived Stress...

A Character Analysis of Victor Frankenstein in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

The way in which Victor Frankenstein is presented in the first few chapters of the novel and whether he is depicted sympatheticall...

Criminal Profiles and Psychology

In sixty pages this paper discusses psychological profiling of criminals in an application of various principles to Jack the Rippe...

Iago as the Villain of Othello by William Shakespeare

In 7 pages this paper examines Iago's villainy in a psychological analysis of character motives as featured in Othello by William ...

Overview of Social Psychology

In nine pages this research paper examines social psychology in an overview that includes divisive psychological and sociological ...

Psychology and Culture of Infidelity

In twenty pages marital infidelity is examined from psychological and cultural perspectives. Fourteen sources are cited in the bi...

Racism's Rhetoric

raised in a prejudicial environment and while they think they are sophisticated and do not have a prejudiced bone in their bodies,...

Psychological Classification of Silence of the Lambs' Hannibal Lecter

some degree of forbidden impulses and thoughts. Most, however, do not act upon these thoughts and impulses. Hannibal Lechter dev...

Judith Guest's Ordinary People

In seven pages the psychological ramifications of the characters depicted in Ordinary People by Judith Guest are examined. There ...

Nightmares and Their Psychological Meaning

common in women and were associated with increases in nocturnal awakenings, sleep onset insomnia, and daytime memory impairment an...

Drama of Euripides

This paper consists of five pages and examines Euripides' psychological dramas Hippolytus, Medea, and Alcestis in terms of their d...

Psychological Analysis of Sophie in the Film Sophie's Choice

have assumed greater significance in womens lives. We learn as the film progresses that Sophie does in fact have a job; but we de...

Arranged Marriage's Psychological and Physical Perils

have a voice in the ultimate selection of their marriage partner nor the time or circumstances that surround the marriage. It is ...

Additional Study of Delaunay, Kandinsky, and Mataisse A Color Proposal

In 5 pages this paper studies these dramatic colorists in order to determine the value of color in terms of visual learning for ca...

Chippewa Cree and the 'Psychological Sense of Community'

in nine pages a community's psychological sense is the focus of this fictional research project on Montana's Chippewa Cree Rocky B...

Television Violence and Its Influences

of theatrical films shown on TV. Reasons for violence? There is never a simple answer to that question. But people often commit...

Alcoholic Parents and Children

In twelve pages the children who live with a parent who is an alcoholic is considered in terms of environment at home, behavioral ...

The Prince of Tides and the Character of Savannah Wingo

In five pages this paper compares the novel and film versions of The Prince of Tide in a consideration of how Savannah Wingo and o...

Children of Parents Who Are Incarcerated

In four pages this essay considers the more than 1.5 million children whose parents are presently incarcerated and examines statis...

Psychological Impact of Post Abortion Syndrome

In eight pages this paper discusses post abortion syndrome in a consideration of its psychological effects. Five sources are cite...

Music Therapy

In five pages this research paper examines the psychological, physical, and emotional therapeutic values of music as social intera...

Psychological and Physiological Risk Factors of Teen Pregnancy

In six pages this paper discusses teen pregnancies n terms of the impact of psychological and physiological risk factors along wit...

4 Topics Summarized

In six pages four topics are discussed and include learning disabilities and educational interventions, psychological and educatio...

Billy Pilgrim's Changes in Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five

000 souls. Partnering with Opposites Throughout the novel there are many "partnerings" with opposites. If an image repeats itsel...

Breast Cancer and Coping

In a paper consisting of six pages the various psychological issues connected with breast cancer are examined as a way of coping b...