YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Issues of Homosexual Parenting

Essays 181 - 210

Life As A Homosexual

This paper examines certain, important factors in the daily lives of gay Americans, including issues of social acceptance, homopho...

Transgendered, Transsexual, and Homosexual Individuals and Religion

sex with a male, after the manner of sex with a woman, they have both committed an abomination, they shall surely be killed" (Quot...

In Support of Homosexual Marriage II

In four pages this paper examines gay marriage in a discussion of arguments both pro and con. Five sources are cited in the bibli...

Homosexuals and AIDS 2

In a paper consisting of eight pages homosexuality and the difficulties presented in teaching AIDS prevention to this group at ext...

2 Articles About Homosexual Lifestyles

In 6 pages this paper examines 2 articles that believe same sex relationships are wrong from religious and medical perspectives. ...

Security and Peace to Abortion Supporters, Feminists and Homosexuals in a 10-point Plan

This paper consists of 8 pages and discusses a plan for tolerance of all points of view to combat the ignorance and fear that surr...

Homosexual Reparative and Conversion Therapies

In seven pages causes and possible treatments of homosexuality are considered with a comparative examination of conversion and rep...

Impact on Language Learning, Global Issues

This research paper explored organizational websites of intuitions that focus on global issues, such as environmental issues, pove...

Nurse Practitioner

collaborating physicians name. Authority to prescribe controlled substances includes Schedule II-V as outlined in the prescribers ...

Global Communications Benchmarking

This 3 page paper is based on a case study. Looking at issues faced in a case study on the fictitious company Global Communication...

In The Image Of God

states that the anthropomorphites commit a grave error because Jesus Himself said that God is a spirit and mans body cannot possib...

Ritalin, Pro & Con

vision problems or learning disabilities or "whether a childs behavior is simply immature or exuberant" ("Attention" 77). Accurate...

Herschkowitz/A Good Start in Life

also the milestones of development as the fetus grows. For example, they state that at roughly 20 days after conception, the "baby...


in 2005, according to the American Library Association (ALA) (Manzo 26). The ALA defines a "challenge" as "any formal, written com...

Olsen & Tyler On Being a Parent

mother into "trembling" and her breasts, as she nursed Emily, were swollen with milk, she steadfastly stuck to the feeding schedul...

Erik Erikson: Biography and Theory

on the processes of becoming" (Grinker, 2001, p. 105). II. EIGHT STAGES THEORY People are not merely empty vessels waiting...

Issues in HRM - The Work Life Balance and Issues of Fairness

employers are obliged to comply for all of their employees and protect employees rights; reducing pressure from employers for empl...

Do Children Living With Their Mom Only do Worse

The incidence of children living in single-parent homes continues to increase and it is usually the mother raising the children. M...

Share Issues and U.S. Issues of Placement

However there is the need here for a very careful choice of stockbroker to make the offer. When we consider these types of offer ...

Philosophical Issues' Examination

In five pages this paper considers philosophies of James Mills and Immanuel Kant in a discussion of how philosophy can develop iss...

Rights of Fathers in the UK

if this is non bias is present in reality it should be reflected in the way fathers rights are interpreted. However, in UK law and...

Juvenile Justice: Evolution Of Parens Patriae To Due Process

and reformed" (An Overview of Juvenile Justice). Much of the juvenile justice system is comprised of drug-related offenses ...

HIV Prevention for Youth in Rural Areas

sex (Dunn, et al, 2007). Statistics, such as this, indicate the clear need for HIV prevention programs that specifically target ad...

Public Issues, Private Issues, and Social Problems

In six pages this paper examines the differences between public and private social issues according to C.W. Mills in this history ...

Youth Violence In The United States

in a society where proper parenting has become a thing of the past. Detachment of this extent can reach epic proportions when men...

Mary Pipher/Another Country

age that are frequently expressed within Western society evolve, at least partially, from the changes in social status that occur ...

Does Divorce Affect The Children? - Literature Review

indeed, mothers and fathers may wrongly believe that some children are old enough to both understand and accept the concept of div...

Aspects Of Spanking Children

punishment. Opponents, however, say that any type of hands-on striking of any force serves to send the child the wrong message ab...

Soldier’s Home/Krebs and Passivity

to indicate how these experiences had changed his internal landscape, and changed a vibrant young man into someone who is both pas...

Coping Techniques For Parents With Special Needs Children

with such aspects as homework (Patten, 1994; Bryan et al, 2004; Cooper et al, 1994). Reaching the special needs student req...