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Essays 331 - 360

Did Plato Influence St. Augustine

truly understand Gods word: "I ask Thee, my God: pardon my sins, and as Thou didst grant to Thy servant to speak those words, gran...

Female Characters and Ancient Texts

is clear that each of them has some wish in his mind that he cant articulate; instead, like an oracle, he half-grasps what he want...

Plato and Gender

unison (Rosen, 2005). Plato (1996) writes: "Is not the community of pleasure and pain the tie that binds? The sharing, to the grea...


empowerment and the taking of responsibility. Though it might seem as though these two are at the opposite end of the spectrum, le...

Achilles and Socrates

ghost, a phantom-true, but no real breath of life" (23.122-23). This minimal survival apparently depends on the appropriate funera...

Justice According to Thucydides and Plato

has Socrates presented with various definitions of justice. Socrates is always opposed to any rule or definition that can be appli...

Apology of Plato and Civil Disobedience

citizen was guaranteed the right to be heard in an Athenian court. Since the government structure was founded on the principle th...

Ancient and Modern Learning Techniques

education (267). One might say that the stance is rather snobbish, but many do separate vocational and academic curriculums. They ...

Analyzing The Republic of Plato

many partners and purveyors will be required to furnish them. One person will turn to another to supply a particular want, and fo...

Plato's Gorgias and Phaedrus

This essay pertains to Plato's perception of rhetoric and the role of eros, as indicated by his texts Gorgias and Phaedrus. Five p...

Good and Evil as Conceptualized by Plato in Meno

In six pages good and evil are examined along with Plato's assertion that evil is not knowingly committed by man. There are no ot...

Love According to Plato

close relationships over great distances and for a long period of time, indefinitely, even with separations and loss of contact" (...

Plato's "Crito" and "Apology"/Augustine's Confessions

This essay focuses on Plato's use of dialogue in his "Apology" and "Crito," and Augustine's use of the monologue in his "Confessio...

Justice and the Argument Between Socrates and Polemarchus in The Republic by Plato

do good, not evil to their friends (Plato, 2002). As this indicates, Polemarchus works hard to defend his fathers "rule of thumb...

Excerpt from Euthyphro by Plato

impious act. Euthyphro replies to Socrates claiming "I am amused, Socrates, at your making a distinction between one who is a re...

Was Socrates a Patriot or a Traitor?

tone and character with the description of Xenophon, who says in the Memorabilia that Socrates might have been acquitted if in any...

Life and Morality

role in this respect. Plato held that the key agent in any sort of behavior but especially ethical or moral behavior (or lack of t...

Democracy According to Socrates and Henry David Thoreau

pleas, Socrates will not hear of any escape plans. He points out that, even though the sentence was unjust, it was perfectly legal...

Plato's Concepts and the Superiority of Aristotle

the physical in a dramatic and practical way. While Aristotle saw the heart as just a physical organ, he had an idea that seemed t...

The Republic by Plato and Poetry

like Hades and the underworld; Tiresias the blind seer; and other references to death and dying (Plato). They decide they have to...

Plato's Allegory of the Cave and Religion

off than those who remain in the cave. Before delving into an analysis, it pays to explore the allegory as laid out by Plato. Wh...

Analyzing the Iraq War through Works by Plato and Aristophanes

noble. Socrates was doing the right thing. Today, as people wrestle with unjust rules and laws, there are some who simply follow ...

Value of Piety

Socrates ideas. He states that he will be Euthyphros student in these matters. Of course, it would seem that Socrates is being a b...

Thematic Similarities in the Writings of Plato, Cicero, and Sophocles

then, accompanied by proof, it can therefore be called knowledge. He seems to move in circles a bit with this assertion, in that ...

Symbolism and Theme of Plato's Allegory of the Cave

attempt to free themselves. What he has realized is that what they had seen all along on the wall of the cave were mere representa...

Truth and Documentary Theater

call to action. Bruskin explains that "The essence of the period is that we were galvanized to do something." (32). While docume...

Socrates on the Body and Soul

the soul. What the mind or soul once knew is raised to present awareness by a process of recollection aided by the technique of di...

Aristotle and Plato

theory of "seeing is believing" and that something must be touched in order to be a reality. According to Goellnitz, one s...

Sports and Music in Book III of Plato's The Republic

between the citizens. Taken together, the guardians are people who are skilled in governing certain areas. However, these two type...

Republic of Plato and 'the Just City'

how ones intellect cannot be considered a gender. In other words, intelligence is intelligence regardless of where it is housed. ...