YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Hurstons Feminist Influence for Alice Walker

Essays 481 - 510

'The Company of Wolves' by Angela Carter

The feminist rewriting of fairytales as reflected in this short story by Angela Carter is considered in a paper consisting of five...

Book Review of Curriculum and Aims by Decker F. Walker and Jonas F. Soltis

This well written and thought provoking book that is supported by factual data and statistics is reviewed in five pages. Two sour...

The Evolution of Feminism and Judaism

This paper addresses the various ways in which feminist ideals have evolved within the religion of Judaism. This six page paper h...

Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Collins

In a paper consisting of five pages Patricia Collins' unique black feminist perspective is considered within the context of her bo...

Feminism and Gender Bias in Science Fiction

This paper explores the idea of feminist characters and plots in the genre of science fiction. This eleven page paper has seven s...

Louise Erdrich's 'The Leap' Feminist Short Story

In five pages this essay analyzes the short story in order to determine that it is an example of feminist literature. Three sourc...

Mama Day by Gloria Naylor and Issues of Gender and Race

In ten pages this African American feminist text is analyzed in its portrayal of gender and racial issues. Eight sources are list...

Protagonist Analysis of Edna Pontellier in 'The Awakening' by Kate Chopin

Iin five pages this paper examines Edna before and after marriage, considers her 'awakening' and conflict and also incorporates fe...

Individual Perspectives of Nancy Chodorow and Sigmund Freud

In seven pages this report contrasts and compares Nancy Chodorow's feminist sociological theories with the psychoanalytical theori...

Comparative Analysis of Lessons and Themes in E.M. Forster's 'A Passage to India,' Graham Green's 'The Heart of the Matter,' and Ruth Prawer Jhabvala's 'Heat and Dust'

A feminist approach is used in this paper consisting of five pages in which reliance upon spirituality is stronger and more import...

Oleanna by David Mamet

and critic Thomas Eagleton as a "modernist literary work," meaning that the content is purposely left minimal so that it is up to ...

Feminism and Gender Roles in Archeology

This paper examines various tenets of feminist archeology. The author discusses how gender issues play a part in the field of arc...

Women as Depicted in Geoffrey Chaucer's 'The Wife of Bath's Prologue' and 'The Wife of Bath's Tale' Featured in The Canterbury Tales

will use my instrument / As freely as my Maker has it sent. / If I be niggardly, God give me sorrow! / My husband he shall have it...

Feminist Criminal Theory

This paper addresses how criminologists developed a theory of feminist criminal behaviors. This ten page paper has seven sources ...

Ecology, Women and Feminism

The term cultural ecofeminism is connected to the concept that there is a connection, spiritually, between nature and women. This ...

Birth Control Efforts of Activist Margaret Sanger

In five pages this paper examines the fight for reproductive rights launched by such feminist crusaders as Margaret Sanger. Four ...

Living Chicana Theory by Carla Trujillo Summarized

In five pages this 1998 feminist text is examined in a summary overview offered from a Chicana point of view. There are no other ...

Crime and Women from a Feminist Perspective

This paper takes a feminist approach to female criminal behavior in five pages. Three sources are cited in the bibilography....

'The Tiger's Bride' by Angela Carter

Carter's 1979 short story is the focus of this report consisting of five pages in which marriage as a social institutuion is criti...

Kate Chopin's Life and Writings

In five pages this paper examines the Victorian time period that shaped the life and writings of Kate Chopin and analyzes the femi...

Model of Feminist Theory Management

In six pages this paper examines feminist theory management in terms of the model's primary assumptions. Six sources are cited in...

Contrasting Feminist Perspectives on Prostitution

In eight pages this paper presents various and differing feminist research perspectives regarding prostitution. Eleven sources ar...

Criticisms of Freud

the meaning of "culture," as well, which Freud saw as "the necessary bulwark for survival pitted against the primitive desires of ...

A Feminist Perspective for a Psychology Practitioner

individual women (Walker. 1990). It is my belief that we live within a culture that has created inherent inequities based on gend...

A Feminist Perspective on “Frankenstein”

"varied and prolonged dependence on others" that follows the birth of a normal human (Yousef 197). The creature himself associates...

Proverbs and Feminine Wisdom

in order to obtain the principal goal of her text.3 This goal is "move beyond" the way in which the male sages of the Old Testamen...

Sexual Fidelity

psychological health and issues of survival are best accomplished within social structures. The concept of sexual fidelity explo...

A Feminist Reformulation of the Main Principles of Realism

of power, and stresses the "rational objective and unemotional" (Tickner, 1988, p. 429). Of course these qualities-rationality, ob...

International Relations and the Feminist Perspective

feminine, both viewpoints should be represented if balance is to be achieved (Tickner, 1988, p. 429). Morgenthaus second principl...

Feminist Reaction to Frankenstein by Shelley

as one, writing about a man. She was raised by her father and surrounded by many intellectual and literary men and it just makes s...