YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Summaries of DSM IV Disorders

Essays 421 - 450

A Case Study of Advanced Counseling Techniques

chest, perhaps indicative of a desire for protection from contact that may be painful. Marge did not shake my hand at the onset o...

Middle Aged Women and Eating Disorders

their bodies. However, the study also reveals that this concern with appearance does not diminish with age, which is not the resu...

Legal Brief and Summary of Gideon v. Wainwright

forma pauperis, which means that the usual fees for filing such a petition were waived. Issue The question before the Court in G...

Psychological Overview of Depression and Anxiety

that anxiety is both a physiological and psychological response to stressors. Generally, anxiety is considered a negative emotion...

Behavioral Disorders in Students and the Value of Early Identification and Intervention

encouraged. Activities such as these lead to a number of behavioral problems and in some cases can lead to either voluntary or in...

The Impact of Adult ADD/ADHD on Education

diagnosis of ADD is an extremely complex process, which is complicated by the fact that the symptoms are very similar to other emo...

The Myths of Innovation (Book Review Summaries and Analysis)

the processes used by several investors, something that might be used as inspiration (Matazan, 2008). The gist of this review, asi...

Summary of the PBS Documentary Myths and the Moundbuilders (1980)

this historical puzzle dating back to the novice citizen investigations to the more scientific and sophisticated Illinois River Va...

North Carolina Sex Offender Registry

sentence; 5. when enrolled in a NC institute of higher education 6. when working in the State for more than 14 days or a period th...

Roles in Education/Chapter Summaries

of community and religious leaders, as well as other stakeholders, is to facilitate and aid teachers in their jobs, not to try to ...

Summary and Questions on the Last Three Chapters of Chang-Rae Lee’s Native Speaker

politicians ordeal. Henrys feelings of loneliness and isolation are revealed in a type of flashback manner that links the social ...

Fight Club/Dissociative Identity Disorder

purchase expensive consumer goods. The stress and psychic pain of this situation causes chronic insomnia. A disinterested and unsy...

ADHD: Causes, Behaviors, Strategies

259). Furthermore, the nature of the classroom environmental and the curriculum can also produce symptoms that mimic those of atte...

Gender Identity Patient Disorder Diagnosis, Treatment, and the Film Boys Don’t Cry

by persistent discomfort with ones sex" (Meyenburg, 1999, p. 305). This gender identification with the opposite sex typically com...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in “As Good As It Gets”

and the animal bond, and there is a crack in his offensive fa?ade that allows him to grow and become at least slightly human (Schw...

Delimitations, Summary Sections for Proposed Study

the research team will use a convenience sample of women recruited from a specific geographical area, and the team may choose to l...

Criminal Behavior: John Wilkes Booth

and Bernstein, 2007, p. 78). While Eysenck apparently did not develop his theory of behavior specifically with regard to crime, la...

Summary and Analysis of “Partnerships, Personalization, and Personal Security Top the News”

live in interesting times" (Partnerships, Personalization, and Personal Security Top the News, 2008). In this statement it ...

Sickle Cell Disorders

circulation problems (Bennett, 2005). When oxygenated properly, the cells may return to the normal round shape, unless they are al...

Research Methods for Managers (Chapter Summaries)

the ultimate value of the research7. Here, the authors devote time to addressing a myriad of issues concerning the quality of a re...

A Summary of Five Acts

was the Great Depression and other conditions at the time that mandated the creation of social and economic programs. One has to r...

2 Studies on Phonological Disorders and Reading

should be explored by future research, which should investigate the specific nature of the developmental process. The author furth...

O’Nell/Disciplined Hearts

Part three continues this analysis, focusing on narratives of experience. In creating these discussions of data and the issues the...

Effects of PTSD on Louise Erdrich’s ‘The Red Convertible,’ Ernest Hemingway’s ‘Soldier’s Home,’ and Tim O’Brien’s ‘How to Tell a True War Story’

are particularly harrowing in soldiers that were at some point POWs (Dikel et al 69). Furthermore, the age of the traumatized per...

The Pathophysiology of ADHD

Rubia, Smith, Brammer, Toone, and Taylor (2005) report on the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to demonstrate t...

Summary of Nursing Articles

to reach the disease" (Colwell; 2). The author also examines aspects of surgical treatment, indicating that a particular type of s...

The 8 Best Practices of High Performing Salespeople (Summary and Analysis)

and Utilize a Marketing Plan." In respect to a marketing plan, the author equates this with planning in general (Trainor, 2000). ...

Critique of Qualitative Study/Nutrition

their level of obesity, but, until this study, little was known as to whether or not there is a "relationship between dieting and ...

Article Summary/Critique

realized their overall hypothesis by finding "women in marriages characterized by high levels of satisfaction showed a health adva...

The Blame Game (Article Summary and Review)

than the Bush administration (and even had successes against it, such as foiling a plot to bomb Los Angeles airport and a hotel in...