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Essays 391 - 420

Assessment of Singapore and Mexico for Business Expansion

Singapore maintains a constitutional government. The original constitution that became effective in 1959 provided for popular ele...

Data Analysis; Cross-Cultural Competence and Best Practice Social Work

approaches we can use, such as the paired T-Test, however, in this case as we would usually expect to find a normal distribution a...

Law as a Social Engineering Tool

guiding tool, pointing the way to what should be, rather than a reflective tool, reflecting opinion. The way the law is seen to ...

Collective Bargaining

the company does not have the attitude to reward individual pay contracts in order to attract high achievers. This can also mean t...

Is Corporate Social Responsibility in the Interests of Business and Society?

help the company increased sales, reduce costs, or improved profits then there is a potential argument that corporate social respo...

Social Problems of Homosexual Behavior

Because societal expectations are formed to a large degree on religions, society has historically shunned any behavior that is not...

Evolution of Assistance to the Needy

The history of human services and social welfare in the United States began long before the federal government stepped into the pi...

Social Psychological Theory Current Event

This paper applies a social psychological theory to a current event. The paper demonstrates how the theory can be applied to a ver...

American Social Security in the Future

This 7 page paper gives an overview of the current and future state of Social Security in America. This paper includes a discussio...

Social Psychology

Social psychology is the study of what affects human behavior in social settings. This paper discusses what this field is about an...

One Way to Determine Effectiveness of Leadership Development

A journal article is reviewed in this essay, Understanding the effects of leadership development on the creation of organizational...

What is Identity Theory

Social psychologists have identified at least four types of identity theories. This paper discusses two of them, identity as in pe...

Social Media and Human Relations

This research paper offers a look at social media and how it interacts with and affects social relations. Six pages in length, fou...

Lewin Contributes to Situationism

This paper has two sections. The first provides a brief synopsis of some of the contributors to social psychology. This includes c...

The Nature of Divorce

When looking at various phenomena in society, there are often individual and social factors at work. This paper looks at both and...

Incorporating Ethics and Social Responsibility

Ethics and social responsibility need to be a focus in the organizational culture. People just know that this organization abides ...

Crisis Communication and Social Media

In a paper of six pages, the writer looks at social media in crisis communications. Using BP as an historical example, the paper r...

Social Work, An Ethical Dilemma

This essay pertains to a ethical issue that involves untrained workers being asked by the social worker's agency to instruct intel...

One Company's Social Responsibility

This essay discuses one of the social responsibility programs of one yogurt company, Dannon. The essay provides a brief background...

Can English Healthcare Policies Be Interpreted as Indicating the Death of the Social?

could not " support a Bill that will damage the care and services that GPs deliver to patients and ultimately bring about the demi...

Social Pedagogy and Protest

capitalist leaders. The protests were largely in response to what was seen as the inherently offensive nature of an assembly of th...

Social Welfare Policy and its Analysis

because of the existence of social welfare policies such as richer households taking in poor paupers incapable of sustaining thems...

Social Psychology - An Overview

a synthetic viewpoint along the nature vs nurture spectrum, holding that while some types of personality might be oriented towards...

Social Psychology of Identity, An Article Analysis

is a cognitive skill necessary for survival. This innate tendency is the root cause for the formation of in-groups, people similar...

Social Welfare Policy and How to Analyze It

is too simplistic to properly represent the chaotic and nuanced state of the reality in which we live, but nevertheless, these are...

Overview of Social Movements

p. 2). For example, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is the most noted leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Another universal feature o...

Social Stratification and Inequality

rewards of the position must be sufficiently high that this induces people to fill this position despite its complexity. This view...

Economic Frustration and Frustration-Agression Theory

As this suggests, the experience of being an American immigrant often includes "traumatic confrontation" with authority figures (P...

Social Pedagogy, Protest, and Revolution

the G8 counsel of the worlds wealthiest capitalist leaders. The protests were largely in response to what was seen as the inherent...

The Influence of Sport in the Context of Creating, Maintaining and Challenging Ethnic Identities and Stereotypes

game, including the way the game may be associated with the national identity in terms of values in a manner not found in other sp...