YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Persuasive Argument Theories

Essays 31 - 60

Censorship of Pornography and Violence

they begin to see that as normal and it promotes many ideals that are not good for the morality of any individual. They put sex in...

Knowing the Signs of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity

regards to the obesity epidemic in America. It seems that over the last few decades, the numbers has risen more dramatically than ...

A Wall is Not the Answer to Illegal Immigration

Lou Dobbs comments on a regular basis concerning the "army of invaders" who cross "our countrys broken borders," angry viewers res...


Sahadi, 2011). Adding more fuel to the fire was the fact that not all Republicans were in the "must lower taxes and raise spending...


a closer look at this. A little more than a decade ago, the American Enterprise Institute released a study pointing out that tax r...

How Can the Persuasiveness of Marketing Communication Be Optimised?

way in which competing messages may be perceived as persuasive. In any commercial environment there is likely to be different mess...

The New American Workplace by Eileen Appelbaum and Rosemary Batt

In five pages the authors' persuasive argument that experimentations relative to new workplace systems differ significantly from t...

Perspectives on Rationalism and Society

to devise her answer. What is arguable is not whether reason exists, but whether it is good. Is reasoning better than acting upon...

Mock Communication Episode and Communications Theory

This paper consists of five pages in which persuasive communication theory is examined in an analysis of a mock episode featuring ...


The idea behind social influence is that the opinions and enthusiasm of others can encourage, persuade and sometimes force an indi...

Sochi Olympics, Conspiracy Theory

This essay concerns an argument that presents a conspiracy theory, which pertains to the twin suicide bombings that occurred one m...

Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes/Existence of God

conclusion that "a being than which none greater can be conceived can be conceived to be greater than it is," which is "absurd" (A...

A Variety of Viewpoints on Racism

society as we know it and, furthermore, the end of Western civilization in the process. His vision of the "Death of the West" is f...

G.W. Leibniz's Theory of Monads

This paper addresses Leibniz's Monad theory of a harmonious universe, constructed of infinite monads (units), ascending to the Sup...

Mass Media's Impact on Society According to Postmodernism

the mass media has become one of the strongest players in that interaction. While many human traits are inherited genetically, ot...

The role of emotion and cognition in the development of consciousness.

This paper looks at the part played by emotion and cognition in the way we develop consciousness. Psychologists such as Ellis have...

Crime and Charles Murray's 'Underclass' Theory

nearly 70 percent and that it can be seen to be directly related to the existence of the "criminal underclass" (pp. 34). He believ...

Counseling and an Eclectic Approach

all of us are enough complexes, minor neuroses, quirks, behavior patterns, beliefs, inadequacies and competencies to require at le...

Proof Offered by St. Thomas Aquinas That God Exists

This paper examines the contingency theory and causality argument offered by Saint Thomas Aquinas in his cosmological theories on ...

Content and Process Based Motivation Theories

relationship (Armstrong, 2009, p320). Process theories place an emphasis on the differences that are found in employees, and inste...

Kant/Speculative Beginning of Human History

A 3 page reaction paper to Immanuel Kant’s 1786 text “Speculative Beginning of Human History,” which draws on the Judeo/Christian ...

Juvenile Deliquency as Revealed in Rebel Without A Cause

is an eternity to teenagers. It was his intention to tell the story of a generation coming of age in one night" (Hyams et al PG)....

God's Existence and the Design Argument

from the Appearances of Nature (Beebe, 2002). In this text, Paley wrote: There cannot be design without a designer; contrivance wi...

Affirmative Action Argument

any situation in which society must define how racism, education, employment and opportunity are interwoven, controversy will occu...

Ainsworth/Attachment Theory

following discussion of attachment theory, which particularly focuses on the contributions of Ainsworth, offers an overview of it...

Anselm’s Ontological Arguments

by humanity, without turning to any other body of factual information or knowledge. In other words, it is possible for people to c...

Death Penalty Debate

justice seems to supercede mercy (Budziszewski 39). This author, who is a Professor of Government and Philosophy at the University...

The Arguments For Torture; Are They Right?

in order to extract the location. While it may be distasteful and unconstitutional, it can also be argued as necessary. The tortur...

Toxic Taco’s; The Arguments Surrounding GM Crops

that GM crops have been put through. The consideration can be looked at from a commercial or business perspective, from a govern...

Will Cancelling Debts to Global Financial Institutions Help or Hurt Developing Nations?

and indirectly. Therefore the issue is not only the financial burden, but the conditions that were attached to the loans and the h...