YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Historical VS Confessional Approach to the New Testament

Essays 481 - 510

Old Testament Questions

a religious leader to one ruled by a king, that is, a political leader. Sauls downfall as a ruler is considered to be tragic in th...

Book of Esther

no historical value to the Book of Esther and that it is a "work of the imagination, written for the purpose of popularizing the f...

Old Testament Survey

also referred as "the law," due to the fact that they contain "the laws and instruction" that were handed down by God to Moses and...

Story of the Religious Leader Joshua

learned from Moses instruction (Hammer, 1995). When Joshua would become a ruler in his own right, he would always follow Moses ex...

Book of Job and its Message

so disfigured that three of his friends do not recognize him when they come to visit him. The three friends are Eliphaz, Bildad...

The Influence of Ancient Literature on Dante's Writing

under them split asunder; and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up, with their households and all the men that belonge...

John 7:37-39 - Rivers Of Flowing Water

this festival secretly because He knew people were debating who He was (John 7:10). People were already plotting against Him (Keme...

Character of God Revealed in Joshua's Death and Abraham's Call

God Abraham received was detailed in Genesis as follows: "Go forth from your native land / And from your fathers house / And I wil...

Overview of Mosaic Dietary Laws

early restrictions and their application to Mosaic law, as well as an understanding of the role of Moses, are elements important i...

A Deuteronomy Structural Analysis

chapter, and discusses what God has done for the people of Israel. In this Sermon, Moses relates the actions that were taken that...

Deacon's Role as Prophet

special messages to the people. Jonah, who refused to take the message the Lord gave him into Nineveh, suffered the consequences o...

Old Testament Passage Joshua 24, Verses 1 to 28

of Joshua (chs. 23-24) (Strange, 2002). A really interesting element in chapter 24 is its setting, as the entirety of its story ta...

Exegesis of Zephaniah 3, Verses 14 through 20

first part of the reign of Josiah (640-609 BCE) (Exegetical helps, 2004). The words of Zephaniah reflect the faithlessness of the...

Conflict, Brothers, and the Old Testament

In five pages this paper discusses the conflict represented by the relationships of brothers Absalom and Amnon, Jacob and Esau, an...

Antigone and the Old Testament

In 1178 Maimonides completed Mishneh Torah, what he had hoped would be a compete authoritative code of Jewish law (both Oral and W...

Book of Job, Sophocles, Plato, and Aristophanes on Justice

In six pages The Book of Job from the Old Testament, Antigone by Sophocles, Crito and Apology by Plato, and The Clouds by Aristoph...

Rituals of Yom Kippur and Passover

In five pages these rituals and their importance as described in the Old Testament are discussed in a consideration of Leviticus' ...

The Testament by John Grisham

In five pages this research paper is formatted in the style of a legal memorandum that pertains to the fictitious case featured in...

Matthew's Gospel

of the Sower in Matthew 13:3-23. This parable talks of a farmer sowing the seed is not to be taken literally. The farmer is an ana...

Old Testament and Ministry of Jesus

is far more to life than just that of worldly possessions -- it taught the value of life at its purist form. These same teachings...

Covenant Theme in the Old Testament

Bible are commonly referred to as the Torah or the Pentateuch. Pleins (2001) argues that the juxtaposition of lists and codes foun...

Old Testament and Salvation

of benefits an individual receives as the result of following Gods law in the Old Testament and by believing in and entrusting one...

Literal Interpretation of the Old Testament

were captive in Babylon and, therefore, exposed to this culture. The traditional Jewish and Christian viewpoint has been that M...

Kings and Kingship in the Old Testament

repair the ravages of human sinfulness" (OBrien, 1999, p. 16). However, the allure of worldliness proved too much for the Israeli...

Homer and the Old Testament

holds the Greeks captive in his cave, into allowing them to escape by first blinding his one eye while he sleeps. However, Odysseu...

Torah Defined

Both from biblical and theological perspectives, scholars have increasingly recognized the distortions that have crept into the Ch...

Israelites and Codified Law

codified into groups of laws, established the basis of laws established in future cultures. While punishments were severe, they re...

United Kingdom Law and Last Will and Testaments

subsequently challenged the witness will need to go and make an affidavit of due execution (Rowley, 2002). It is also nece...

Old Testament and Deliverance of People by God

Testament Law and the Ten Commandments express this relationship (Out of Egypt, 2003). One of the first examples of Gods...

The Issue of Animal Sacrifice and Old Testament References

or to drive away evil. Enacted daily, monthly or seasonally or to honor special events, animals are offered to the gods as a toke...