YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Human Psychology and the Brain

Essays 331 - 360

David Hume and Immanuel Kant

In five pages this paper considers these two philosophers' views regarding empiricism and the origin of reason in a comparative ex...

External Objects, Human Perception and the 'Representationalism' of John Locke

In six pages this research paper considers An Essay Concerning Human Understanding in an analysis of Locke's representation of how...

Cells, Human Fertilization and Reproduction

In nine pages this paper discusses human reproductivity in a consideration of human ova fertilization and what actually takes plac...

Brawn and Brains in 'The Catbird' Seat' by James Thurber

In eight pages this paper examines the contrasting imagery of sexuality and athletic prowess in this short story by James Thurber....

The Brain, Loss of Memory, and Alzheimer's Disease

In this research paper consisting of nine pages the possible causes of progressive senile dementia or Alzheimer's symptoms are dis...

HCI Practitioner Overview

In six pages usability testing and a practitioner of human computer interaction are discussed in this overview that includes histo...

Human Intelligence versus Computer Intelligence

In an essay consisting of three pages an article that discusses human and computer intelligence distinctions is analyzed with the ...

Traumatic Brain Injuries Overview

TBI is considered in an overview consisting of five pages that includes term definition, characteristics, causation, prevalence, e...

Health Care, Human Resource Training, and the Value of Marketing

In five pages this paper examines health care organizations' human resources and discusses the values of marketing and human resou...

Adaptive Consciousness

Human consciousness has proved very adaptive throughout our existence. This paper discusses the nature of human consciousness and ...

Behavior Conditioning and B.F. Skinner

In eight pages Skinner's assumptions regarding the scientific method and his human behavioral applications of them are examined an...

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Human Nature and Society

This paper examines how the human concept of virtue and its pursuit influence human nature and society within the context of the t...

Cimabue and Duccio or 'Madonna Enthroned' Times Two

in society Introduction One way that art history has been studied is to trace the development of the realistic portrayal of the h...

Comparative Analysis of Computers and Humans

feel. They can not alter their communication style, or any other style, to better communicate and establish a connection with the ...

Test of Intelligence by Alan Turing

The beliefs of Rene Descartes and other humanist philosophers are considered within the context of Turing's argument that a comput...

Ethics and HR Professionals

In eighteen pages this paper examines ethics from a human resources perspective in a consideration of issues including responsibil...

Concepts and Identity According to John Locke

the tea, thus a complex idea is "brewing." The making of the tea connects us in a unique way that is singular to the two of us. M...

Human Genome Project and Ethics

This paper discusses the ethical considerations associated with the UNESCO Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights as it ...

UK's Entertainment Law Industry and Human Rights

In six pages this paper considers the UK Human Rights Act and how its entertainment law industry has sought to extend its boundari...

Changing Environments, Human Resource and Strategic Management

In five pages this dissertation proposal examines the impact of changing environments upon private and public sector human resourc...

Organizational Human Capital and Their Strategic Uses

In thirty two pages this paper discusses the transition from traditional to strategic human resource management in this considerat...

History of Cloning

Scientists cloned another Jersey calf using the same "standard cell-culturing techniques as compared to the method most commonly u...

R v DPP ex parte Kebilene Case and The Human Rights Act

In five pages this paper analyzes this case's interpretation and application of the Human Rights Act within the perspective of the...

The Un-Human Enemies of Beowulf

The writer discusses the fact that in Beowulf, which is the oldest poem in English, many of Beowulf's enemies are non-humans. Thes...

Human Nature and Conflict in 'The Storm' by Kate Chopin

In five pages this paper discusses human nature and the conflict that exists between social expectations and human needs within th...

Canadian Geese and Population Control

from the resident Canada geese found year-round in Maryland parks for example (2001). Thus, for the migratory variety that inciden...

Personnel Management v. Human Resource Management

In nine pages this paper presents a model case study in which differences between personnel management and human resource manageme...

Human Nature and Sigmund Freud

struggle for life of the human species ( 122). He adds that the sense of guilt is the most important problem in the development of...

Human Euthanasia Opposition

In five pages this paper argues that human euthanasia should not be regarded as a choice for any human regardless of the medical s...

Libertarian Manifesto of John Hospers

In four pages this report examines the Manifesto 'Each human being has the right to live his life as he chooses, compatibly with t...