YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Public Health Organizations

Essays 271 - 300

Persuasive Essay on Why People Should Not Eat Fast Food and Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation

products. In addition, Schlosser and many nutritionists have argued that eating fast food is responsible for a record number of c...

E. Coli and Strategy of the Centers for Disease Control in the Twenty First Century

In ten pages this paper examines the public health threat posed by e.coli in a consideration of its causes, treatment options, and...

Chlamydia Treatment and Prevention and the Role of Public Health Nurses

In five pages this illness is examined in terms of the role played by the public health nurse regarding issues of treatment and pr...

Health Care Policy Development and the Roles of Interest Groups and Public Opinion

ability to provide politicians with useful information to which they might not otherwise have access. By joining these groups tha...

Public Policy Issues as State and Local Levels

have stayed essentially the same for decades and that single mothers are most often poverty-stricken. Social Welfare programs, ...

Social Security, Health Care Reform, and Public Policy

success; yet each time they faced defeat. The evolution of these efforts and the reasons for their failure make for an intriguing...

Public and Private Health Care's Rise

no knowledge of the world of bacteria; viruses were unheard of; biochemistry had not been considered at all. In short, there was ...

Health Risks Associated with Tobacco Smoking

associated with smoking: emphysema, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and a multitude...

Dangers of the West Nile Virus to Humans and Animals

horses - just as susceptible as their human counterparts. Symptoms in people include flu-like discomfort, which may turn into ase...

Environmental Impact of the Rhine Region's Pollution

In fifteen pages this paper examines the Rhine in a discussion of how public health and the environment has been adversely affecte...

How Could Global Warming Affect Our Health?

no longer escape from our atmosphere as effectively as it once did. This couples with clear cutting that removes trees that actua...

Adolescent Suicide

nature of both the emotional and the physical changes that are a natural part of adolescence ("Teen," 2003). Annually, close to 5,...

The Functions of Upper Management

was by Socrates, in a political context. The study of military strategy is ancient, examples include; Sun Tzus The Art of War; (ci...

Suggestions for Home Health Care Services' Marketing

with the patient. The problem with this, however, is that therapists and other health care providers dont necessarily have time to...

Alcohol Abuse and Public Health

(Time for coordinated action on alcohol, 2004). It is particularly dangerous to young people, who are more likely than anyone else...

Six Issues in Public Health

way through a crowd of smokers as they enter or leave the building (Smoke-free one year later, 2008). Smoking is a recognized caus...

Smoking and Lung Cancer in Women

a Machiavelli. This assertion could be argued in challenging the central premise of this article. In fact, in order for effecti...

Being a Man in the 1999 Film Boys Don’t Cry

petty crime - such as writing bad checks - to pay for these procedures and as long as he perpetuates the illusion of being a male,...

An Evaluation of EMTALA

costs ("American Academy of Emergency Management: EMTALA," 2008). In some cases, patients without insurance would be sent to a cou...

Role of Public Health Nurse/Diabetes Care

reveals about diabetic populations. The normal digestive processes of the body turn any form of carbohydrate that is consumed in...

Africa and Promoting the Immunization of Children

II. Population The target population for this inquiry are children of the world. However, the population needs to be narrowed as...

Defining and Applying Public Health

innovations as penicillin and automobile seat belts. It encompasses the provisions that are used to insure a safe blood supply an...

Asthma and Public Health Surveillance

effective methods for control in place for asthma and how have treatment measures changed over time? 4. What is the cost of asthm...

Dallas, TX and Obesity Prevention

Dutch, Swedish, Native American and Russian ("Dallas, Texas," 2005). What does this mean? It seems that the largest demographic is...

Systems Thinking Discussion Questions

a solid business case - i.e., saving money - for approaching decisions and projects from the system perspective. If efficient ope...

Corporate Culture: Impact Upon Customer Relations And Social Responsibility

is not something often at the forefront of modern day business dealings. According to Lena C. Pripp-Kovac, head of corporate resp...

Joint Project of the IASB and FASB: Financial Statement Presentation

were quite basic and included such terms as assets, revenues and expenses. FASB further categorized elements of the financial sta...

A Business Plan for Wal-Mart

changing environment. Table of contents 1. Organizational Profile 4...

A Comparison of Data Requirements for Different Organizations

applicable data ("Developing Custom Database Software," 2008). Innovative organizations do however sometimes find that a commercia...

Human Resources Information Systems

same responsibilities it did before the entire face of business changed over the past generation. Rather than being only a cleari...