YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Evaluation Theory in Academia

Essays 31 - 60

Greensboro Sit-Ins

turned into many as the protest continued for almost 6 months.5 In addition, it sparked many other protests throughout the South a...

Assessing Quit Smoking Plan

The positive health benefits of quitting begin within minutes of the last smoke, however, it is very hard to quit. This paper repo...

Content and Process Based Motivation Theories

relationship (Armstrong, 2009, p320). Process theories place an emphasis on the differences that are found in employees, and inste...

Commercial Agreements and Academia

The commercial sponsorship of academic research may increase the level of research that takes place, but the practice remains cont...

Plagiarism Outside of Academia

of Professional Journalists is very clear; it simply has the requirement "do not plagiarize" (quoted New York Times, 2012). The ...

The Gap Between Academia and The Commercial Environment

It has been argued that rigor and relevant are in a juxtaposition. The wirer discusses this apparent contradiction and consider n...

Juvenile Deliquency as Revealed in Rebel Without A Cause

is an eternity to teenagers. It was his intention to tell the story of a generation coming of age in one night" (Hyams et al PG)....

Sacramento Kings NBA Team and Communication Analysis

comprehensive and in-depth approach is necessary. Therefore, it is always valuable to examine organizational communication in the ...

Personality Theory Evaluation of Hans Eysenck II

displacement, impression management and fantasy. Denial as a defense mechanism disputes the fact that anything has occurred, whet...

Political Ideology and Management Style

pointed out in the article itself--to embrace typical customers service ideology, which is not to complain. The author asks if the...

Society and Explanations Offered by Sociological Theories

that tries to explain incidences in daily life in respect to resources like money, time, organizational skills and so forth. Ones ...

John Gottman's Successful Marriage Components and Marital Failure or Success

couples therapists ineffectively (and expensively) harp on these concepts" (Gottman and Silver, 1999). Gottman is the director o...

Middle East Crises

Six-Day war in 1967 (2002). The Egyptians who planned to attack Israel during 1967 probably never imagined what their mission wou...

Organizational Change Evaluation

to use (Burnes, 1997). From a people point of view there were also communication issues with introduction and use of the so...

U.S. Foreign Policy, Just War Theory, and the Persian Gulf War

late Sen. J. William Fulbright advocated neither morality nor realism. Instead, he advocated "humanism" as a primary American for...


with rewards and punishments; 3) subordinates need to be monitored to ensure expectations are met and 4) the primary M.O. of follo...

Evaluating Nursing Programs

This essay discusses different issues related to nursing education program evaluation. These include: influences, regulatory and a...

Asian Tigers and Theories of Dependency, Mercantilism, and Economic Liberalism

is the inherent relationship between dependency theory and mercantilism by the blatant progression of strong nations at the comple...

The Pill and Pharmacists Case Study Analysis

say that birth control pills are also used for other purposes. Some state legislation allows pharmacists some leeway if they do no...

Theory and Internet Relationships

media influence all around" (401)? How this applies to interpersonal relationship-building in the electronic environment is not i...

Strategic Communications at Starbucks

Starbucks mission statement is concise yet provides a "plumb line" against which to measure decisions. The statement reads, Estab...

PBS/Corp. Partnerships & Strategic Alliances

this trend, Austin points out that the "era of ever-bigger national government is coming to an end" (Austin, 2000, p. 7). In previ...

Research Evaluation Questions - Making Inferences

posed to students, one can infer them from context, at least to a certain degree. For instance, part of the research article discu...

Developing a Reward and Evaluation System for Timley Pte Ltd.

Timely Pte is a fictional company, which is in need of change to the reward and evaluation processes. The writer considers the way...

Case Study: Unsatisfactory Performance

degree is in business management. He avoids as many assignments as he can and pushes work onto coworkers. Does not admit he cannot...

Functionalist Ethnographic Application

In a paper consisting of five pages the functionalist theory of George Homan is applied to an abortion clinic ethnographic analysi...

Evaluating Decision Support Systems

In eleven pages a hypothetical banking industry scenario involving a decision support system evaluation includes a problem stateme...

Methods for Data Evaluation

This 30 page paper examines different methods of data evaluation that researchers have available to them. The writer considers tri...

Moral Theories

In eight pages this paper assesses moral relativism, Divine Command, and Kantian theories in this evaluation of the strengths and ...

Nursing Ethics

expected to develop some form of cancer "or another rapidly debilitating condition and well be dead within a year of getting the d...