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Essays 901 - 930

Business Process Management and Softer Business Process Reengineering Approaches

culture. The need here is for the changes to be focused on the entire process and not the component tasks of that process (Silvest...

An Overview of the Americorps Program

This twelve page paper analyzes the Americorps program. The brainchild of Bill Clinton, this program entered its dying throes in ...

Mock Case Study on Welfare to Work Programs

billion worth of elaborate training programs directed at the disadvantaged which, according to James Heckman of the University of ...

Urban Setting and Funding of Public Schools

In ten pages this paper examines educational program types used in urban areas and discusses the effects of public school funding ...

HIV and AIDS School Based Intervention Programs Evaluation

In six pages this research paper evaluates school based intervention programs that warn students about HIV and AIDS risks with pro...

Juvenile Crime and Programs of Shock Incarceration and Boot Camps

on the fact that other states are closing their boot camps for lack of funds and poor success rates, Nunnlee commented "at this po...

Police Officers and Domestic Violence

In ten pages this research paper examines the incidences of domestic violence in the law enforcement profession and how the relati...

Treatment Programs for Sex Offenders

In nine pages this research paper discusses literature on sex offender treatment programs and then an integrative program is prese...

Treating Substance Abuse

In twelve pages this paper considers various substance abuse programs including group, family system, and individual therapies as ...

Effectiveness on Programs for Drug Treatment

In fifteen pages this research paper evaluates drug treatment programs in terms of their effectiveness with the twelve-step progra...

Healthcare System Comparisons in Four Countries

by the Mexican Social Security Institute which maintains its own system of personnel and facilities. Government workers are covere...

Increasng Sustainability of Medicaid and Medicare

It is public knowledge that the Medicare and Medicare programs are going broke. They are not sustainable with current expenses. It...

HIV Awareness and Community Programs

In a paper of seven pages, the writer looks at HIV awareness programs. Program evaluation strategies are explored. Paper uses six ...

Training Program Proposal

their own. It also gives them a sense of place, and that they are a part of something larger than their particular locations. They...

Researching the International Baccalaureate Program

measurement signifies success of the program? * "Does there appear to be a positive correlation in the programs participants and a...

Asset Allocation and Stochastic Optimization

approaching, being one that that is more dynamic and flexible, suitable as a tool for analyzing decision problems under uncertaint...

Depression In Elderly Women

aforementioned variables are unsatisfactory, depression can occur in a number of different ways. Major depressive disorder ...

Planning an Obesity Education Program for 16 - 18 Year Olds

The paper will start by consider the problem, looking at the issue and the current gaps; it is only when the context of the issue ...

Project Desk Critique

team has access to any of these pages, in fact, team members may upload reports to share with other team members or only to the pr...

Learning as Adults

This essay begins with a statement about what the writer expects to learn in the adult education program and whether the writer sh...

Cultural Change Needs Total Quality Management Programs

perfectly compatible with the needs of each side. When performing an operational analysis that addresses TQ and organizational cu...

Program for the Prevention of Teen Suicide

suicide. This same instrument can be used following therapy to determine differences before and after counseling. Because teen su...

Overview of San Diego's Project 'Jump Start'

enter for up to a full year. Because obesity is a family problem as well as one of society, project Jump Start has the potential ...

Research Proposal Evaluate Adult ESL

How effective are adult ESL courses? This is a question that often generates great debate because assessments of the impact of the...

Director of Child Care

care center (Gosche, 2009). Given these statistics, quality child care programs are essential. The benefits of a high quality chi...

Mental Health Hospital Quitting Smoking

There are hundreds of smoking cessation programs in the country. Most focus on a specific population. This essay is part of a prop...

Updated Gannt Chart Stop Smoking

The positive health benefits of quitting begin within minutes of the last smoke. The positive health outcome continue each year, s...

ELL and NCLB's Implications

No Child Left Behind Act, it is hard to dismiss the problems it has brought for some populations. For example, it seems that child...

Research on After School Programs

computers and a brighter future for themselves" (U.S. Department of Education, 1998). It has long been known that quality after ...