YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Feminist Ideology in Ibsens A Dolls House

Essays 91 - 120

Analyzing A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

point that in order to become complete, we must learn more about ourselves and who we are. In order to do this, we need to experi...

Empowerment in A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen and Medea by Euripides

they professed to love, with Medea most certainly taking the deed to great extremes. It is important for the student to understan...

Man and Woman in A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

hand, is a model of blunt decorum and steadiness, a man ruled by his class and conventions rather than feeling: basically, a guy ...

Society's Dualism in A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

In five pages this paper considers society's dualism as represented in Ibsen's social drama. One source is listed in the bibliogr...

A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen and the Character of Nora

In five pages this paper examines this strong and unconventional female character. There are no other sources listed....

A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen and Personal Empowerment

In five pages this paper examines the personal empowerment that transforms heroine Nora Helmer in this social drama by Ibsen. The...

Women's Roles in A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen and Tartuffe by Moliere

In four pages female characters Nora and Pernelle in these two plays are contrasted and compared in an examination of the role wom...

A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen and Irony

In 3 pages the uses of irony in this social drama are examined. There are 4 sources cited in the bibliography....

Marriage and Women in A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

In three pages this paper discusses how Nora and Torwald represent women's status in society and in marriage. There is no bibliog...

Irony, Plot, and Characterization of A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

follow; and without irony, there would exist no sense of the dramatic. II. CHARACTERIZATION In Ibsens A Doll House, the characte...

Analysis of A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

In five pages this paper subjects Ibsen's social drama to a literary analysis that focuses on characterization, plot, and irony. ...

Dr. Rank and Nora in 'A Doll's House' by Ibsen

The common theme of keeping secrets links these two characters in this five page paper. There are no other bibliographic sources ...

Love and Marriage as Depicted in A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

In five pages this paper argues that love is not always a marriage prerequisite as portrayed in A Doll's House. There are no othe...

Play and Film Versions of A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

This paper consists of six pages in which comparisons are made between Oedipus and Ibsen's heroine Nora Helmer along with a compar...

Rights for Women in the 19th Century Play A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

In 9 pages the feminist manifesto characteristics of this social drama by Henrik Ibsen are analyzed. There are 3 sources cited in...

Dualities in A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

In seven pages this paper analyzes Ibsen's social play in terms of its dualities represented in plot and characterization. Six so...

A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen and the Theme of Illusion

same as if it were a dolls house, it is built on illusion and fantasy. Within the dolls house Nora become the doll, possibly livin...

Nora in A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

she is essentially immersed in her role. But, as the story develops we begin to wonder if all of these characteristics of being ch...

A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen and Social Secession

of society with fewer rights than a woman was a child. Torvald would welcome his wife home from a shopping trip with condescendin...

Elements of A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

"Two years later the masterpiece Brand was produced and shortly after, he left Norway, spending the better part of his life in Ita...

Supporting Characters and Foils in A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

serves to foil Nora in Acts I and II by tearing down Noras optimistic attitude with her own weighty pessimism. Mrs. Linde has not...

A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen and Nora and Torvald Helmer

beginning of the story she is simply a doll, a pretty thing that plays her role as the good wife and mother. As one author notes, ...

A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen and a Heroic Assessment of Nora

as "little skylark twittering." Her husband calls her "little featherbrain," "little scatterbrain," "squirrel sulking", and "song ...

'Free' Women in Saint Joan by George Bernard Shaw and A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

he looked at the possibility that a woman, finding herself in a loveless marriage and living a life as an overprotected wife, was ...

A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen and Genre

normal and average. Nora is a woman who is seen as nothing more than a simple creature. Her husband often refers to her in cond...

Iphigenia by Euripides and A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

and changes his mind. He will not sacrifice his only daughter because of Menelaus unfaithful wife. (The impetus behind the Trojan ...

Feminist Heroines Antigone in Sophocles' Play of the Same Name and Nora Helmer in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House

However, Antigone dared to do just that. Her brothers Polyneices and Eteocles fought on opposite sides and when both were killed ...

Daisy and Nora

hostile public world. Yet, she confesses to a friend that she keeps her business activities a secret from him because it would be ...

Tragic Personality of Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen

of this play, we find Ibsens comments for what he called his "modern-day tragedy," He says, "There are two kinds of moral law, tw...

Casting in 7 Plays

In seven pages this paper analyzes casting within the context of the plays A Doll's House, Antigone, The Cherry Orchard, Three Tal...