YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Real Life Fairy Tales and Myths

Essays 511 - 540

Indian Culture and the River Sutra's Healing Powers

In four pages this Indian myth is revealed as being more fiction than based in fact. There are no other sources cited....

Analysis About U.S. Involvement in the Vietnam War and the Creation of Myths

American values were the primary motivation of the U.S. participation in the southeast Asia conflict. Author Richard Slotkin expl...

Greek Mythology and Female Abuse

In six pages the abuse of women in several Greek myths is discussed. There are four bibliographic sources cited....

Mythology and Contemporary Violence

In seven pages this paper discusses past and present myths and violence with examples provided from ancient works The Aeneid, The ...

Literature and Fate

In seven pages the literary device of fate is examined within the context of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Edgar Allan...

'Twelve Labors' and Heracles

of all the mythological. He has always served as the perfect focus for a story-teller. Because of his strength, courage, enduranc...

Heroism in the Myths of Diana and Hercules

In five pages this paper compares these male and female myths in a consideration of heroism resulting from ideal based behavioral ...

Guinevere, Legendary Wife of King Arthur

In ten pages this paper charts the evolution of the Guinevere myth considering its Celtic origins and the contributions of Thomas ...

Definitive Myth of 'A Country Doctor' by Franz Kafka

In five pages Kafka's nightmarish short story is examined in terms of its contemporary myth functionality. There are 7 sources ci...

Mothers on Welfare and Economic Issues

not only helps people survive temporarily, but social programs do provide aid to families which enable them to raise productive fu...

'The Noble Lie' or 'Myths of the Metals' in The Republic by Plato

In five pages this paper examines The Republic in terms of what meaning Plato attached to the 'myths of the metals' and considers ...

Eliade's Ritual and Mythology and Durkheim's Ritual Theory

In six pages Durkheim's ritual perspectives are examined in terms of their implications when applied to Eliade's arguments on ritu...

Frankenstein Myth

In four pages this research paper considers the 'Frankenstein myth' and refutes the premise argued by author Mary Shelley. Three ...

Working With Celebrities is Not Fun and Games

In eight pages this paper dispels the myth that working with motion picture celebrities is a pleasant experience. Fourteen source...

A Homelessness Analysis

In eight pages this research paper examines David Snow and Leon Anderson's 1993 text Down on Their Luck: A Study of Homeless Stree...

America and Religion

In ten pages this sociological paper exposes the myth of American multiculturalism through a consideration of religions including ...

Second World War's Mythological Nature

In four pages this paper examines the myths associated with the Second World War in an analysis of Michael C.C. Adams' The Best Wa...

Sense of Self in The Warrior Woman by Maxine Hong Kingston

In six pages this paper examines Kingston's autobiography in terms of how a woman's sense of self is bolstered by the author throu...

3 Web Sites and the 'Myths' About Gun Control Dispelled

number of guns used in crimes have been stolen from either registered owners or gun store robberies, which goes to show that if a ...

Myths and Rituals in the Jewish Religion

This paper consists of five pages and considers rituals and myths as they pertain to Judaism. Nine sources are cited in the bibli...

Myth Surrounding Freedom of Speech

This paper consists of six pages and discusses the freedom of speech concept and the myth that has arisen that all types of expres...

Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell and American Society

In 7 pages the hero mythology is applied to the society of the United States in a consideration of 3 concepts from The Power of My...

Mind and Body Connection of Thomas Szasz

In five pages this research paper examines the correlation between the mind and body within the context of Dr. Thomas S. Szasz's T...

Increase in Domestic Violence

In fifteen pages domestic violence is examined in terms of abuse types, statistical data, myths surrounding it, cycle of violence ...

Debate on a Postwar Consensus

In thirteen pages the postwar consensus debate is considered in an overview of the texts B. Pimlott's The Myth of Consensus, Antho...

Comprehensive Overview of Domestic Violence

In eighteen pages a comprehensive overview of domestic violence is presented in terms of its various types and includes such issue...

Tlingit Mythology and the Raven

In four pages this paper examines Tlingit mythology and the Raven's role in a discussion of 3 myths. Five sources are cited in th...

Stewart L. Udall's The Myths of August

In eight pages this paper analyzes the theses Stewart L. Udall features in his text The Myths of August A Personal Exploration of...

Greek Philosophers and Myth v. Knowledge

he did not know the true cause of an action he would readily admit to not knowing. This should not be mistaken however for a will...

Christianity Comparison and the Mic Mac Creation Myth

In twelve pages this paper contrasts and compares Christianity's belief with the account of the Mic Mac creation myth. Six source...